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Best content in ICTs and Pedagogy. The Personal Learning Network: Personal, practical, pervasive. 4 Faces of Personal Learning Network (w Tools) The Alannah and Madeline Foundation. Suewaters - home. Digital Footprints in Education » Digital Citizenship module. : Choose one of the following activities at least. If you are a Facebook user, go to this website and “allow” it to interact with your Facebook profile. It is quite shocking so be prepared. It is a safe app. Watch this video that some believe is too confronting to keep online.

Watch this video. Try this online game for teens. From what you know about cyberbullying or a similar difficult issue about online life, complete the Y chart below. Y chart What do you think being a victim of cyberbullying feels like, looks like and sounds like? Discussion: As a pedagogical beginning to this module, what did you think of our “shock-treatment” strategy to engage your attention. We offer several ideas for you to construct a learning path. Digital Footprints in Education » Digital Citizenship module.