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BOINC. Accueil | Prêt de chez moi - Le prêt solidaire en circuit court. Fournisseur électricité verte et locale - ilek. GOOD POWER. Blue Bees - Finançons une agriculture ... d'avenir ! Enerfip. Lopin - Partagez vos jardins. IKY.FR, raccourcissez solidaire ! tous vos liens. U2Guide - Do amazing trips & trigger social changes! Films For Action: Watch And Share Films Made To Inspire Action For A Better World.

How it works. Citizencase. AGAINST CORRUPTION TODAY - 5th Pillar. The Problem With Little White Girls (and Boys): Why I Stopped Being a Voluntourist | Pippa Biddle. White people aren’t told that the color of their skin is a problem very often. We sail through police check points, don’t garner sideways glances in affluent neighborhoods, and are generally understood to be predispositioned for success based on a physical characteristic (the color of our skin) we have little control over beyond sunscreen and tanning oil. After six years of working in and traveling through a number of different countries where white people are in the numerical minority, I’ve come to realize that there is one place being white is not only a hindrance, but negative – most of the developing world.

Removing rocks from buckets of beans in Tanzania. In high school, I travelled to Tanzania as part of a school trip. Our mission while at the orphanage was to build a library. Basically, we failed at the sole purpose of our being there. Tying friendship bracelets during my first trip to the Dominican Republic in 2009. Some might say that that’s enough. Like this: Like Loading... Hip Hop For Change. Loomio | Collaborative Decision-Making. Blood of Hope. Recyclebank. Lightsoutmap. These Gadgets Are Designed To Help You Smash Bad Habits. German designer and doctoral student Matthias Laschke knows self-improvement is hard work, so he thinks you should have fun while you're at it.

That's why he and colleagues at the Folkwang University of Arts have created a series of motivational gadgets called "pleasurable troublemakers. " The name might sound like something you hide away in the back of a bedside table, but it's meant as a nod to the fun you can derive from breaking bad habits. "The question was for us: How could we help [people] overcome these obstacles and achieve their goals? " Laschke tells Co.Design. "How could they become the person they want to be? " Laschke and company try to answer those questions through the lens of behavioral science.

Their first gadget was a willpower booster called the Chocolate Machine. The Chocolate Machine is clearly pleasurable, but it also has the potential to develop a person's willpower. Other "troublemakers" have been crafted in a similar spirit of benevolent behavioral nudges. New Resource Bank. Acting on our credo—“rethink, rebuild, renew”—New Resource Bank seeks to model sustainability with our LEED Gold–rated headquarters, ongoing initiatives to reduce our resource consumption, community contributions and programs that educate and engage customers. Our employees are passionate about our mission. The Green Team created our environmental policy and our sustainability challenge to keep us moving ahead in our internal practices and at home. Here are some of the ways we promote sustainability at the bank and in the community.

Reducing our environmental footprint New Resource purchases renewable energy certificates (100 percent wind power) through TerraPass to offset electricity usage and company travel.We reuse, recycle and compost in pursuit of our goal to divert 95 percent of our waste from landfill. Contributing to our community We finance green businesses and cleantech companies that are working to make their operations more sustainable. Educating and connecting customers. Community Trust. Impact — Uncharted Play.

There are not enough people trying to creatively address the social issues facing the global community. The fewer people we have trying to address our problems in unique ways, the less likely we will be able to solve them. According to a 2013 Gallup Poll, over 83% of households in the United States donated to charity and 65% spent time volunteering. This data suggests that people care about social issues. So why aren't more people engaged in social invention? We've isolated two key factors: 1. 2. We want to get as many people to believe they can create something that matters.

Power Sleep. Ryman Eco - the world's most beautiful sustainable font. Le wecena. La Ruche qui dit Oui ! Tripzoom. The mobile Tripzoom-app has been developed as a proof-of-concept to improve the personal mobility of travellers and to share information. We created Tripzoom and three pilot areas in Enschede (NL), Gothenburg (SE) and Leeds (UK) to investigate and test how we can help travellers to get better insight in his/her own mobility pattern;what kind of incentives people value;how we can use social networks to share mobility profiles and create a social experience.

The results of the evaluation of the effects of tripzoom and its operational success will become available soon here! A new personal travelling service The mobile Tripzoom-app helps to improve the personal mobility of travellers and to share information. Be informed. Be smart. Be rewarded. Travelling made social Tripzoom is integrated with social networks like Facebook and Twitter to make traveling a social experience an to let your family, friends, colleagues or buddies help or challenge you in making the smart choice. What about privacy?