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PatrickJMT. Animated Engines. - StumbleUpon. Fonts} :: Illustration & Design, Digital Scrapbooking, Free Fonts, Tutorials and more!&|&free fonts. 50 Drinking Games Guaranteed to Get You Hammered. What’s more fun than hanging out with your friends, getting plastered, and making an ass of yourself? Playing drinking games, hanging out with your friends, getting plastered, and making an ass of yourself.

I’m sure in your years of wisdom and experience, you’ve come across a few drinking games. Here are some of your favorites and most likely some you’ve never seen. 1. Across the Bridge You need: A deck of cards and 2 or more people Deal ten cards face down in a straight line. 2. You need: One quarter, a pitcher, beer (of course), 8+ people (2 teams) Pour beer into the pitcher. 3. You need: One deck of cards and 4 people The play: Start by dealing out all of the cards. Ranking system: The four players are ranked as follows for each round played. - President: The first person to go out - Vice President: The second person to go out - Secretary: The third person to go out - Asshole: The last person to go out Ranking Privileges: 4. Don’t worry. 5. Place a deck of cards on an empty bottle. 6. 7. 8.

- StumbleUpon. Perpetual Futility A short history of the search for perpetual motion. by Donald E. Simanek Popular histories too often present perpetual motion machines as "freaks and curiosities" of engineering without telling us just how they were understood at the time. They also fail to inform us that even in the earliest history of science and engineering, many persons were able to see the futility and folly of attempts to achieve perpetual motion. Sometimes a particular device comes to us with a label, such as "Bishop Wilkins' magnetic perpetual motion machine. " Popular articles leave the impression that the inventor believed it was a perpetual motion machine. Bhaskara's Wheels. Villard de Honnecourt was born in the late 12th century and probably lived and worked in the north of France from 1225 to 1250. The most celebrated of his machine designs was for a perpetual motion wheel. Villard's diagram shows seven hammers, and he insisted on an odd (uneven) number of hammers, explaining 56.

That's it. Lesson Plan for Making a Speaker Laboratory. ©1995 The Regents of the University of California by Regan Lum Introduction: A speaker is a device that converts an electronic signal into sound. The speaker you will build (see figure 1) consists of a Styrofoam or paper cup, a coil of wire, a permanent magnet, and a signal source. The electronic signal goes through the coil and creates a varying electromagnet. Figure 1 Purpose: In this laboratory, you will explore how a speaker works. Materials: 1 permanent magnet 2 feet of wire 1 pencil tape or glue 1 Styrofoam or paper cup 1 signal source (tape player) 1 plug with alligator clips for tape player Procedure: Assemble material as shown in figure 1.

Leaving about 10 centimeters on the end, wrap the wire around a pencil to make a wire coil and tape or glue it to the bottom of the cup. Conclusion Does the volume control on the tape player work on your speaker? Return to CEA Science Education Home Page. Particles :: physics simulation | dhtml experiment :: seb chevrel. Physics I: Classical Mechanics - Download free content from MIT. Bobby McFerrin hacks your brain with music.

TodoRobot. Time Will End in Five Billion Years, Physicists Predict. Our universe has existed for nearly 14 billion years, and as far as most people are concerned, the universe should continue to exist for billions of years more. But according to a new paper, there's one theory for the origins of the universe that predicts time itself will end in just five billion years—coincidentally, right around the time our sun is slated to die. The prediction comes from the theory of eternal inflation, which says our universe is part of the multiverse. This vast structure is made up of an infinite number of universes, each of which can spawn an infinite number of daughter universes. (Related: "New Proof Unknown 'Structures' Tug at Our Universe. ") The problem with a multiverse is that anything that can happen will happen an infinite number of times, and that makes calculating probabilities—such as the odds that Earth-size planets are common—seemingly impossible.

And calculating probabilities in a multiverse wouldn't just be a problem for cosmologists. Frases de Amar. Ama hasta que te duela. Si te duele es buena señal. Te amo para amarte y no para ser amado, puesto que nada me place tanto como verte a ti feliz. Amar no es solamente querer, es sobre todo comprender. Aprendemos a amar no cuando encontramos a la persona perfecta, sino cuando llegamos a ver de manera perfecta a una persona imperfecta. Sam Keen(1931-?) Escritor, profesor y filósofo americano. Ni la ausencia ni el tiempo son nada cuando se ama. Ama y haz lo que quieras. El que ha conocido sólo a su mujer y la ha amado, sabe más de mujeres que el que ha conocido mil. Amar no es mirarse el uno al otro; es mirar juntos en la misma dirección.

La señal de que no amamos a alguien es que no le damos todo lo mejor que hay en nosotros. Amar es encontrar en la felicidad de otro tu propia felicidad. Juegos de ingenio del club Mensa. God's Number is 20. Aprenda a desarrollar su inteligencia creativa. El primer paso es enunciar el problema de forma clara. Al plantear la cuestión a resolver, se debe tener la inamovible convicción de que no es un imposible. Nuestro trabajo será, entonces, que la solución parta de adentro nuestro y por propia iniciativa.

Lo mejor es agarrar papel y lápiz y definir nuestro problema en una simple oración. A continuación, anotar todo lo que sepamos acerca del problema o desafío que debamos superar. Recolectando toda la información que tengamos disponible acerca de nuestro problema y exhibirla ante nuestros ojos de forma tangible, permitimos que entre en acción nuestra mejor herramienta en estos casos: el cerebro. También es bueno pensar en personas que se hayan enfrentado a situaciones similares. Llegando a las soluciones Al revisar el enunciado de nuestro problema y el listado de información conexa, anotemos las ideas adicionales que se nos vayan ocurriendo.

Salirse un poco de los propios zapatos es otro enfoque que nos puede resultar útil. Métodos de Batería. Braingate.