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Wilson's Flipped Lab. iTunes – Podcaster – The Flip Side with Jon Bergmann från BAM Radio Network -... Flipped Classroom Best Practices from Clintondale High School. How’s this for an approach to learning about how to implement flipped teaching and learning: look to cases where the use of these techniques have been assessed and proven effective and identify common themes and practices?

Flipped Classroom Best Practices from Clintondale High School

I recently started ‘mining’ measured successes of flipped teaching for Best Practices for a presentation I am doing in June at UB Tech 2014 (“Flipped Classroom Success Stories (and How to Make Yours Happen!) “. I realized each of these stories would make a great article for the site here. I Gang med Flipped Classroom. 7 Excellent Free Blended Learning Resources – Understanding the Whys and Hows... “Blended Learning” has many definitions.

7 Excellent Free Blended Learning Resources – Understanding the Whys and Hows...

Here’s one I really like, “Blended Learning is … a shift to online delivery for a portion of the day to make students, teachers and schools more productive. Now That Was Easy.

Respons o presentations-verktyg

Smart Do's & Don'ts in a Flipped class. The 5 Most Important Things I’ve Learned in 5 Years of Living EmergingEdTech. I’ve had an amazing, inspiring, and incredibly educational experience while evolving EmergingEdTech into one of the most visited education technology sites on the Web over the last 5+ years.

The 5 Most Important Things I’ve Learned in 5 Years of Living EmergingEdTech

The site now averages over 50,000 unique visitors a month and is approaching 20,000 subscribers consuming content across a handful of social media platforms. I can hardly believe that it’s become so popular, and I feel blessed and humbled by it. I couldn’t be more grateful for the relationships I’ve built, the things I’ve learned, and the gratitude of so many readers. While preparing for a much needed vacation, I found myself reflecting this week on how much I’ve learned since launching the site in the spring of 2009. 27 Ways To Promote Intrinsic Motivation In The Classroom. 27 Ways To Promote Intrinsic Motivation In The Classroom by TeachThought Staff We’ve talked about the definition of intrinsic motivation in the past.

27 Ways To Promote Intrinsic Motivation In The Classroom

We’ve also talked about some basic ways to improve student motivation. This time, it’s Mia MacMeekin‘s turn to speak to you about the same, but through gridded, blocked, and easy to read infographics. The graphic starts with a definition for both intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation, then offers 27 verbs that can help promote that magic stuff that is characterized by curiosity, effort, engagement, and academic success. Some were a little iffy–“praise” and “milestones” seemed a little closer to extrinsic motivation.

How to Make Sure Your Students Have Access to Flipped Learning Content. This is a concern that is frequently cited when teachers start down the road to the flipped classroom.

How to Make Sure Your Students Have Access to Flipped Learning Content

There are plenty of you working in districts where a significant portion of the population is economically disadvantaged, and most school districts have tight budgets, so this can be a very real issue. The good news is that many teachers have overcome this obstacle. One Example from the Flipped High School This excerpt is from the CNN article, “My View: Flipped classrooms give every student a chance to succeed”.

5 Successful BYOD Practices and Policies for the Schools. Are you thinking about implementing BYOD in your school?

5 Successful BYOD Practices and Policies for the Schools

Or have you already done so, and had to overcome some obstacles? Businesses everywhere have been buzzing about the potential benefits that can be gained from an effective Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program. Some companies are already seeing results, including greater productivity among the workforce and happier employees who are satisfied to be using devices they are familiar with.

While BYOD continues to evolve in the business place, the movement has also been gaining momentum in education. Image Source: Secure Edge Networks Blog Many schools have 1-to-1 device programs, and requiring students to own a computer has been common on residential college campuses for years. It should come as no surprise that 87% of college students consider what an institution offers in technology when choosing a school.

Flipped Classroom -v- Flipped Learning. In preparation for my upcoming IB workshop on flipping the classroom, I've been reading everything I can about the benefits of the flip on student learning.

Flipped Classroom -v- Flipped Learning

One of the best arguments in favor of making the flip has been an article that appeared in the May edition of ISTE's magazine Learning and Leading with Technology by Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams. I'm summarizing parts of this article here as I think it will provide a useful starting point for our workshop participants. To start with Bergmann and Sams argue that the flipped classroom is not simply a new fad - teachers have always assigned reading to be done at home, followed by class periods discussing and developing the understanding of the ideas in the reading. It's not the trick! Vad en legendarisk magiker kan lära oss om IT i skolan. Alla som någon gång ens nosat på magin som konstform känner till ett namn: Dai Vernon.

It's not the trick! Vad en legendarisk magiker kan lära oss om IT i skolan

Han började trolla när han var sex år och fortsatte kontinuerligt resterande 92 år av sitt liv. 98 år gammal lämnade Dai Vernon – som med rätta också kallades The professor – ett gigantiskt magiskt arv efter sig. Dai Vernon – the professor En av de mest utbredda citat från The professor är: ITS NOT THE TRICK! ITS NOT THE TRICK! ITS NOT THE TRICK!. CS Nyheter. Exempel på utvecklingsarbeten läsåret 2013/14. Slutpresentationerna inom forskningscirkeln gjordes 2/6 vilket också utgjorde avslutningen på forskningscirkeln ”Litteracitet – Multimodalitet – Framgångsfaktorer”.

Exempel på utvecklingsarbeten läsåret 2013/14

Jag har skrivit om detta tidigare och nu är slutpresentationerna av alla utvecklingsarbetena genomförda. Deltagarna har arbetat parvis på sina skolor. Stretchbegreppet löper genom avhandlingen om en-till-en. Det drar ihop sig till halvtidsseminarium.

Stretchbegreppet löper genom avhandlingen om en-till-en

Har haft en lite skakig process framåt, med en avhandlingsplan som kanske kunde varit mer tydlig från början. Nå, så blir det när man byter handledare och forskarutbildningsämne, inget att gråta över. Studie visar positiva effekter av en-till-en program. ARTIKEL ::: Intertwining digital content and a one-to-one laptop environment in teaching and Learning: Lessons from the Time to Know program. The teacher’s laptop as a hub for learning in the classroom. Artikeln tar sin utgångspunkt i en longitudinell studie där tre skolor följts under fyra år, i syfte att undersöka de förhållanden som råder när lärare och elever har fått var sin dator.

Detta gäller bland annat lärarnas undervisning. 77518_inquiry_fleischer. Hög tid att koppla upp den svenska skolan. Igår tog jag upp två seminarier om skolans digitalisering som arrangerades i måndags på It-dagen i Almedalen. En skola för den digitala generationen! Technology and language learning.


Digitala lärmetoder - goeasy. Flippedclassroomworkshop. Välkommen - goeasy. Commons:FLIP - Wikimedia Commons. Classroom Management and the Flipped Class. Editor's Note:This post was co-authored by Aaron Sams, CEO of Sams Learning Designs, LLC and founding member of the Flipped Learning Network. Let's face it. We teachers spend far too much time and energy trying to keep students quiet so that they can listen to us. We have taken countless courses and workshops on classroom management in our careers, and it seems that the underpinning goal of classroom management is for teachers to keep kids quiet so that they can learn. Is there a better way to think about classroom management? What if the goal of class was for the students to actively engage in the content and participate in tangible ways in the learning process? Noise Is Good As we pioneered the flipped class, we got away from the front of the room and got a whole different perspective on what classroom management could look like.

As we did this, the dynamics of the classroom dramatically changed. But, as with any change, we found some new challenges. Flippa med Sveriges Radio ~ Kilskrift.