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Kartendienst : So haben Sie Google Maps noch nie gesehen - Nachrichten Wirtschaft - Webwelt & Technik. Foto: Google, Computer Bild Zombie Outbreak Simulator: Sie fiebern regelmäßig mit Rick, Glenn und Daryl ums Überleben und bei 28 Tage später denken Sie nicht nur an eine Zeitangabe? Dann ist der Zombie Outbreak Simulator genau das Richtige für Sie. Verwandeln Sie einen Ort Ihrer Wahl in eine Zombie-Hölle und machen Sie sich auf, die Apokalypse abzuwehren – nur mit Pistole und Schrotgewehr ausgestattet.

Gibt es für Ihren "Lieblingsort" noch kein Spielfeld, erstellen Sie es mithilfe des Karten-Editors im Handumdrehen. Für den Ernstfall: Der Simulator berechnet die verbleibende Lebenszeit. Foto: Computer Bild MapsTD: Tower-Defense-Spiele bilden ein Untergenre der Echtzeitstrategie und gehören zu den ältesten Spielideen der Gaming-Branche. Plane Finder: Wohin fliegt das Flugzeug, das gerade am Himmel seine Bahn zieht? The Internet Map: Geht es um Karten im Internet, darf eine Komplettansicht des World Wide Web nicht fehlen. Bilder teilen. Tweetping. Data For Radicals | Data visualization tutorials with a social justice angle.

Word-Art – künstlerisch mit Schrift umgehen - Netzlogbuch. SDSC Image of the Internet Universe on Display at New York’s Museum of Modern Art. SDSC Image of the Internet Universe on Display at New York’s Museum of Modern Art February 20, 2008 By Jan Zverina A visualization depicting a frozen moment of activity in the Internet universe using computer tools at the San Diego Supercomputer Center at the University of California, San Diego, will be part of a special exhibit set to open later this month at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. The MOMA exhibit, called Design and the Elastic Mind, highlights the dramatic changes we have been experiencing as a society in what once were some of the most established dimensions of human life: time, space, matter, and individuality.

The showing focuses on examples of successful translations of “disruptive innovation,” as well as reflections on the future responsibilities of design. Of particular interest is the exploration of the relationship between design and science, particularly the approach to scale. Both government and industry participate in SDSC’s CAIDA program. Walrus - Graph Visualization Tool. Source Code Available The source code to Walrus is now available under the GNU GPL. You may download the source code below. Description Walrus is a tool for interactively visualizing large directed graphs in three-dimensional space.

It is technically possible to display graphs containing a million nodes or more, but visual clutter, occlusion, and other factors can diminish the effectiveness of Walrus as the number of nodes, or the degree of their connectivity, increases. Walrus computes its layout based on a user-supplied spanning tree. Walrus uses 3D hyperbolic geometry to display graphs under a fisheye-like distortion. Walrus is being developed by Young Hyun at CAIDA. Applicability Please note that Walrus currently has the following requirements, restrictions, or limitations which may render it unsuitable for a given problem domain or dataset: Only directed graphs are supported.Only connected graphs with reachable nodes are supported.

Galleries Implemented Features Requirements Download. Gephi, an open source graph visualization and manipulation software. Canviz - JavaScript library for drawing Graphviz graphs to a web browser canvas.