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How To Write a Letter of Intent: Template, Example. A letter of intent is typically written by a student who is trying to sell himself to an undergraduate college/university, a graduate school, an athletic department at a college/university, or a business that provides an internship.

How To Write a Letter of Intent: Template, Example

The purpose of the letter of intent is a sales pitch. You are selling yourself and your abilities. Writing a letter of intent is similar to writing a cover letter for your resume - so similar, in fact, that I recommend you check out Amazing Cover Letters for some solid advice. However, letters of intent are geared more toward student programs or entry-level positions. As a student, you have probably spent a great deal of time researching the schools and programs that interest you. How to Write a Good Preface. A good preface can be your best advertising campaign.

How to Write a Good Preface

Learn how to write a good preface and attract more readers. A preface is a small introduction to a book, usually written by the author. It shouldn’t be mistaken for the foreword, which is an introductory note written by a person other than the author. The foreword usually precedes the preface. How to make your own infographic. 102 Flares Twitter 36 Facebook 14 Google+ 30 LinkedIn 12 inShare12 Buffer 10 102 Flares × Looking for more shares for your content, links to your site and more attention to the information you are sharing?

How to make your own infographic

Infographics are a visual way of representing your data. It is not suitable for all data but for the data that it is suited to it gets a lot more attention than just text. If you promote the infographic to other relevant sites they may also publish it and this leads to more attention and links. We recently got an infographic produced with the guys at Socially Sorted. In this article we discuss how to make your own infographic using 5 different tools: 1. Cost: It is free to use with 7 themes but you’ll have Piktochart branding which is not suitable for most businesses. This review is based on the $29 paid version. Infographics made easy. Top 20 Best PowerPoint Presentations. Looking for the best PowerPoint presentations to inspire you?

Top 20 Best PowerPoint Presentations

We searched high and low to provide you with an out of this world list of the best PowerPoint presentation designs. Presentations don’t only have to be used the day of your pitch. Now with sites like SlideShare, presentations are a great medium for creating unique content. From Slideshares to Ted Talks, here’s a top 20 list of the best PowerPoint presentation designs. …And feel free to laugh at the irony of us using bullet points while we applaud presenters for not using them! OWL: Paraphrase Exercises.

Summary: This resource discusses how to paraphrase correctly and accurately.

OWL: Paraphrase Exercises

Contributors:Purdue OWLLast Edited: 2016-06-30 09:41:14 Learn to borrow from a source without plagiarizing. For more information on paraphrasing, as well as other ways to integrate sources into your paper, see the Purdue OWL handout Quoting Paraphrasing, and Summarizing. For more information about writing research papers, see our resource on this subject. OWL: Creating a Thesis Statement. Summary: This resource provides tips for creating a thesis statement and examples of different types of thesis statements.

OWL: Creating a Thesis Statement

Contributors:Elyssa Tardiff, Allen BrizeeLast Edited: 2014-02-10 10:44:43. Academic Writing. These OWL resources will help you with the types of writing you may encounter while in college.

Academic Writing

The OWL resources range from rhetorical approaches for writing, to document organization, to sentence level work, such as clarity. For specific examples of writing assignments, please see our Common Writing Assignments area. The Rhetorical Situation This presentation is designed to introduce your students to a variety of factors that contribute to strong, well-organized writing. This presentation is suitable for the beginning of a composition course or the assignment of a writing project in any class. Establishing Arguments These OWL resources will help you develop and refine the arguments in your writing. Logic in Argumentative Writing This resource covers using logic within writing—logical vocabulary, logical fallacies, and other types of logos-based reasoning.

Paragraphs and Paragraphing. Creating Good Paragraphs. Twitter / Home. Discipulis - home. National & Kapodistrian University of Athens - Type to search for People, Research Interests and Universities Searching...

National & Kapodistrian University of Athens -

Change Photo AboutPapers2 Add Contact Information Edit Message Antonis Antonis Michailidis National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Philology, Department of Classics, Post-Docedit Classics, Greek Literature, Latin Literature, Modern Greek literature, Classics. Papers Reorder Add Paper Κριτικά και ερμηνευτικά σχόλια στον Περί του ζεύγους λόγο του Ισοκράτηmore by Antonis Michailidis Share EditDeleteMove section Ο ρόλος του σύνθετου επιθέτου στο έργο του Αισχύλουmore View on profile views document views followers Join Antonis and 9,071,518 other researchers on Connect with Facebook not now Log In Log In with Facebook Log In with Google or or reset password Need an account? Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Academia © 2014. Anmih1 - A.nnotate home. Magnoto - antmichailidis - Homepage. Create a free website and a free blog. ΓΕΛ ΘΡΑΚΟΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΩΝ’s Newsfeed.



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