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Tour the Amazon with Street View. World-Wide Labyrinth Locator - Welcome. National Geographic - Inspiring People to Care About the Planet. World’s Largest Maze. Franco Maria Ricci, the publisher behind Luigi Serafini’s Codex Seraphinianus, just completed a 17.5 acre maze at Fontanellato, Italy. His labyrinth of bamboo hedges near Parma reportedly comes in at five times the size of the Pineapple Garden Maze on Hawaii, the largest permanent hedge maze in the Guinness Book of Records. The maze will open to the public in 2012 once a visitors’ center is built. [image & story via the guardian] Riccis’ maze will join several other elaborate, life-size puzzles around the world. SpotCoolStuff has a great roundup of some of the most magnificent mazes. Visitors to the 16th Century Longleat House in Wiltshire England can roam around the ground’s safari park and lose themselves in the hedge maze.

Unlike other a-mazes, the walls of the maze at Château & Jardins de Villandry in Villandry, France are short enough for adults to see over. Visita few more incredible mazes at SpotCoolStuff. Share this post. °°°°°°°THEIR CIRCULAR LIFE°°°°°°° MapCrunch - Random Google Street View. Profiler - create a topographic profile. Import file (KML, KMZ, GPX) loaded layer and topographic profile of the route. Sometimes, some files do not automatically create a profile! Zoom: 15Counter markers: 2Status: REQUEST_DENIEDАzimuth: 73°Mouse px: ...Lat.

/Lon.: ...Center point: -25.343780041796837, 131.03412500000002Center point location: no data How to make a topographic profile? Reset Find your area of interest on the map Select the cursor min. 2 points (max. 300) Ready – site profile will be generated in seconds Embed the chart on your site Copy and save the link to the chart Add the route to the map Program Geocontext-Profiler allows you to make topographic profiles anywhere on Earth in the seabed and ocean floor. Within the program, you can find some advanced options that allow you to create a profile along the road, bicycle and pedestrian paths, and measuring the slope angle. Geocontext-Profiler on your website? Video: GEOCONTEXT-GISGoogle Maps JS API V3 – and How to make a topographic profile? Video: Globe Genie - Joe McMichael. Weltklang Navigator. Die Karte zeigt dir an, welche Orte du bereits anhören kannst. Überall, wo sich Navigator-Symbole befinden, haben andere AUDIYOU-Nutzer Geräusche oder Atmos aufgenommen.

Klicke einfach die Symbole an, dann öffnet sich ein Player mit dem du den Beitrag abspielen kannst. Mit der Seitenleiste kannst du über + und - in die Karte reinzoomen oder rauszoomen. Mit dem Handsymbol kannst du den Bereich verschieben. Beim Weltklang Navigator kann man übrigens nicht nur zuhören, sondern auch mitmachen! Wir wünschen eine gute Reise! Hier geht es zur Startseite von AUDIYOU Hier geht es zum Weltklangnavigator Hier geht es zu Hört mal - Hamburg Hier geht es zu Hört mal - Aschaffenburg. 5 Great Sites for Exploring Cities Around the Globe. When Google launched its panoramic photomapping service back in 2007, it was the first time many netizens had the chance to explore a swathe of detailed street-level photos from their armchairs.

In the U.S., Street View's rivals now include Microsoft's Silverlight-powered "Streetside" via Bing Maps and MapQuest's 360 View. Elsewhere in the world, other international sites offer rival photomapping for their particular part of the globe, even as the reach of Google's Street View steadily increases. We've picked our five favorite websites from around the world that offer extensive street level imagery from places as varied as Munich, Mae Hong Son, Moscow and Miskolc.

So grab your Panama hats and get ready to hit the virtual sidewalks of streets many, many miles away, then let us know your favorite services in the comments below. City8 NORC's photo mapping services cover Eastern and Central Europe. MapJack SightWalk Yandex BONUS: VideoStreetView.