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Windows on War. Windows on War. The National Archives Learning Curve. The campaign gained an even higher profile through the actions of the Women's Social and Political Union, formed in 1903 by mother and daughter Emmeline and Christabel Pankhurst.

The National Archives Learning Curve

The WSPU disrupted public meetings, broke shop windows, set post boxes and buildings on fire and staged noisy protests. When they were arrested, they went on hunger strikes. The protesters often clashed with police and with the public. For example, at demonstrations outside the Houses of Parliament on 18 and 23 November 1910, there was violence and arrests. The police were accused of behaving with unnecessary brutality and the 18th became known as Black Friday. However, protests were put aside as the women joined in the war effort between 1914-18.

O último Rei da Monarquia. Magna Carta. Primary History - British History - The Magna Carta. 22 Invenções bizarras do passado - Mas com certeza você gostaria de ter pelo menos uma delas. A medicina do passado através de 27 arrepiantes fotos históricas que você deve ver. VIRTUÁLIA - O Manifesto Digital. 10 Worst Medieval Torture Devices. 25 Bizarre Coincidences Throughout History. Do you believe in coincidences?

25 Bizarre Coincidences Throughout History

Or do you believe there's some larger, possibly nefarious mechanism at work making weird things happen the way they do? Whether you believe in fate or in random occurrences, here are 25 of the strangest coincidences to have happened throughout recent history. 1. The twin deaths In 2002, a man in Finland was struck and killed while trying to cross Highway 8 on his bike. 2. When his sister committed suicide after a failed relationship, one man vowed revenge against Henry Ziegland, the man who'd broken her heart. 3. If not for the 200-year difference, Jimi Hendrix and George Handel would have been neighbors. 4.

A Mr. 5. The first worker to die during the dam's construction was J.G. 6. On June 20, 1940, Soviet archaeologists uncovered the tomb of Tamerlane, a descendent of Genghis Khan. 6 coisas que ninguém vai ter coragem de te contar sobre a idade média - Canal CuriosoCanal Curioso. Amazing Color Photographs of Daily Life in Paris in the 1950's. Afinal existia outro país entre Portugal e Espanha. Todos conhecemos Espanha e Portugal como os dois países que fazem parte da Península Ibérica.

Afinal existia outro país entre Portugal e Espanha

O que muitos de nós não sabíamos é que, durante aproximadamente 800 anos, existiu outro país que fazia fronteira com os já conhecidos países Ibéricos. Depois da notícia publicada de que a Capital Oficial de Portugal não era Lisboa, pois nunca existiu nenhum documento que comprovasse a passagem da antiga capital Coimbra para a nova Capital Lisboa, eis que agora surge o registo de um novo país, que durante cerca de 800 anos fazia fronteira com Portugal e Espanha. A introdução dos veículos automóveis em Portugal. Www.theatlantic.

ClickHole – Because all content deserves to go viral. Emmy Noether - La matemática odiada por Hitler y admirada por Einstein. Se cumplen 133 años del nacimiento de la matemática judía Emmy Noether, que consiguió dar clase cuando las mujeres ni siquiera podían matricularse en la universidad Si hay un nombre femenino que recordar en la historia de las matemáticas es el de Emmy Noether.

Emmy Noether - La matemática odiada por Hitler y admirada por Einstein

Por lo menos para alguien que sabía del tema como Albert Einstein, quien la definió como la «genio creativa de las matemáticas más significativa desde que comenzó la educación superior para las mujeres». De origen judío, Noether nació en la Baviera alemana hace este lunes 133 años –de ahí que Google lo celebre con un «doodle»– en una familia de matemáticos. Hasta tres generaciones se habían dedicado a los números y ella no quiso ser menos. Aprendió acudiendo a las clases que impartía su padre en la universidad, ya que era una época en la que no se admitían mujeres en las aulas.

Consiguió revolucionar el campo de las matemáticascon teorías sobre anillos, cuerpos y álgebras. Exiliada en Estados Unidos. Finland-schools-subjects-are-out-and-topics-are-in-as-country-reforms-its-education-system-10123911. For years, Finland has been the by-word for a successful education system, perched at the top of international league tables for literacy and numeracy.


Only far eastern countries such as Singapore and China outperform the Nordic nation in the influential Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) rankings. Politicians and education experts from around the world – including the UK – have made pilgrimages to Helsinki in the hope of identifying and replicating the secret of its success. 500 Years of Female Portraits in Western Art. 5 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Leonardo da Vinci. You may think you've heard all there is to know about the famed Renaissance man who painted the "Mona Lisa" and awed the world with sketches of flying machines.

5 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Leonardo da Vinci

But chances are, there are a few little-known facts about Leonardo da Vinci's life that may surprise you. When da Vinci died in 1519, he left behind more than 6,000 journal pages filled with his personal musings, grocery lists and bawdy jokes. He also detailed his sources of inspiration, his desire for lasting fame and his deeply felt heartaches. All of these sentiments form the basis for "Inside the Mind of Leonardo," a new film about the artist and inventor that debuts in New York City on Friday (Dec. 19). Played by Scottish actor Peter Capaldi (who also plays The Doctor in the new version of the TV series "Doctor Who"), the film's da Vinci reads aloud from the pages of these journals, revealing the deepest secrets of the original Renaissance man.

Here are some interesting facts about da Vinci's life. As fotografias são objectos difíceis e as dos impérios coloniais ainda mais. 27 Beautiful Color Pictures of Celebrities Dressed for Christmas in the Past. 20 Bad Vintage Christmas Ads. Sixty-One Years Of Photos Show A Life And A Country In Change. In 2007, a photography collector in China by the name of Tong Bingxue received a phone call.

Sixty-One Years Of Photos Show A Life And A Country In Change

The caller had recently acquired a book of photos and was seeking an appraisal. It was a pretty typical call, that is, until Tong saw the photos. The book, A Life in Portraits, featured a photo taken every year of a man named Ye Jinglu, who was born in the city of Fuzhou in 1881. He started taking yearly portraits in 1907 at the age of 27, and continued the tradition until his death in 1968. He stayed in Fuzhou for much of his life with his wife, save for some business travel, and worked as a shop manager.

In 1907, the year of the first photo, China was still ruled by the Qing Dynasty, a familial line of emperors in a tradition that dates back thousands of years in China. 36 Amazing Photos From History That Most People Have Never Seen Before. A verdade sobre a história de Cleópatra. Todos na cidade mediterrânea de Tarso já tinham ouvido os rumores.

A verdade sobre a história de Cleópatra

Fofoca sempre correu rápido. Por isso, uma multidão cada vez maior aglomerava-se nas margens do rio Cidno, em 41 a.C., para assistir ao espetáculo que, afinal, foi um dos mais incríveis da Antiguidade. The Snipers Who Terrorized D.C. Vídeo mostra os contraceptivos mais estranhos usados por mulheres ao longo da História. Desde o começo dos tempos, as mulheres têm tentando decidir se e quando querem ter um filho, pois isso tem impacto direto e definitivo em suas vidas.

Vídeo mostra os contraceptivos mais estranhos usados por mulheres ao longo da História

Atualmente, existem métodos contraceptivos extremamente eficazes para auxiliar as mulheres nesse processo. Desde camisinha, DIU, espermaticida, diafragma, pílula anticoncepcional até a ligadura de trompas. Mundo Das Marcas. This is what people in 1930 thought we would look like. In this British Pathé clip, fashion designers predict what the future of fashion will be.

This is what people in 1930 thought we would look like

It mostly involves removable sleeves and adjustable-length gowns, though there is a nifty cantilevered heel design shown. But my favorite is the one male outfit shown at the end, which predicts that the man will carry "a telephone, a radio, and containers for coins, keys, and candy for cuties. " That's...partly accurate.

Rapidinhas: o sexo na história. É difícil de imaginar, mas as posições sexuais e a escolha das pessoas que levamos para a cama têm história de milhares de anos. Os tabus de hoje foram construídos aos poucos. O comportamento sexual de cada época mostra como as sociedades antigas pensavam e como o sexo foi influenciado por mudanças sociais. Século 5 a.C. - Salada grega.