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Go (programming language) "Google Go" redirects here. For the computer program by Google to play the board game Go, see AlphaGo. Two major implementations exist: With this type definition, ipv4addr(x) interprets the uint32 value x as an IP address. Simply assigning x to a variable of type ipv4addr is a type error. [citation needed] // ZeroBroadcast reports whether addr is (addr ipv4addr) ZeroBroadcast() bool { return addr == 0xFFFFFFFF} An interface specifies a set of types by listing required methods and their types, and is satisfied by any type that has the required methods. Go critics assert that: The Go authors put substantial effort into molding the style and design of Go programs: Go includes the same sort of debugging, testing, and code-vetting tools as many language distributions. It also includes profiling and debugging support, runtime instrumentation (to, for example, track garbage collection pauses), and a race condition tester.

Here is a Hello world program in Go: Issue 3328 - go - Virus false positive in ? - The Go Programming Language. tr/crypt.xpack.gen2. Go tr/crypt.xpack.gen2. Getting Started. Download the Go distribution Download GoClick here to visit the downloads page Official binary distributions are available for the FreeBSD, Linux, Mac OS X (Snow Leopard and above), and Windows operating systems and the 32-bit (386) and 64-bit (amd64) x86 processor architectures. If a binary distribution is not available for your combination of operating system and architecture, try installing from source or installing gccgo instead of gc. System requirements The gc compiler supports the following operating systems and architectures. Please ensure your system meets these requirements before proceeding. If your OS or architecture is not on the list, it's possible that gccgo might support your setup; see Setting up and using gccgo for details.

†gcc is required only if you plan to use cgo. Install the Go tools If you are upgrading from an older version of Go you must first remove the existing version. Linux, Mac OS X, and FreeBSD tarballs tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.2.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz Windows. Mtoader/google-go-lang-idea-plugin. On Go. Oh, go on Published: 2009 November 15 Updated 2009-11-16: Well, it turns out people read this article. Today so far I have had 5841 hits on my website. I normally get about 1500 a month . However, it's come to my attention that most of the Go examples were wrong. Yes, I know I use too many ellipses. Updated 2009-11-17: It appears I got the examples in the Union section the wrong way round. Introduction On November 10 2009, Google announced the release of a new programming language that a internal group had been working on: Go . In this article I'm going to do a quick tour of the language, comparing it with another established language, which I'm not going to name right now but will instead call Brand X.

How well will Go stand up against Brand X? Program structure Let's have a minimal example first, just to see how they work. You can see that in Go, we're defining a traditional C-style main function which is calling out to an external printf routine. Let's have a slightly meatier example. Re: Links zu Go | Programmiersprache Go feiert dritten Geb... | heise Developer News-Foren. How I sped up Go by 20% (or is Go really slower than Java?)

The story of a faulty benchmark I confess: I didn’t really speed up Go by 20%. However, if you were to believe simplistic arguments, I did. It all started when a comment on Hacker News claimed that Java is faster than Go and pointed to those benchmarks as proof. Indeed, every Go benchmark there is 2x to 10x slower than Java 7 program. That seemed wrong to me - Go compiles to native code. Java, ultimately, does too, but compilation happens at runtime, which is an overhead that Go doesn’t have, so in principle Go should be faster. I took a look at Go implementation. I looked at Java implementation and what do you know: it’s implemented more efficiently, without unnecessary memory allocations and copying. I wrote my own Go implementation, more similar to Java’s. The result? The argument of HN commenter was: look at those benchmarks, Go is 2x slower than Java. By that simplistic argument I’ve improved speed of Go by 20% by writing a slightly better implementation of the benchmark.

Which programs are fastest? | Computer Language Benchmarks Game. "What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know, it's what we know for sure that just ain't so. " Please don't use this summary page to compare 2 programming language implementations -- use the direct comparison, for example -all benchmarks- Ruby JRuby. This box plot shows how many times slower, the fastest benchmark programs for selected programming language implementations were, compared to the fastest programs written in any of the programming languages. Note which boxes have no overlap, note which boxes overlap completely; note which show little midspread, note which spread across too large a range of values for confidence. These are not the only compilers and interpreters. These are not the only programs that could be written. These are not the only tasks that could be solved. Please don't obsess over tiny differences in median values from such a small number of examples.

Please don't obsess about which programming language implementation is shown 10th and which is shown 11th. Less is exponentially more. Here is the text of the talk I gave at the Go SF meeting in June, 2012. This is a personal talk. I do not speak for anyone else on the Go team here, although I want to acknowledge right up front that the team is what made and continues to make Go happen. I'd also like to thank the Go SF organizers for giving me the opportunity to talk to you. I was asked a few weeks ago, "What was the biggest surprise you encountered rolling out Go? " I knew the answer instantly: Although we expected C++ programmers to see Go as an alternative, instead most Go programmers come from languages like Python and Ruby. Very few come from C++. We—Ken, Robert and myself—were C++ programmers when we designed a new language to solve the problems that we thought needed to be solved for the kind of software we wrote.

I'd like to talk today about what prompted us to create Go, and why the result should not have surprised us like this. The answer can be summarized like this: Do you think less is more, or less is less? Is := really a non-declaration statement? Am 28. Juli 2010, um 3:33 Uhr, schrieb Scott Lawrence: > Der Compiler nicht mag > > Myvar: = func () > > Außerhalb einer Funktion Definition, klagen darüber, dass es sich um eine > Nicht-Deklarationsanweisung. > > Var myvar = func () > > Kein Problem verursacht, und wird empfohlen, z. B. für die Fahnen-Paket. > Da die erstere ist wirklich eine Abkürzung für die letztere Es ist nicht "wirklich" eine Abkürzung, es ist "wie" eine Abkürzung.

Var a, b int = 3 = Anweisung: kann nicht von einem neu erstellt werden. > (Und es scheint, > Hat keine andere Nutzung), sollte es als ein Nicht-Erklärung werden > Aussage? Auf der obersten Ebene ist var (oder const oder die Art oder Funktion) notwendig: Jeder Gegenstand muss eine Stichwort für ur-syntaktischen Gründen im Zusammenhang mit Anerkennung Aussage Grenzen eingeführt werden.

Es ist ein bisschen von der Geschichte und ein bisschen der Einfachheit auf Kosten der scheinbaren (aber teilweise trügerisch) Konsistenz. -Rob. How to Write Go Code. Introduction This document demonstrates the development of a simple Go package and introduces the go tool, the standard way to fetch, build, and install Go packages and commands.

The go tool requires you to organize your code in a specific way. Please read this document carefully. It explains the simplest way to get up and running with your Go installation. A similar explanation is available as a screencast. Code organization Workspaces The go tool is designed to work with open source code maintained in public repositories. Go code must be kept inside a workspace. Src contains Go source files organized into packages (one package per directory), pkg contains package objects, and bin contains executable commands. The go tool builds source packages and installs the resulting binaries to the pkg and bin directories. The src subdirectory typically contains multiple version control repositories (such as for Git or Mercurial) that track the development of one or more source packages.

Package paths. A Tour of Go. The Go Programming Language Specification. Version of May 8, 2013 Introduction This is a reference manual for the Go programming language. For more information and other documents, see . Go is a general-purpose language designed with systems programming in mind. It is strongly typed and garbage-collected and has explicit support for concurrent programming. The grammar is compact and regular, allowing for easy analysis by automatic tools such as integrated development environments. Notation The syntax is specified using Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF): Production = production_name "=" [ Expression ] ". " . Productions are expressions constructed from terms and the following operators, in increasing precedence: | alternation () grouping [] option (0 or 1 times) {} repetition (0 to n times) Lower-case production names are used to identify lexical tokens.

The form a … b represents the set of characters from a through b as alternatives. Source code representation Source code is Unicode text encoded in UTF-8 . Characters. Effective Go — Deutsche Übersetzung. Einleitung Go ist eine neue Programmiersprache. Wenn sie auch Anleihen bei existierenden Sprachen macht, so hat sie doch so ungewöhnliche Eigenschaften, dass der Charakter effektiver Go-Programme sich unterscheidet von dem der in verwandten Sprachen geschriebenen Programme.

Eine direkte Übersetzung aus C++ oder Java nach Go wird kaum zufriedenstellen; Java-Programme sind in Java geschrieben, nicht in Go. Überdenkt man dagegen das Problem aus einer Go-Perspektive, kann ein gelungenes aber völlig anderes Programm dabei herauskommen. Anders gesagt: um gutes Go zu schreiben, braucht es das Verständnis seiner Eigenarten und typischen Programmiermuster. Und wichtig sind außerdem die eingeführten Konventionen zur Namensgebung, zur Formatierung, zur Programmkonstruktion usw, damit Ihre Programme auch für andere Go-Programmierer leicht zu verstehen sind. Dieses Dokument gibt Tipps, wie man klaren, typischen Go-Kode schreibt. Beispiele Formatierung wird gofmt die Spalten so ausrichten: Einrückungen If. Teaching Distributed Systems in Go. Our FAWN team has been spending a lot of time looking at memory-efficient data and algorithms structures for various things (with a lot of emphasis on key-value stores, as per our first and second papers on FAWN-KV and SILT , respectively).

Coming up at NSDI'13 , Bin Fan has a new paper in which we substantially improve the throughput of the memcached distributed DRAM cache. One of the core techniques we use is a new multiple-reader, single-writer concurrent variant of Cuckoo hashing that we call optimistic cuckoo hashing. It combines the refinement of a technique we introduced in SILT ("partial-key cuckoo hashing"), a new way of moving items during cuckoo insertion, and an optimistic variant of lock-striping to create a hash table that is extremely compact and supports extremely high read throughput, while still allowing one thread to update it at high speed (about 2M updates/second in our tests).

Benefits and trade-offs of optimistic cuckoo hashing Optimistic Cuckoo Hashing retry: Rob Pike – Google+ The Go Programming Language Blog. The Go Programming Language. The Go Project. Go is an open source project developed by a team at Google and many contributors from the open source community. Go is distributed under a BSD-style license .

Announcements Mailing List A low traffic mailing list for important announcements, such as new releases. We encourage all Go users to subscribe to golang-announce . Developer Resources Source Code Check out the Go source code. Release History A summary of the changes between Go releases. Developer Mailing List The golang-dev mailing list is for discussing and reviewing code for the Go project. For general discussion of Go programming, see golang-nuts .

Checkins Mailing List A mailing list that receives a message summarizing each checkin to the Go repository. Build Status View the status of Go builds across the supported operating systems and architectures. How you can help Reporting issues If you spot bugs, mistakes, or inconsistencies in the Go project's code or documentation, please let us know by filing a ticket on our issue tracker . References. Documentation. Go's Declaration Syntax. Newcomers to Go wonder why the declaration syntax is different from the tradition established in the C family. In this post we'll compare the two approaches and explain why Go's declarations look as they do. C syntax First, let's talk about C syntax. C took an unusual and clever approach to declaration syntax. Int x; declares x to be an int: the expression 'x' will have type int. Thus, the declarations int *p; int a[3]; state that p is a pointer to int because '*p' has type int, and that a is an array of ints because a[3] (ignoring the particular index value, which is punned to be the size of the array) has type int.

What about functions? Int main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { /* ... */ } Again, we see that main is a function because the expression main(argc, argv) returns an int. Int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* ... */ } but the basic structure is the same. This is a clever syntactic idea that works well for simple types but can get confusing fast. Int (*fp)(int a, int b); Pointers. Go at Google. SPLASH, Tucson, Oct 25, 2012 Preamble What is Go? Go is: open source concurrent garbage-collected efficient scalable simple fun boring (to some) History Design began in late 2007. Key players: Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, Ken Thompson Later: Ian Lance Taylor, Russ Cox Became open source in November 2009. Developed entirely in the open; very active community. Go at Google Go is a programming language designed by Google to help solve Google's problems. Google has big problems. Big hardware Big software C++ (mostly) for servers, plus lots of Java and Python thousands of engineers gazillions of lines of code distributed build system one tree And of course: zillions of machines, which we treat as a modest number of compute clusters Development at Google can be slow, often clumsy.

But it is effective. The reason for Go Goals: eliminate slowness eliminate clumsiness improve effectiveness maintain (even improve) scale Go's purpose is not research into programming language design. Today's theme Pain not.