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Clouds Over Cuba. WWII Maps, Stats, Timelines. Bringing History Home. Historically Hardcore – Amazingly Awesome. Historically Hardcore: a series of promo posters designed by Jenny Burrows and Matt Kappler as part of a portfolio project. The Smithsonian was unaware of their creation until the clever ads went viral, at which point the Smithsonian asked Jenny to remove them from her portfolio or edit out any mention of the esteemed museum. Download the high-res pdfs from here.

Remember the War - Remembering our heroes - 13th November 2011. Picture History : License Historical Photos; Photographs for Sale; Lincoln and War; American Archives - (privat surfning) Så var det 1980 | En underhållande och pedagogisk serie kortfilmer om den fantastiska utveckling vårt land har genomgått de senaste tre decennierna. Timeline Photos.