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15 sept. 2017 - 22 nov. 2021 Le calcium du lait est-il mieux absorbé que celui de l'eau ? Qu'est-ce que le calcium ?

15 sept. 2017 - 22 nov. 2021 Le calcium du lait est-il mieux absorbé que celui de l'eau ?

Le calcium est un minéral essentiel à la croissance et la minéralisation du squelette et des dents, qui renferment plus de 99% du calcium corporel total ; il joue aussi un rôle important dans la conduction nerveuse, la contraction musculaire, la sécrétion des hormones et des enzymes, la coagulation. Bien qu'il semble inerte, l'os se remodèle en permanence sous l'action des cellules osseuses : l’élimination du tissu osseux (résorption) est une tâche qui revient aux ostéoclastes. ; la formation d’os neuf est du ressort d’une autre catégorie de cellules, les ostéoblastes.

Une résorption excessive par les ostéoclastes non compensée par une quantité correspondante d'os nouvellement formé par les ostéoblastes contribue à la perte osseuse et à l'ostéoporose, une maladie liée à l'âge, caractérisée par une faible masse osseuse et une détérioration du tissu osseux avec augmentation du risque de fractures.

Les besoins en calcium Les aliments et le calcium En pratique. 13 jan. 2021 Entendons-nous tous pareil ? 5 juin 2021 Le ventre, notre deuxième cerveau. 12-14 mai 2021 Les longs bâillements rafraîchissent le cerveau. Pourquoi c’est important Nous bâillons environ cinq à dix fois par jour.

12-14 mai 2021 Les longs bâillements rafraîchissent le cerveau

Ce geste involontaire se développe dès l’âge embryonnaire. Les humains ne sont pas les seuls à bâiller : de nombreuses espèces de vertébrés bâillent aussi, comme les chimpanzés, les chats, les lions, mais aussi des oiseaux (oie, corbeau, perruche…). Selon une idée reçue, le bâillement servirait à apporter plus d’oxygène au sang, mais c’est faux. En fait, il sert à « rafraîchir » le cerveau quand il chauffe trop.

La température joue donc un rôle dans les bâillements. Ce que montre l’étude. 26-27 avril 2021 Cancer : tremper ses pieds dans de l'eau salée pour diminuer la fatigue. Pourquoi c'est important.

26-27 avril 2021 Cancer : tremper ses pieds dans de l'eau salée pour diminuer la fatigue

21-22 avril 2021 Les oméga-3 pourraient limiter les effets du vieillissement lié au stress. Element Metal - Autumn. 9 jan. 2019 Qigong for the Water Element: Nourishing Practices for Body, Mind and Spirit. 16/03/2017-23/04/2021 Dormir pour prévenir Alzheimer. Pourquoi c’est important En France, environ 900 000 personnes sont atteintes par la maladie d‘Alzheimer.

16/03/2017-23/04/2021 Dormir pour prévenir Alzheimer

Cette pathologie se caractérise par des niveaux élevés dans le cerveau d’une substance protéique appelée β-amyloïde, qui forme des plaques. Or les chercheurs pensent qu’en dormant mieux, on pourrait éliminer cette substance et réduire le risque d’Alzheimer. En effet, les patients Alzheimer souffrent souvent de problèmes de sommeil. 26 avril 2021 À quoi sert l’acide alpha-lipoïque ? TMS, Troubles musculo-squelettiques. Comment vraiment aider son système immunitaire contre les infections : le podcast de Thierry Souccar. 10 conseils et astuces pour période de grand froid. Allergies et pollens : 5 conseils de

La rhinite allergique désigne les symptômes présents lors des allergies saisonnières occasionnés par une réaction aux pollens présents dans l'air ou à des substances qui les accompagnent.

Allergies et pollens : 5 conseils de

Il s'agit donc d'allergies mineures mais qui n'en restent pas moins très handicapantes pour la vie quotidienne. Voici quelques conseils qui peuvent vous aider à diminuer les symptômes ou même à les prévenir. Réduire son exposition L'éviction des allergènes est la première mesure à prendre en cas d'allergie. 5 habitudes de la vie moderne qui endommagent notre cerveau. Manger trop de sucres Par sucres, on n’entend pas seulement le petit cube plongé le matin dans le café ou les biscuits du goûter.

5 habitudes de la vie moderne qui endommagent notre cerveau

Méditation - Cohérence cardiaque

Relaxing Music for Stress Relief, Music for Studying, Concentration, Spa. 7 faits étonnants sur le nerf vague. Le nerf vague est le plus long des nerfs crâniens, il s’étend du tronc cérébral jusqu’au système digestif en passant par tous les organes viscéraux, d’où son nom dérivé du mot latin « errant, vagabond ».

7 faits étonnants sur le nerf vague

Il est responsable de la régulation du cœur, des poumons, des muscles de la gorge et des voies respiratoires, du foie, de l’estomac, du pancréas, de la vésicule biliaire, de la rate, des reins, de l’intestin grêle et d’une partie du gros intestin, pas moins. Plus de 80 % des informations qui circulent par le nerf vague vont des organes jusqu’au cerveau. Une recette de dentifrice maison. Native American Flute Music and Rain LIVE - Relaxing, Sleep, Meditation, Healing, Study. Dr Luc BODIN : La respiration Ha. 5-steps-for-facing-your-fearful-memories-and-letting-them-go. How To Strengthen The Mind-Body Connection. Hacks-to-stay-warm-in-cold-weather. Improve-mental-strength. 8 nov. 2018 A la découverte du cerveau, cet inconnu. How-to-drink-more-water-and-7-reasons-why-you-should.

4 Cognitive And Mental Health Benefits Of Reading. Reading is a beneficial activity for cognitive and mental health, and scientists have long postured that being read to in early childhood is a strong determinant of linguistic and emotional intelligence.

4 Cognitive And Mental Health Benefits Of Reading

And that connection goes far beyond Kindergarten—there are a great number of brain benefits to reading for adults, too. While many of these benefits can be experienced regardless of whether you’re reading on your iPad or from an old leather-bound book, there are also some that are exclusive to the real thing. But we’ll get to that later… Here are just a few of the mental and cognitive benefits to curling up with a good book. Be healthy. Be loving. Get daily tips for leading a healthy and compassionate life delivered to your inbox. 7-surprising-ways-heavy-metals-get-into-your-body. How To Make Up For Lost Sleep. If you’ve been shorting yourself on sleep, it’s time to pay up.

How To Make Up For Lost Sleep

Your body keeps track of its sleep debt — the hours here and there that you’re undersleeping. And it can add up to some serious consequences. Find out what happens when you’re sleep-deprived, and learn some tips to repay your sleep debt. How much sleep does a person need? In a nutshell, we need sleep to survive. 8-most-fragrant-herbs-and-flowers-to-grow-indoors. 6 Habits That Actually Change Your Brain. For many years, scientists believed that our brains became fixed after a certain age, but new research shows that we can rewire our brains at any age.

6 Habits That Actually Change Your Brain

While there’s much we still don’t know about neuroplasticity (the brain’s ability to change its structure), studies show that our daily habits can change our brains. The good news is the habits that improve our brains have many other benefits like weight loss, easing depression and boosting energy levels. So make a conscious effort to add these habits to your daily routine. 1. 11-fascinating-facts-you-never-knew-about-your-brain. 7-proven-health-benefits-of-forgiveness. Natural-ways-to-protect-your-eyesight. Why-you-need-a-relaxation-ritual-how-to-do-it. The-surprising-ways-sleep-deprivation-is-harming-your-health. 9-ways-cultivating-gratitude-benefits-your-health. How-to-practice-self-care-without-breaking-the-bank. How To Communicate With Your Subconscious Using Creative Visualization. Creative visualization is a way to focus your thoughts and use your imagination to create positive changes in your life.

You can focus on healing a health issue, learning a new skill or building self-confidence. Far from being simple daydreaming, research shows that creative visualization is surprisingly effective. Psychologists believe that your subconscious mind is built by your daily thoughts. And your subconscious is in charge of your behavior patterns, habits and feelings.

So, if you regularly think negatively about the world, it’s likely your mood and behavior will reflect this. Also, creative visualization works well even if you don’t consider yourself a “visual” person, because the process actually uses all your senses. 1. Creative visualization has been shown to benefit many different areas of physical and mental health. Visualization may also assist with weight loss. Love This? Thanks for subscribing! Another study showed how visualization can help to quit smoking. Pourquoi a-t-on envie de dormir après avoir trop mangé ? Tout le monde a déjà ressenti cette sensation : après un gros repas, il est fréquent de se sentir fatigué jusqu'à être tenté de faire une petite sieste. Mais pourquoi ? Le réveillon approche et qui dit réveillon, dit bien souvent repas gargantuesque. Si nombre d'entre nous seront tentés de se déboutonner un peu pour se mettre à l'aise, il y a une sensation à laquelle il est beaucoup plus difficile d'échapper : après avoir trop mangé, on se sent bien souvent fatigué, à la limite même de piquer un roupillon !

4 Microbiomes That Keep You Healthy (And How To Best Support Them) You’ve heard of the microbiome. It’s that vast world of bacteria that calls your body ‘home.’ And there aren’t just millions of them. Not even just billions. There are trillions! The bacteria in our microbiome actually outnumber the cells in our body. Health Benefits Of Dry Brushing And How To Do It. Dry brushing is literally the practice of methodically brushing your skin with a dry brush. You might have heard about its many touted health benefits or seen it offered at your local spa. While some of these benefits may be exaggerated, research has shown that dry brushing can help support your immune system. And it doesn’t need to be an expensive treatment at a spa. Dry brushing is easy to do at home with minimal supplies. Read on to find out how dry brushing works and techniques to do it yourself. Related: 7 Habits That Are Destroying Your Immune System.

5 Unexpected Ways The Fall Weather Benefits Your Health. In many people’s minds, fall doesn’t exactly strike them as being one of the “healthiest” seasons. Once the shorter days and cooler weather are in full swing, all those fun summer activities tend to get replaced with work, school and lots of TV shows premiering for the new season. Likewise, our healthy balanced diets start getting invaded by candy, mashed potatoes and cookies thanks to Halloween, Thanksgiving, and the start of the Christmas season—not to mention the pumpkin lattes, pumpkin Oreos and pumpkin-everything-else.

Diet and exercise sure can be difficult to control in the fall, but there are lots of other ways you can actually take advantage of the fall season to improve your health. In fact, you may be reaping some of the benefits already without even knowing it! Here are just five unexpected health benefits the fall season has to offer. Love This? Thanks for subscribing! This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Take A Deep Breath. What if I told you that you could transform your health just by breathing deeply?

You’d probably think I was exaggerating but I’m not. More and more research shows that breathing deeply can boost the immune system, alleviate anxiety and depression, affect brain hormones, stop damage to your genetic material and even slow the aging process. Most people breathe shallowly. We may not mean to, but our highly stressful, fast-paced life causes us to hold our breath, usually unknowingly. But, just by making a conscious effort to breathe deeper, we can transform our health. 31-great-ways-to-use-essential-oils. There are likely thousands of ways to benefit from the natural healing power and delightful scents of pure essential oils, but here are some great ways to get you started: Cleaning Add a few drops of antibacterial oils like thyme and cinnamon to your dust cloth before dusting surfaces.

Add a few drops of lemon essential oil to equal parts of white vinegar and water to clean and disinfect windows and mirrors. Add a drop of grapefruit essential oil to the toilet after flushing to freshen the toilet and bathroom. Clean hardwood floors with 1 gallon of hot water, ½ cup white vinegar and 3 drops of orange essential oil. Create a fruit and vegetable wash with 1 cup of each apple cider vinegar and water, as well as 10 drops of lemon essential oil. The Top 10 Acupressure Points For Headaches. Headaches can seriously interfere with a person’s quality of life, particularly when they occur on a regular basis. Regardless of the type of headache you may be experiencing, there are some excellent acupressure points that can help you to relieve the pain and get back to things you enjoy in life.

While the following is by no means a complete list of acupressure points, or acupoints as they’re also called, it includes my top ten points: GB20—Known as “Gall Bladder 20” or “Wind Pool” because it’s a point on the gall bladder meridian in Chinese medicine. 7 Natural Ways To Treat Hypothyroidism. Did you know that the thyroid hormone affects every cell in your body? Yes, all the cells in your body have thyroid hormone receptors. This hormone helps regulate body temperature, metabolism and heart rate. Hypothyroidism is the most common thyroid problem. It occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. And this results to weight gain, fatigue, depression and memory loss. Now, you may think that hypothyroidism doesn’t affect you, but it’s estimated that 27 million Americans have thyroid disease, and 13 million cases are undiagnosed.

How Gentle Exercise Transforms Your Brain. 5 Gut Instincts You Shouldn't Ignore. The quirky urge. A funny tingle. That little voice in your head. These are your gut feelings talking. Le manque de sommeil chronique pousserait le cerveau à s'auto-dévorer. Selon une étude menée sur des souris par des chercheurs italiens, le manque de sommeil chronique pousserait le cerveau à s'auto-dévorer. Un phénomène qui à long terme pourrait favoriser l'apparition de pathologies comme la maladie d'Alzheimer. Pour notre organisme, le sommeil est un processus indispensable mais il ne permet pas seulement de recharger nos batteries. Une étude menée en 2013 a montré comment dormir permet également au cerveau de nettoyer les déchets accumulés pendant l'éveil par l'activité neuronale.

25 Recipes That May Help You Sleep Better. We all know that getting enough sleep is important. But did you know that sleep deficiency can increase the risk for health issues such as heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes or even a stroke? A lack of sleep can also affect the way you think, react or even how you interact with other people. If you are one of the many people who suffer from not getting enough zzz’s, I have good news for you. The solution to a restful night of slumber may just be in your pantry or fridge. While foods like coffee or caffeinated teas can keep us awake at night, there are other foods that contain certain vitamins, minerals and amino acids that can aid sleep and relaxation. Related Reading: 8 Foods that Impact Sleep Foods that contain tryptophan might be key to a peaceful night’s sleep.

Finally, a healthy solution as simple as enjoying a snack before bedtime! 14 Everyday Uses For Tea Tree Oil. Tea tree oil is an essential oil that can be used for several purposes, including keeping skin, hair and nails healthy. In addition to its scientifically backed benefits, tea tree oil is inexpensive and safe when used as directed. 8 Natural Remedies For Adrenal Fatigue. 4 Simple Ways To Deal With Negative Thinking. Maladie de Parkinson : l'alimentation préventive. 4 Simple Ways To Feel Better With Food. 3 Quick Tips For Managing Stress In The Moment. How Sleep Can Make You A Better Person. To reduce obesity and depression, we need more nature in our lives. 13-tips-on-how-to-use-tea-tree-oil. 11 Outstanding Ways Animals Are Good For Our Health. Lire des livres régulièrement pourrait prolonger votre vie de 2 ans. You Don't Need To Be Rich To Eat Healthily. Le stress annulerait les bénéfices d'une alimentation saine. 5 Ways To Heal Autoimmunity Despite What A Doc Says.

Study Finds Gut Bacteria Help Prevent Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) How To Rid Your Body Of 5 Common Toxins. 4 Reasons to Love Lavender. 14 Tips for Using Less Heat this Season. 4-ways-to-reduce-the-damage-of-prolonged-sitting. 5 Unexpected Lifestyle Habits That Boost Immunity. La flore intestinale dit au cerveau quand elle n’a plus faim.

Apprenez à préparer votre propre Vicks VapoRub chez vous. L'arthrose - Laura Azenard : «Voici comment j'ai vaincu l'arthrose» Mindfulness Techniques to Reduce Stress. 10 Best Foods for a Summer Detox. La Détox. Blue Mind: Why Being Around Water is Good For You. Egregore. Your Cat’s Purr Has Healing Powers. Symptoms of Humidity and How To Remedy Them. What Your Poop and Pee are Telling You About Your Body. 7 Major Links Between Diet and Mental Health. Soigner avec l'énergie. 5 Health Benefits of House Plants. 14 Ways Your Cat Improves Your Health. 4 Scientific Reasons to Laugh More. Les bactéries intestinales nous feraient manger ce qui les arrangent. Les rencontres d'Achillea - Les rencontres d'Achillea.

La Méthode NAET - Site officiel de NAET®-Europe. Find Your Pressure Points. 15 Surprising Uses for Coconut Oil. Moi d’Emploi: Le site d’information: Tous les jours une info positive, réaliste et éducative. Comment lutter contre le froid ? Découvrez 10 astuces efficaces. Stress.


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