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Ted Talks. Nature Was My Teacher The Vision Of Viktor Schauberger. Background Videos - The S0s. Karen Hudes: We're Running Out of Time! We're Dealing with Whether We Can Continue as Humanity. The Clone Conspiracy: Royal and Presidential Clones, page 31. Hi ATS Friends, I shall now post something very relevant pertaining to what is actually BEHIND THE CLONE CONSPIRACY. IMPORTANT: Note that this report caused a Browser CRASH on my brand new top of the line Apple computer while typing it ! This lost all information contained and forced a total retype of this message using a different browser and a text save backup utility. What is behind the CLONE CONSPIRACY has been at the center of our preoccupations here, understanding WHO is actually doing all this CLONING and for what reason. We will note that while this has been for a long time very much a mystery, the veil is being slowly lifted - even if we may not like what TRUTH IS REVEALED.

I shall quote a source who is widely considered very reliable, the Webmaster and Editor of the renowned and respected EDUCATE YOURSELF website. When introducing the work of James Casbolt, also known as Michael Prince, he exposes his own conclusions as to who is behind the CLONE CONSPIRACY. 1. Getsmart. NASA: The End Of Mankind "Leaked Document" 2013. Debunked: NASA War Document Exposed (The Future is Now) The revoluion is happening right now. The Revolution. SHADE the Motion Picture. Gregg Braden - Deep Truth - Conference. John lash. MetaHistory - Gaia and Gnosis, Deeper Ecology, Planetary Tantra, Telestics. Gaia Sofia.

METAHISTORY S i t e G u i d e Writings by John Lash and Lydia Dzumardjin The purpose of this guide is twofold: provide one-click access to any text on the site, and showcase the topics and themes treated in those texts. To assist navigation through this material, the guide follows the buttons on the menu panel. This is a teachng site so each button can be regarded as a classroom, or a course being offered there. This guide shows where you go by entering each classroom and previews the topics to be explored, the subject matter on offer, etc.Please note indications of unfinished work. Defines as a teaching site and states its dual purpose: to critique beliefs and invite a future myth to guide humanity. Throughout the site, a click on the Tree and Well logo in the upper lefthand of the first page of every file returns you to the home page.

GUIDELINES Essential orientation to the concept of metahistory, its assumptions, themes, and applications. Socrates in dialogue. /Wasson. Er ikke tilgængelig. Debunking Vitamin B12. Why you should NEVER cut your hair (2 articles) Why you should NEVER cut your hair (2 articles) (Article 1) The Spiritual Nature Of Hair Sunday, March 10th, 2013 Deva Kaur Khalsa, 3ho Waking Times “Our hair fashions might be just a trend, but if we investigate, we may find that we have been depriving ourselves of one of the most valuable sources of energy for human vitality.” -Yogi Bhajan Consider the possibility that the hair on your head is there to do more than just look good.

Man is the only creature who grows longer hair on his head as he grows into adulthood. Cut Hair Long ago people in many cultures didn’t cut their hair, because it was a part of who they were. Kundalini Hair Care In India, a Rishi is known as a wise one who coils his or her hair up on the crown of the head during the day to energize the brain cells, and then combs it down at night. Split Ends Loose scattered hair can develop split ends. About the Author Deva Kaur Khalsa trains Kundalini Yoga Teachers and teaches Kundalini Yoga in South Florida. Comment. Global. Fractal tutorials n tools.

Earth in 1000 Years. Guardians of biodiversity | Photographers' Blog. By Diego Cortijo The jungle is a place too inhospitable to allow large human settlements, or that’s what we have always believed until now. New archaeological discoveries tell of highly developed cultures that have lived in the heart of the jungle. The myths of ancient cultures and places lost deep in the jungle may no longer be myths in light of these new discoveries. With this proposal I began my second expedition to the Amazon rainforest as a member of the Spanish Geographic Society, to try to learn about and document unknown places in the jungle. Members of native communities I visited in the past had spoken to me about ancient settlements, and now I wanted to locate them.

This was a grueling expedition that began in Brazil and ended up in the Peruvian Amazon. We came across undiscovered archaeological sites that were mystical to the native communities who were their unofficial caretakers, and isolated tribes that received me as a total stranger, but always with a smile. Smertestillende medicin og penne til at formilde indfødte Peru. Raya, un anciano nahua. Más de la mitad de su pueblo fue aniquilado tras la apertura de su tierra a la exploración petrolífera. © Johan Wildhagen Los indígenas aislados en el sureste de Perú están siendo “sobornados” con calmantes y bolígrafos coincidiendo con la llegada de los gigantes energéticos que quieren abrir sus territorios a la exploración de gas natural.

Survival International ha sabido que incluso miembros de INDEPA, la agencia gubernamental que debe proteger a los pueblos indígenas de Perú, han presionado a las comunidades para que se pueda investigar en la reserva en la que viven. Trabajadores del gigante gasístico argentino Pluspetrol han estado en la Reserva Kugapakori-Nahua, donde han llevado a cabo pruebas medioambientales para evaluar si el suelo es adecuado. La reserva se creó en 1990 para proteger los derechos territoriales de los indígenas vulnerables. © Survival International Comparte esta noticia. Secret plans for gas exploration in UNESCO World Heritage Site exposed. Plans to explore for natural gas in the Nahua-Nanti Reserve threaten the uncontacted relatives of this Nanti man. © Survival International A report leaked to British newspaper The Guardian has revealed secret plans by Argentine gas giant Pluspetrol to explore for natural gas in an area inhabited by uncontacted tribes in southeast Peru.

Plans to search for gas in one of Peru’s most important protected areas have been clouded in secrecy. But the leak exposes Pluspetrol’s intentions to work in both an uncontacted tribes’ reserve and the world-famous Manu national park. The leaked report, written by environmental agency Quartz Services S.A. unveils Pluspetrol’s hopes to expand operations beyond its current ‘block 88’ into an area that has been dubbed ‘Fitzcarrald.’ Quartz’s report states its mission ’will contribute not only to the continuity of activity on Block 88, but also to the development of the protected Manu National Park.’ © A. Share this news story. Taoist Music of the Wudang Mountain - China culture.

The Wudang Mountain was called Taihe Mountain in ancient times. Located in Shiyan City of Hubei Province, the mountain looks sublime and imposing, commanding the Danjiangkou reservoir and backing on Shennongjia forested area, with a continuous length over 400 km. It boasts 72 peaks. The elevation of its highest peak, Tianzhu Mountain, is 1612m. The other peaks are all inclined to Tianzhu Mountain, presenting a marvelous spectacle. From time immemorial, Wudang Mountain has always been the dreaming place for Taoists seeking fairyland. Magnificent Taoist buildings are distributed all over the mountain. The legend goes that it was the place where Xuanwu became an immortal after ascetic practices.

In the golden age of the Tang Dynasty, Five Dragon Shrine was initially built on Wudang Mountain. Since Taoism is a religion indigenous to China, it has traditional characteristic and rich ethnic style. Wudang Mountain Taoist music is an ensemble of palatial music and folk music. BloggEd! » Blog Archive » Jim Morrison is ALIVE! Jim Morrison, the famous lead-singer of ‘The Doors’, allegedly died on the third of July in 1971 at the age of 27. The news spread like wildfire around the globe, soon followed by an enormous amount of rumors. Jim died under mysterious circumstances. As with the passing of all great artists a lot of people can’t believe it is true and claim that Jim is still alive.

The claims are often accompanied by statements like “Jim staged his own death to get away from the business” or “to get out of a record deal” and the list goes on and on and on… As someone who is skeptic by nature I don’t believe all this talk about Jim not being dead and faking his death and stuff like that. I just enjoy what is left of Jim (& The Doors), two handful of great records. Did I already mention I’m a skeptic? Some digging on the internet showed a new wave of ‘Jim is alive’ rumors, even more persistent than right after his death. On the topic of Jim Morrison, yes, he IS alive and well. See? See? Do you like that? NLP Terapi. NLP - Terapi Behovet for terapi opstår I menneskers liv.... når der er en kompleks konfliktsituation, som vi ikke kan løse, med den tankegang og de ressourcer, vi har til rådighed, og her kan NLP Terapi så komme ind.

Det at opsøge en terapeut er gavnende i forhold til afklaring, nye vinkler og at få gen- eller nyfundet ressourcer, vi ikke anede var til stede. Det er tit en personlig proces at gøre sig klar til at opsøge en terapeut; tit prøver vi selv at finde og skabe løsninger på problematikker, venner og bekendte involveres måske, men når de gamle mønstre smerteligt har gentaget sig over tid, vokser paratheden. NLP Terapi kan bruges inden for: Individuel terapi, parterapi og gruppeterapi til at afhjælpe: forvirring frustration, magtesløshed, vrede, svigt, energitab modløshed, dårlig vane vaner, lavt selvværd, konfliktsky, søvnproblemer og flere nuancer af de forskellige livskriser og problemfelter, vi som mennesker kan vikles ind i.

NLP terapi bruges også i forhold til allergi. (5) Landfill Harmonic. (5) Spirit Science and Metaphysics. How to Live With a Neurotic: At Home and at Work - Albert Ellis. Radionics. Verdensrekord: Svømmer 76 meter i badebukser under is. For de fleste vil alene tanken om at stikke tæerne i en tilfrossen grønlandsk sø få kuldegysningerne til at bølge op gennem kroppen.

Men for den danske fridykker Stig Serverinsen, er det aldrig nok, at holde sig til det, der er normalt. - Jeg har lige været i Grønland, for at slå en ny verdensrekord. Ideen var, at jeg skulle forsøge at lave det længste dyk i verdenshistorien under is. Kun iført speedos skulle jeg svømme 250 fod svarende til 76,2 meter i en tilfrossen sø, forklarer Stig Serverinsen. Se også: Fascinerende: Stig kan tænke sit hjerte langsomt Det lange dyk under den grønlandske is uden iltflaske, ville tage livet af de fleste.

. - Når jeg sidder med benene i vandet og er parat til at hoppe i, så nyder jeg det. . - Jeg har gjort alt, hvad jeg kan, så jeg ved, at jeg er klar, forklarer den danske fridykker. Se også: Dykker går i panik på 18 meters dybde Også når han er kommet ned i vandet og ind under den metertykke is, nyder Stig turen. Interior Design Trends 2011. Are you curious to know what do the new trends for the 2011 look like? Have some brief impression from what I have found: According to Heimtextil Trend there will be four trend topics: Sobriety – a return to the essential and traditional - short-lived, seasonal trends end and consistent value begins; the new consumer landscape is characterised by quality, longevity, sustainability and significance.

Designers are researching forgotten skills and traditional craftsmanship is making a comeback; - Serenity, Classic Modernity and Minimal Luxury trends are also part of this topic. Mix Mash combines the high-tech with craftsmanship, new with old UTILITY - For Utility Lux designers have taken their inspiration from standardizsed industry and commercial fitments to create a refined look.Function is first.

Wilderness – back to where we came from One of the best examples is TreeHotel - Treehouses in woodland setting! More trends and examples will follow soon - visit regularly. History... Connected: Merging the Trivium Method with Non-Violent Communication (NVC) Radio 3Fourteen - Darrell Becker - Voluntary & Non Violent Communication. Darrell Becker runs the blog Voluntary Visions which puts focus on the intellectual lenses of the Trivium method of critical thinking, Voluntary Communication, the Non-Aggression Principle, as well as other lenses, so as to create internal and interpersonal emotional and intellectual equilibrium.

He'll discuss the skills of the Trivium Method of critical thinking in conjunction with the skills of using Voluntary Communication (NVC), in order to produce greater inner and interpersonal, intellectual and empathetic equilibrium. Darrell has written an essay on the topic, which we'll go over including, the the "4D's" of disconnected communication, using logic and grammar scans, removing personal cognitive dissonance, building bridges of empathy and understanding "emotional and mental splinters. " Hasty generalizations, psychological intrusion, demands and deserve oriented language are examples of diagnoses that are unrequested and will not help you build bridges with others.

HOME | Watch Learn Give. Trance-Formation. All projects are dedicated to assisting humanity with the transition toward becoming a sustainable, emissionless, waste-free, renewable energy, space faring, open, free, economically prosperous future society, or Type 1 Civilization. There are many steps towards becoming a Type 1 Civilization, and I am always on the lookout for any serious projects that are making headway towards this goal. The Council on Foreign Relations(Foreign Policy Advisory Board), Trilateral Commission(Financial Consolidation), and the Bilderberg Group (oil) are working towards a "New World Order" or "One World Government" with a world court, which is an oppressive, imperialist or totalitarian police state form of future Government. Every single war in history has been fought over riches, or natural resources. The only way we will ever see world peace is through the creation of (or transformation into) a completely sustainable society.

We cannot have world peace without total sustainability. Dr. Definition Type I. My explanation of the H-Pi Instruments Tonal Plexus microtonal keyboard. Emotional baby! Too cute! Introducing the 'fluid piano' Stumble! HowStuffWorks. I Power. The Joe Rogan Experience.

McCrank. Women who Run with the Moon. Theodore Kaczynski. Maja's Magic School. (5) God Code Matrix of 188. Official Astral Dynamics - Robert Bruce's Astral Dynamics. The Rosetta Stone: Translation of the Rosetta Stone. Sacred Texts Egypt Index Previous The Rosetta Stone, by E.A.W. Budge, [1893], at from The Nile, Notes for Travellers in Egypt, by E. A. Wallis Budge, 9th Edition, London, Thos. NOTE: Portions in the body of this text in bold font were surrounded by a cartouche in the original text--JBH. p. 199 1. 2.

P. 200 the beloved of Ptaḥ, the god who maketh himself manifest. 3. the son of PTOLEMY and ARSINOË, the Father-loving gods; when PTOLEMY, the son of PYRRHIDES, was priest of ALEXANDER, and of the Saviour-Gods, and of the Brother-loving Gods, and of the Beneficent Gods, 4. and of the Father-loving Gods, and of the God who maketh himself manifest; when DEMETRIA, the daughter of Telemachus, was bearer of the 5. prize of victory of BERENICE, the Beneficent Goddess; and when ARSINOË, the daughter of CADMUS, was the Basket Bearer of ARSINOË, the Brother-loving Goddess; S. P. 201 9. 10. 11. 12. P. 202 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. P. 203 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. P. 204 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. P. 205 28. 29. 30. THE LOST WORD. God, the fountain of living waters, (Jeremiah 2:13, 17:13). Within the Indo-European culture exists a drink called Soma that conveys the experience of immortality, is a healer and gives absolution.

Soma is also the name of two plants, one known, the other concealed, and it is the name of a god. The drink Soma as described in the Rig Veda, is the sacrament of the Aryans, and it is the prototype for all the great world religions use of a sacrament. It has been believed lost, but in reality it has been hid within plain sight and can be found by anyone who bothers to look for it. Matthew 7:7-8. 7. Proverbs 8:17. Isis is said to have conjured the invincible God of Eternities, Ra, to tell her his secret and sacred name, which he did.

Jesus and Virgin Mary, marked by a star. The True Word of a Mason is to be found in the concealed and profound meaning of the Ineffable Name of Deity, communicated by God to Moses; and which meaning was long lost by the very precautions taken to conceal it. 12. A.E.I.O.U. Desert Fathers. So Called African Americans Are Not of African Descent pt.1. HEBREW KINGDOM OF JUDAH FOUND - IN WEST AFRICA !!!!!!!! MAPS. SOMEBODY LIED Pt.1. African Americans ain't African. SOMEBODY LIED Pt.1. African Americans ain't African. Lost Worlds - Persepolis. (HD 1080p) The Revelation of the Pyramids (full version) Mayan Calendar Translation – Free Printable Calender. Search for Satan BBC Documentary. Brainwashing - gods of the New Age - New Age Satanic Religion Exposed as a Fraud. ANCIENT ALIENS / THE SATAN CONSPIRACY / S06E05.

The King of Tyre & Babylon, Lucifer & Satan. Aliens And The Vatican 2013. Ancient Egyptian Glass From Outer Space | BBC Documentary. Sacred Geometry. From colour to sound | Designblog. The Meaning of Sacred Geometry. Qabalistic tree of life - Google-s gning. Guldkors fundet bag Odense Rådhus - - Storskærm.

Geometry of the I Ching. Sundaze, Inside Out (6) BEYOND LIGHT AND SOUND. Five Rites | Five Tibetan Rites Project. Psychic Medium TV Show #4: "Are You A Lightworker? (Quiz)" & Brief Intro to Sacred Geometry. Er ikke tilgængelig. Er ikke tilgængelig. Edgar cayce karma. Er ikke tilgængelig. Why Certain People Get Cancer. The Human Biocrystal | Rising Life Media.