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Guía rapida del Aprendizaje basado en problemas ABP PBL con mapa conceptual y ejemplos. Rúbrica de evaluación tareas y proyectos. Guía rapida del Aprendizaje basado en problemas ABP PBL con mapa conceptual y ejemplos. Cacoo. Assessing English for Acdemic Purposes. Rubrics. Cerberus anti-robo. These 12 Tutorials Teach You How to Build an Interactive E-Learning Course.

It’s a fact that you CAN build effective elearning with rapid elearning tools.

These 12 Tutorials Teach You How to Build an Interactive E-Learning Course

You’re not locked into linear, click and read content. All it requires is that you craft a sound learning strategy and get the most out of your tools. To demonstrate this, I deconstructed an effective elearning course originally built in Flash and then built a mock up in PowerPoint. In a previous post I shared how to create the graphic elements for that course in PowerPoint. In today’s post, we’ll look at how to assemble the course and some of the production techniques I used. Reviews and recommendations of tools for education. Los wikis como herramienta educativa. Set of menu. Free Puzzlemaker. Bienvenido a Discovery Education.

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ToonDoo - World's fastest way to create cartoons! Welcome to Icon Deposit. IT tools. Web 2.0 Tools For The Classroom. Freetools.htm. Worksheets. Manual TIC de 9-11años. Integración de las TIC en el currículo: etapas y situaciones. La re... Get Edmodo on your Mobile. My Account. Quick and Easy Tools for Learning. Quizzes, Games, Websites and More! Organisez votre scénario pédagogique avec le mindmapping. Un petit rappel : Le mindmapping ou la carte heuristique est une méthode très créative pour structurer l’information et ses idées.

Organisez votre scénario pédagogique avec le mindmapping

Si vous adoptez cette méthode pour gérer votre ingénierie pédagogique vous prendrez conscience que la carte mentale peut réellement optimiser la construction et la scénarisation de vos séquences de formation. Pour vous en convaincre j’ai créé une map qui vous permettra de gérer votre ingénierie. Vous trouverez ci-dessous une vidéo de démonstration et à la fin de cet article le lien pour télécharger la carte au format Mindmanager. Les chapitres qui suivent vous guideront dans l’exploitation de cette carte.


Skitch. Llamar la atención Usa anotaciones y marcas para concentrarte rápidamente en lo más importante.


Dilo con menos palabras Explica una idea con formas, flechas y dibujos rápidos. Salman Khan: Let's use video to reinvent education. ¿iPad y educación? ¡Ya no es un debate! Si el dinero no fuese un problema, ¿querría un profesor o profesora que sus alumnos/as tuviesen un iPad?

¿iPad y educación? ¡Ya no es un debate!

Incluso aunque solo fuese para investigar otra perspectiva diferente o agregar recursos a nuestra práctica docente. Incluso aunque sólo lo quieras para usarlo como una forma alternativa de desarrollar el aprendizaje... La investigación apoya que este tipo de dispositivos son una herramienta, un medio, de aprendizaje para el alumnado: las escuelas e institutos de todo el mundo empiezan a implementar tablets PC, y el iPad es la predilecta Cualquier dispositivo móvil puede ayudar en el proceso de aprendizaje: el iPad, sencillamente, es el líder actualmente. Material educativo. ESL Future Tense Review Quiz.

E-Learning Heroes. Build a Media Gallery With Your Students in 2013. One of the challenges of having students create videos, slideshows, podcasts, and other multimedia productions in your classroom is making sure that they are respectful of copyright.

Build a Media Gallery With Your Students in 2013

One way to avoid any worry about copyright is by having students use media that they have created from scratch. Of course, building up a gallery of media that is large enough for all of your students to use takes time. To start building up a gallery of images, sounds, and video clips that your students can use in their projects commit to a 365 project for 2013. This year have your students make daily contributions to a group media gallery.

2010+ Free Powerpoint Templates PPT and Free PowerPoint Backgrounds. Guide Utilisation Storyline. Curriculumbits : Free Online Interactive Whiteboard Teaching Resources for all Subject Areas. ENGLISH KIDS FUN: Daily routines. Free Avatar Maker (Web 2.0 Emoticon/Avatar Generator), Make 5,000 Custom Avatars For Your Forum/Blog Profile. Free Quizzes: Math, Spelling, Reading, e-learning, SAT, GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, Languages, Spanish, Science. 5 x 5 Bingo Card Maker. Free Fun Printables, Interactive Games, ESL Vocabulary Exercises for Kids. Free Printable Flash Cards. Hot Potatoes Version 6.

Interactive PowerPoints - Technology Integration. 5 Ways to Make Your PowerPoints Interactive Tic Tac Toe Game A great way to review new concepts is to create a Tic Tac Toe game slide in PowerPoint. In the example from a foreign language class to the right, images are used to represent new vocabulary. However, this could be easily applied to other content areas as well: in a math class with formulas, in a history class historical figures or dates, in a science class with symbols from the periodic table... Creating the slide is simple. You can play as a whole class or have students play each other. Note: Students cannot move the circles in 'Presentation' mode. Connect 4 Game Similar to the Tic Tac Toe game, this is a great way to review new concepts. Creating the Connect 4 template is also easy. Students can practice new concepts in pairs, groups or as a whole class.

Note: Similar to the Tic Tac Toe game, students cannot play this in the 'Presentation' mode. Jeopardy Games Jeopardy Games are great ways to review new concepts. Embed YouTube Videos. Do Your Slides Pass the Glance Test? - Nancy Duarte. By Nancy Duarte | 11:00 AM October 22, 2012 An audience can’t listen to your presentation and read detailed, text-heavy slides at the same time (not without missing key parts of your message, anyway).

Do Your Slides Pass the Glance Test? - Nancy Duarte

So make sure your slides pass what I call the glance test: People should be able to comprehend each one in about three seconds. Think of your slides as billboards. When people drive, they only briefly take their eyes off their main focus — the road — to process billboard information. Similarly, your audience should focus intently on what you’re saying, looking only briefly at your slides when you display them. Keep It Simple Research shows that people learn more effectively from multimedia messages when they’re stripped of extraneous words, graphics, animation, and sounds. My Page. Collaborative storytelling. Share Ideas that matter. Education using Technology. Tech Tools. 3 sites pour trouver des GIF animés.

Pour exprimer une émotion, une idée, ou un état d’esprit, un GIF animé vaut parfois mieux qu’un long discours.

3 sites pour trouver des GIF animés