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Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 8 Good TED Talks to Help You With... January 22, 2017 Glossophobia, or fear of public speaking, is a common thing among a large number of adults.

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 8 Good TED Talks to Help You With...

There are several reasons that factor in this phobia from social/psychological anxieties to speech pathologies. But regardless of what it is that makes some people shun away from facing an audience, glossophobia can be overcome through self-help (e.g reading books that tackle the problem, watching videos…etc), coaching, or even through direct assistance from professionals. In today’s post, we are sharing with you some excellent tips on how to overcome public speaking anxiety and deliver engaging talks. The tips are scattered across 8 great TED talks and visualized in the infographic below. This visual is created by the folks in Visualistan and we learned about it through Larry Ferlazzo’s Pinterest Page.

33 ways to speak better English. If you’re reading this, I imagine you want to speak better English and communicate in a more confident and competent way.

33 ways to speak better English

When we communicate effectively we are able to express our ideas and opinions, share experiences, and build relationships with others. When we struggle to express ourselves, we feel unvalued and insecure. As human beings, we want to participate in group discussions and have an impact on the society around us. In the modern world, we communicate across borders.

English is the closest thing we have to an international language. By speaking better English, people all over the world can hear our voice. Well, English teachers and English classes definitely help. What you need is to become a self-directed learner, somebody who takes responsibility for their own learning and creates their own learning programme to develop their English. Now, it’s certainly true that speaking is a social activity and is best done with other people. You can do the same with your English.


Dialects. Pronunciation. Lesson starters. Directions - All Things Topics. CAE Speaking Phrases. This post was nominated for a British Council blog award!

CAE Speaking Phrases

Follow me on twitter Here’s a phrase list for the CAE speaking exam. There are also some speech bubble powerpoints to drill the language in class, click on each phrase to make it disappear. Drill all the phrases repeatedly taking one out each time until the class can repeat all 5 expressions by heart. I got the amazing speech bubble powerpoint template from thanks guys! Download the handout and speech bubble powerpoints here: CAE Speaking Phrases recall-speech-bubbles-cae-speaking CAE Speaking Phrases Like this: Like Loading... Speak in English online - the best way to improve English speaking skills. Speed Chatting – pratigt, roligt och lärorikt. Nu tänker jag bjuda på ett lektionsupplägg som eleverna gillar och som brukar vara mycket lyckat.

Speed Chatting – pratigt, roligt och lärorikt.

Det handlar om speed chatting. Ja, det låter nästan som speed dating och det är nästan vad det är. Jag möblerar salen så att det blir ett eller två långbord beroende på hur salen ser ut och hur många elever det är i klassen. Eleverna sitter vid bordet och bildar par med den som sitter mittemot. Uppgiften är att samtala med sin partner om ett givet ämne i en minut, sedan flyttar eleverna på ena sidan bordet sig ett steg åt vänster och därmed får alla en ny samtalspartner. Jag brukar introducera den här samtalsövningen i år 7, då får eleverna titta på bilder som jag satt ihop i ett bildspel och diskutera det de ser och associerar till. Övningen går att variera på flera olika sätt: prata om ord, påståenden, korta filmklipp, låta eleverna sitta i grupper eller att prata under längre tid. Language Exchange Community - Practice Foreign Languages. Image bank.

Aida Kucukovic - Photos de la publication de Aida.