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Easy Pompom Rug Video. Pompom With A Cardboard Disc Video. Rag Rug. Photos by Erin Nolan 2016 | Background One of my brothers used to always insist on going to the Duxford Imperial War Museum for his birthday every year to see all the planes he loved so much, and I think it must have been there somewhere maybe that I saw it first – a craft commonly practised by those hiding away in their bomb shelters during the Blitzing of Britain and so presumably displayed or described somewhere in the general World War 2 section of the hangars.

Rag Rug

Making a rag rug. They can be extraordinarily pretty looking things and sound incredibly easy to make – no sewing or gluing. Ideal craft project. Pompom Rug. Now we can say we are true fans of rugs.

Pompom Rug

The is going to be a nice collection of them on Handimania soon. First there was a Hula Hoop T-shirt Rug, which was an easy and fun craft for kids to make. Second was fluffy, and as some say "hard to clean", but still effective Recycled Rag Rug, and last but not least, Crochet Rag Rug for those familiar with the hook. Amazing Rugs. Rugs are nice to be used for bringing color to a room, but rugs can be also expensive and to find the one that matches the color of your taste can be difficult.

Amazing Rugs

However, why do you need to go and hunt for the perfect rug for your room? Because there are many different ways of creating your own dream rug, it can be from simple paint jobs to more custom creations, we are presenting you here many different ways of creating your own rug, so there are no lack of ideas that you can add color and style to your home without breaking the bank. 1. Pom Pom Fruit. Colorful Pompom Rug. A pompom rug is easy to make and is cuddly and colorful.

Colorful Pompom Rug

This step-by-step guide will show you how to do it. It isn’t always easy to choose the perfect rug to complete a special corner of the house. When is the right size, maybe the color does not fit, and vice versa. Therefore, the model made of wool pompoms is a proposal to those who want a custom piece, beautiful and simple to create. “Just have some skill at craftsmanship,” says Eliane Palmieri, coordinator of creation and courses of Paramount Textiles, Sao Paulo. Fluffy Pom-Pom Rug. Make Pom Poms Faster. Sick of the cardboard circle method?

Make Pom Poms Faster

I’ll show you how to make pom poms much much faster! When I was about 10 years old we learned how to make pom poms at school using the traditional “cardboard circle” method . It was kind of fun, but it took forever , especially if you wanted to make a big pom pom. I wouldn’t be surprised if this way of making pom poms was invented by teachers specifically to keep children occupied for an hour. It’s just sooo slow! Thankfully, as an adult, I realized there’s an faster way. Pompom & Pipe Cleaner Dolls.

This week I made the girls some little pom pom and pipe cleaner dolls.

Pompom & Pipe Cleaner Dolls

They were a hit! You could turn them into fairies with the addition of a pair of paper or felt wings glued to the back but I thought they were cute enough as plain dolls and left them as is. The girls quickly named them Fireball, Sunshine and Lily, can you guess which is which? Felted Stone Rug. I was going to hold off on posting this, but I put the pics up on Craftster and the response has been, well, enthusiastic.

Felted Stone Rug

I love this project and just can't wait anymore. **** COBI!! Do not read this post. Go play Flight of the Hamsters or something instead. Is she gone? Approximately 21" x 16"Wool remnants, hand and machine felted, sewn together with nylon twine. Pom Pom Hedgehogs. Mini Pom-Pom. This is rather a fast and easy tutorial to make mini pom-pom with your own 2 fingers, some yarns and a pair of scissors.

Mini Pom-Pom

Pom Poms With Template. In part one (see part one here), I mentioned three different ways to make pom poms: with your fingers, with a tool, and with a fork.

Pom Poms With Template

Now I’m going to show you how to make pom poms using a template. First, we’ll make the template. What You Need: cardboard cup or compass (for technical drawing) scissors pencil measuring tape (optional) The first thing you’ll do is trace a circle. Make Pom Poms With A Fork. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a pom pom is “an ornamental ball or tuft used especially on clothing, caps, or costumes”.

Make Pom Poms With A Fork

Technically, they are of no real necessity compared to a hat or scarf, and yet they are so adorable and cute! Who doesn’t like a tiny tuft of yarn on the top of their hat or on the end of their scarf?! Pom poms are incredibly easy ways to brighten up any project. Besides the aforementioned, you can also attach them to the corners of a pillow, border of a blanket, or anywhere else you might want them. Bedside Pom Pom Rug. I’m putting the finishing touches on the joint kids room now and am excited to show it to you soon!

It’s been a real challenge to bring together elements for both a 6 yr old boy and 9 month old girl. A fun one though. I’m sharing one project for the room today: a DIY pom pom rug. I wanted to make something soft to stand on and soothe Edie in her crib when she got up in the middle of the night and thought a DIY pom pom rug would be the perfect addition. Also, it adds a touch of feminine when the room is feeling much more masculine right now. Making Pompoms in Bulk. I’m always looking for ways to save time. I am currently working on a feature for Discovery Girls magazine that absolutely needed some pompoms–a lot of them. The thought of doing each one individually nearly took me under. The process to make them in bulk is quite easy and definitely beats making those little cardboard templates, which drive me nuts. 14 at a time?

Now, we’re talking. Add some neon thread to your final pile of poms and you’ve got a fun garland to hang anywhere– great party fare or tween room dec. Here is the tutorial for making pompoms in bulk. Materials. Pom Pom Fruit. It’s been quiet here recently as we’re still mostly working on getting our fruity Apple & Pear Houses ready over at Rock & Pebble, but I see them all coming together nicely and they might even be ready to ship in less than a couple of weeks now.

To celebrate, we’re going all tutti frutti this week! Ok, skip the promo (blush!) And now on to the pompoms. If you’re feeling a bit deficient in vitamin C after a long winter like us, this is where we’ll top up our extra fruit portions! They make great play foods that are soft to hold and colorful to the eye. Out of these fruit pompoms, I’ve managed step-by-step tutorial pics for the strawberry, kiwi, lemon and watermelon with some diagrams and trimming tips. The strawberry pompom is probably the easiest one so you can make a few in no time and kids will love a handful of them. As you can see, I’m still using the cardboard pompom maker I made for the previous pompoms and it’s now looking decidedly shabby in the photos. 1. 2. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. Pom Pom Flowers. I have a thing for flowers that look like pom poms. Mums, allium, chive blossoms, dahlias – love ‘em! Since fresh flowers aren’t always in the budget, and because I have a brown thumb, I started thinking about what I could do to brighten up our apartment with flowers without actually using flowers.

Soon, the idea for some sort of pom pom flower started bouncing around in my head, and this is what I came up with. Animal Pompoms. After making those flower pompoms, I couldn’t help making more. Maybe it’s called procrastination. I have hundreds of other things on my to-do list, but then this week I thought, well, hey let’s just make more pompoms! Among many other ideas, I went for having a go at animal pompoms. Wooly Sheep Keyring. Recycled Sewn Denim Scatter Rug. Here's a denim rug recycled from a variety of thinner denim fabrics, such as those used for shirts or skirts.

Joyce, the designer, drew inspiration from her Grandma B's hand-made scatter rugs, usually made with non-fraying double-knits. T-Shirt Shag Rug. Here it is, finally! Rag Rug.