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Comet ISON: Recovered! | Comet ISON Observing Campaign. [Please note: this article was submitted AUGUST 12, 2013... not December 8, 2013. I realize the above mm/dd/yy date format is confusing to those that use the dd/mm/yy format. Sorry!] Well this is rather exciting news: Comet ISON lives on! (we think...) For several weeks now, ground-based observers have been blind to Comet ISON as our local star was sitting directly between us and the comet. Is this what we think it is?! The above image was recorded by amateur astronomer Bruce Gary using his 11-inch telescope at Hereford Arizona Observatory, and show Comet ISON planted firmly between two very slightly different predictions for it's current location in space exactly where predicted!

If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck... Motion analysis seems to hint that this object moves very much the way we expect ISON to be moving... But you may wonder why is there any uncertainty at all, and that's a valid question. But I digress. The S0s - Your Mind is Your Weapon. iNtegrated Space Weather Analysis System ( iSWA ) : iswax : Version 1.13.4 [PB Multi-Mod] - Nightly. -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids - Nightly.

iSWACygnetStreamer (GIF Image, 960 × 600 pixels) - Nightly. / Solar Cycle 24 / Spaceweather / Amateur Radio VHF Aurora Website - Nightly. STEREO - Nightly. In-situ and radio. - Solar and heliospheric image visualization tool - Nightly.