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Take Three! 55 Digital Tools and Apps for Formative Assessment Success. There is no shortage of strategies, techniques, and tools available to teachers who use formative assessment in their classrooms. It’s been over a year since we published our blog on digital tools and apps for formative assessment success and some of them we listed are no longer around. The good news is that there are new tools and apps that are available today that can help facilitate evidence of student learning.

Here is an updated version of our list of digital tools and apps for formative assessment success. Share your tools, ideas, and thoughts with us so we can continue to keep this list growing and current. These 55 tools and apps for formative assessment success give teachers (and students) many options and opportunities for classroom success. If you use any of these tools tell us what you think of them and how they’re working for you.

24 Of The Best PDF Tools For Teachers - 24 Of The Best PDF Tools For Teachers contributed by Veronica Johnson In today’s world, teachers are handling many different kinds of documents and related media. As the digital revolution happened, those paper piles that once stood on a teacher’s desk are slowly disappearing. One of the safest and most versatile ways to preserve something important is to save it in a digital file format, and one of the most used digital types for storing educational documents is the Portable Document Format, or PDF. PDFs are the most popular format among teachers because it costs nothing to make, and it’s a universal type, meaning files will appear the same to everyone and on every platform. One major advantage that PDF files have is the fact they cannot be edited or manipulated easily.

While this is a benefit, it also can be a pain. Luckily, we’ve taken the time to search and find some of best PDF tools and apps that teachers can use. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. iConverter 15. 17. 19. 12 Tools That Made The Biggest Difference In My Teaching | TeachThought. 12 Tools That Made The Biggest Difference In My Teaching This Year Rachelle Dene Poth There are so many digital tools available today to promote student learning in the classroom. The task is in figuring out what you need for your classroom. What could benefit your students the most? Over the past year, I took as many opportunities to learn as I could, spending time gathering information from reading books and blogs, staying active through social media in Twitter chats, Voxer groups, and by attending many conferences, both physically and virtually. I am still a learner, and even though I rely on my PLN and these other professional development experiences, sometimes I find it more beneficial to take a risk and just try something new in class, and see what happens.

Here are twelve of the tools that made a difference in our classroom this year, in no specific order, and certainly not an all inclusive list. Communication, Collaboration 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Nearpod Formative Quizizz Buncee BloomzApp. Bunkr - Present any web content.


Office. OFFICE mm. Webtools: No Registration Needed for Students. Welcome to my list of webtools that don’t require student registration. This started off as a simple curation for myself and has ballooned into something that I never thought would get this big. And it is still growing. I started added comments to each link, but that is taking a long time to complete. Please bear with me as I update it. While I do try to verify each link on a regular basis, please be aware that websites do change and some of these sites may no longer be active or may have switched to a paid version.

Also, some of these sites rely on advertisements and so be careful when using with younger students. Free. Over the next while, I will be adding labels to each of these to designate whether you can use this site without any registration at all or will need the use of a class code given by the teacher. If you find a bad link, bad site, or any other error, please let me know through the comment section. Index QR Codes Create Decode online Return to the Index Survey and Polls Maps. THE TEACHER'S GUIDE TO TECH: AN EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY HANDBOOK. Stop feeling overwhelmed by technology! This handbook makes learning technology simple and FAST by grouping over 100 tech tools into 30 categories, explaining them in clear, simple language, and giving you practical, inspiring ideas for using each tool in and out of the classroom.

This digital binder is an interactive PDF built with tons of navigation links and a clickable table of contents and index that make it super easy to jump back and forth between sections, so you can find what you need fast. For a closer look, watch this Personal Video Tour. Or view the complete Table of Contents. Other Features: * Full-color screenshots of each tool in action, a direct link to each tool's website and a short video demonstrating each tool in use. * A glossary of over 80 technology terms, with clear definitions in simple language. * A clickable index of terminology, tools, and concepts that will take you directly to each page where the term is used. * Concerned about this information getting outdated? Mac Basics - Apple Support. 50 best Mac tips, tricks and timesavers. Your Mac can do millions of things, but sometimes even the best of us forget some of the cool stuff it can do - so we're here to help jog your memory. Some of these tips need recent versions of OS X, but not all of them do.

In some cases, some are little features that Apple has sneaked into upgrades that you might have totally missed, and some might be a classic lightbulb moment of "I'd totally forgotten you could do that! " This is neither a formal nor an exhaustive list; we've just put our heads together to gather the fifty tips we think are awesome. 1. Control a Mac remotely There are dozens of ways of controlling a Mac across the internet, which you might want to do to schedule a recording, start a download and so on.

So long as the remote Mac is on, logged into an account tied to your iCloud login (through System Preferences) and connected to the internet, it should appear under Shared in your Finder sidebar. 2. Your Mac is just as good a listener as it is a talker, though. 3. 10 Mac Tips Every Teacher Should Know about. July 9, 2015 Mac is an incredible piece of gadgetry and an ideal companion for teachers. It has tons of features and functionalities that can make your digital life way easier and more productive. To help you make the best of your Mac, we are sharing with you 10 essential and probably basic tips. Check out the resources at the end of this post for more advanced tips. 1- Take A Screenshot Skitch is an excellent app to use with your Mac for taking screenshots and annotating them.

However, if you want a simple and easy way to grab a screenshot of your Mac these key combination will do the job. To capture the entire screen, click on Shift, Command and number 3. If you want to capture only part of the screen, click on Command, Shift and number 4. 2- Type special characters There are tons of special characters integrated in you Mac OS X and which you can easily insert in your documents and posts. 4- Sign documents You can also insert your signature into PDFs on your Mac. 8- Parental Control. Här hittar du de bästa digitala verktygen till det du vill göra. Balancing Independent Work Time With Group Work.

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