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Andreja Popovik

Social Media apprentice and Content Curator You'll find out :P


23 ideas for content curation. I’ve been spending some time this week writing a content marketing plan for a client, at First 10.

23 ideas for content curation

As a part of that plan I’ve focussed on content curation as a major part of the programme of activity over the next 12 months. In their case the reason why they’re investing is that it’s right strategically and suits their budget. They are a commercial marketing team with minimal internal copywriting resource, and they’re not creative enough to reliably originate a steady stream of ideas.

What Comes First, Content Creation or Curation? Flickr Photo by Carissa Marie This is definitely not a chicken and egg question!

What Comes First, Content Creation or Curation?

A debate in content marketing circles is whether or not you should simply focus on creating original content and forget content curation. Content Curation Versus Content Creation. The physical world considers customer as the King, but in the virtual world, Content is the undisputed king.

Content Curation Versus Content Creation

This became evident and clear-cut after Google’s Panda update which nailed the point that only a quality original content can help sustain a website. Centre for Content Creation. Content Creation Forum. Pinterest Management Tool for Brands. Followerwonk: Twitter analytics, follower segmentation, social graph tracking, & more.

Rapportive. Leverage Sales Navigator insights anytime you send an email.


View rich LinkedIn profile data for your contacts directly in Gmail, and use that knowledge when you reach out next. Twit Cleaner - Clean Your Tweetstream! Twitter Marketing Software - Community Management and Relationship Management Service for Social Media. Upload & Share PowerPoint presentations and documents. Indie Resources. On the 30th July 2014 the site got updated, restrutured and redesigned… however the update is still not finished and thus this new Indie Resources overview page is partly incomplete.

Indie Resources

In case you are missing something you can still check out the outdated old Indie Resources page until the update is complete. Thank you for your understanding. Content Curation Guide for SEO - What, How, Why. The author's posts are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

Content Curation Guide for SEO - What, How, Why

When it comes to the Internet, I imagine it as the warehouse where the Ark is archived at the end of Indiana Jones – Raiders of the Lost Ark. The Ark is that outstanding content someone has produced and that no other will be able to see again, because it is forgotten and hidden between gazillions of other contents. Apart from the gigantic volume of pages present in the Internet, for a long time, search spam has been making the discovery of reliable sources difficult; and – let's be honest – Social Media has enhanced this issue, because it added even more noise and dispersion. The four habits of a rock star content curator. I recently had a Google Hangout with students in the New Media Lab at South Africa’s Rhodes University.

The four habits of a rock star content curator

I spoke about Spundge, the problem we solve, and showed them the free and Pro features. Then Jude Mathurine, who heads up the Lab, asked if I had any advice about how to do content creation the right way. Future of Engagement #6: Social Curation. What is Social Curation?

Future of Engagement #6: Social Curation

Social curation involves aggregating, organizing and sharing content created by others to add context, narrative and meaning to it. Artists, changemakers and organizations use social curation to showcase the full range of conversations around a topic, add more nuance to their own original content, and set the stage to crowdsource content from their community members. The rise of social curation can be attributed to three broad trends. Social Media Content Curation. Unstick Your Stories Using Visuals. Beth Kanter. Facebook best practices and research. Socialmediafoundations - Curation Planning Questions. Facebook best practices and research. What is Content Curation? Marketing Strategy and Business.

Beth Kanter. Content Curation. Shine on the web. Real-Time News Curation - The Complete Guide Part 4: Process, Key Tasks, Workflow. I have received a lot of emails from readers asking to illustrate more clearly what the actual typical tasks of a news curator are, and what are the tools that someone would need to use to carry them out.

Real-Time News Curation - The Complete Guide Part 4: Process, Key Tasks, Workflow

In Part 4 and 5 of this guide I am looking specifically at both the workflow, the tasks involved as well as at the attributes, qualities and skills that a newsmaster, or real-time news curator should have. 1. Identify NicheIdentify your specific topic-theme. The more specific, the better. The broader your coverage the less relevant it will be to your readers, unless you are already a very popular individual that people trust on a number od different topics. Sequence your selected news stories to provide the most valuable information reading experience to your readers. Just Story It. Content Curation Marketing. Curation for Learning. Discover, curate and create engaging content. — Spundge. Search. Cowbird · Stories. Shine on the web. Remember everything with Evernote, Skitch and our other great apps. “content curation” in tweets, images, videos and links.

Content Curation & Online Marketing Solution - Curata. Social Media Examiner. Facebook Info. Facebook Timeline: 10 Simple Tips and Tricks. Upload. Viral marketing. Viral marketing, viral advertising, or marketing buzz are buzzwords referring to marketing techniques that use pre-existing social networking services and other technologies to try to produce increases in brand awareness or to achieve other marketing objectives (such as product sales) through self-replicating viral processes, analogous to the spread of viruses or computer viruses (cf.

Viral marketing

Internet memes and memetics). The ultimate goal of marketers interested in creating successful viral marketing programs is to create viral messages that appeal to individuals with high social networking potential (SNP) and that have a high probability of being presented and spread by these individuals and their competitors in their communications with others in a short period of time.[5] The term "VRL marketing" has also been used pejoratively to refer to stealth marketing campaigns—marketing strategies that advertise a product to people without them knowing they are being marketed to.[6] History[edit]

Digital marketing trends 2012. At the turn of the year, it’s always worth reflecting on the opportunities and challenges ahead to help shape priorities for marketing. In a recent talk for AdTech London, I identified 12 marketing trends, available in the Slideshare embed at the end of the post. In this post I’ll highlight some of the main opportunities and I’ve added links to our posts and guides to help you think through your strategy. Most important marketing trend for 2012 : creating a cross-channel engagement strategy. The biggest mistakes you can make on Facebook pages. Today, we are going to analyze a touchy topic – mistakes that companies most often do on their Facebook Pages, and go into the details of them. This list of most common mistakes should give you a better idea of how to post on your Facebook Page.

Custom media. Custom media (or, customer media) is a marketing term referring broadly to the development, production and delivery of media (print, digital, audio, video, events) designed to strengthen the relationship between the sponsor of the medium and the medium's audience. It is also called branded media, customer media, member media, content marketing, and custom publishing in the US; contract publishing and customer publishing in the UK. In-flight magazines, sponsored by airlines, were one of the first custom media and remain typical of the genre. While other channels have had significant success, the customer magazine is the most successful example of the genre. Inbound marketing. For a related term coined by Seth Godin, see Permission marketing. For the product management sense of Inbound Marketing, see Product management. David Meerman Scott recommends that marketers "earn their way in" (via publishing helpful information on a blog etc.) in contrast to outbound marketing where they "buy, beg, or bug their way in" (via paid advertisements, issuing press releases, or paying commissioned sales people, respectively).[5] The term is synonymous with the concept of permission marketing, which is the title of a book by Seth Godin.[3] The inbound marketing term was coined by HubSpot’s Brian Halligan,[2][3][6] in 2005.[7][8] According to HubSpot, inbound marketing is especially effective for small businesses[9] that deal with high dollar values, long research cycles and knowledge-based products.

In these areas prospects are more likely to get informed and hire someone who demonstrates expertise.[10] Brand language. Brand language is the body of words, phrases, and terms that an organization uses to describe its purpose or in reference to its products. Brand language is used in marketing to help consumers connect specific words or ideas to specific companies or products.[1] When developing a brand language word choice and tone are the two fundamental components. Permission marketing. 1995 permission marketing example outside the internet: a business reply card as the final page of a book. 7 Tips for Stellar Social Media Community Management. Killer Facebook Fan Pages: 5 Inspiring Case Studies.

Callan Green works in public relations and social media at Bailey Gardiner in San Diego. You can read her posts on the company's marketing blog or follow her on Twitter. When Facebook re-launched its fan pages earlier this year, companies were thrilled. Е-весник. Test paper. Optimize ? Book by Lee Odden - How to Attract & Engage More Customers With Integrated SEO, Social Media & Content Marketing.