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Fulford - The History Of The Illuminati. Matrix Revealed. Stravinsky, Dali, and the revolution of imagination by Jon Rappoport February 15, 2014 On May 29, 1913, in the Theatre des Champs-Elysees in Paris, a riot broke out. After the curtain went up on the premiere of The Rite of Spring, it took only a few minutes for the tumult to begin. Boos, hisses, catcalls, people throwing objects at the stage… The roar of the crowd quickly became so loud, the dancers lost their cues. And the music. The police arrived and shut the program down. Stravinsky, at 28, had arrived on the world scene.

Never again would he compose music so challenging. But the revolution had happened. Much has been written about the premiere and the Rite. You can also find scholarly work on the structure of the Rite, indicating a possible borrowed background of several Eastern European folk melodies. Formidable creations of imagination are often diluted by referring the audience to other works and periods of time and influences—to explain the incomprehensible. Global corporatism. Part 1: Jon Rappoport with Catherine Austin Fitts. Nomorefakenews. Ancient tibetan magicians. Jon Rappoport Blog and Video Archive. Zbigniew Brzezinski is Obama's foreign policy advisor!!!! Gotta read this ... Here is his ME expert! [link to] cont from......

Why would Barack Obama have on his foreign policy staff a man who has been widely criticized for a revisionist history of the Middle East peace process sharply at odds with all other accounts of the proceedings? Why would Barack Obama give credibility to a man who seems to have an agenda that includes empowering our enemies and weakening our friends and allies? How did Robert Malley, with a record of writing that reveals a willingness to twist facts to serve a political agenda, come to be appointed by Obama to his foreign staff?

Was it a recommendation of Zbigniew Brzezinski to bring on board another anti-Israel foreign policy expert? What role did the left-wing anti-Israel activist George Soros play in placing Robert Malley (or for that matter, Brzezinski himself) in a position to influence the future foreign policy of America? Or does it speak more to his true beliefs? Related article: Barack Obama and Israel. » Meet Obama’s Foreign Policy Brain: Zbigniew Brzezinski Alex Jones. Aidan Monaghan 911 Blogger February 20, 2008 Obama foreign policy advisor sanctioned creation and support of militant Islam tied to al-Qaeda Apparent Democratic party presidential front-runner and supposed anti-war candidate Barack Obama has obtained the endorsement of and foreign policy advice of Zbigniew Brzezinski, who once endorsed the creation and support of militant Islamic forces in Afghanistan, that were directed by accused 9/11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden.

Brzezinski has admitted to the provocation of a Soviet-Afghan war that claimed the lives of 1 million people in Afghanistan during the 1980′s. Brzezinski also sanctioned the support of a southeast Asian regime that claimed the lives of up to 2 million during the 1970′s, through execution, starvation and forced labor. Brzezinski is confirmed to be an Obama advisor: From the History Commons: From Wikipedia: U.N.

Zbigniew Brzezinski: warns of false flag attack to trigger War on Iran. Zbigniew Brzezinski is the chief foreign policy advisor for the Obama for President campaign (Obama was a student of his at Columbia University). Brzezinski crafted previous plans for the Peak Oil Wars when he helped design the Rapid Deployment Force in the late 1970s (now called Central Command, the military command that attacked Iraq). on this page: "Moreover, as America becomes an increasingly multicultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat.

" -- "The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives," by Zbigniew Brzezinski (1997), Council on Foreign Relations, National Security Advisor to President Carter and adviser to Presidents Reagan and Bush the First A War in the Planning for Four Years HOW STUPID DO THEY THINK WE ARE? By Michael C. Ruppert [© Copyright 2001.

Brzezinski: Yes. Zbigniew Brzezinski - Evil Spirit of 5 US Presidents - And Biggest Threat to World Peace. By Anders 7 Feb 2010 from Euro-Med Website Summary There is a man who is more dangerous to mankind than any other living person today. His name is Zbigniew Brzezinski, a CFR-member , Arch-Trilateral Commissionist, Bilderberger. For that purpose, he sees Eurasia as his grand chessboard, where the battle is to be won. He wants peace there, friendly arrangements, in particular with China, if possible, so that he can pursue the goal of his obsession, i.e. the purpose of the Trilateral Commission created by him and David Rockefeller: To create a world state by fusing a coming North American Union, at which he is working through the CSIS, the Union for the Mediterranean - and a Far East block which is now being created.

His aim is a communist one world state where Russia, which he hates, is subdued by being split into 3 republics in a loose confederation - and if that is not possible - then ultimately even by WW III. He has worked on, Who is Zbigniew Brzezinski? Brzezinski's legacy Global Research. Globalist Traitor David Rockefeller slams Obama for Tariffs on China - Los Angeles Nonpartisan. In a recent New York Times op-ed, “Present at the Trade Wars,” former CEO of Chase Manhattan Bank and prominent advocate for globalism David Rockefeller criticizes President Obama's imposition of a steep tariff on auto tires made in China, which may spark a trade war. He puts the blame on unions, environmentalists, and cable television pundits. While America is not in the position to start trade wars, due to our massive debt to China, what really bothers Rockefeller is economic nationalism since he is a committed globalist.

Rockefeller not only opposes Obama's new tariff's but goes on to say that "President Obama should also urge Congress to pass free-trade agreements with Panama, South Korea and Colombia that would truly open those markets to our products. He should also ask Congress to renew “fast track” authority for Ron Kirk, the United States trade representative. Exit From the Matrix. Interviewing the astral Albert Einstein about free will by Jon Rappoport April 5, 2014 It was a strange journey into the astral realm to find Albert Einstein. I slipped through gated communities heavily guarded by troops protecting dead Presidents. I skirted alleys where wannabe demons claiming they were Satan’s reps were selling potions made from powdered skulls of English kings. I ran through mannequin mansions where trainings for future shoppers were in progress. Finally, in a little valley, I spotted a cabin, and there on the porch, sitting in a rocker, smoking a pipe and reading The Bourne Ultimatum, was Dr. He was wearing an old sports jacket with leather patches on the elbows, jeans, and furry slippers. I wanted to talk with the great man because I’d read a 1929 Saturday Evening Post interview with him.

“I am a determinist. Dr, Einstein went inside and brought out two bottles of cold beer and we began our conversation: A: Surely, yes. Q: Regardless of location. The matrix revealed jon rappoport pdf. » Meet Obama’s Foreign Policy Brain: Zbigniew Brzezinski Alex Jones. Exit From the Matrix. Bernie Sanders: they are "Hell bent on destroying the middle class and creating an Oligarchy" Crossposted at The Progressive More from Bernie Sanders . . . (T)he truth is that working families have been experiencing a decline for decades. During the Bush years alone, from 2000-2008, median family income dropped by nearly $2,200 and millions lost their health insurance. Today, because of stagnating wages and higher costs for basic necessities, the average two-wage-earner family has less disposable income than a one-wage-earner family did a generation ago. The average American today is underpaid, overworked and stressed out as to what the future will bring for his or her children.

Bold text and italics added by the diarist The average two-wage-earner family has less disposable income than a one-wage-earner family did a generation ago. And, as Bernie Sanders so points out, the richest 400 families in America are richer than ever. Now, I would argue that we already have an Oligarchy now, but certainly Bernie Sanders is already aware of that.

George Lucas? Political Vel Craft | Rothschild. “I know thy works, and tribulation and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”The Book of Revelation, Chapter 2, Verse 9 Obama Martyrdom Drawing Near? NWO Modus Is Replete With Such Subliminal Forewarnings.Timeline Of Reid & Obama’s Obtuse Shutdown: Blackmailing Of U.S. Retirements & Healthcare Needs.The Obama Dead Pool & Kill List! Obama’s 2014 Iraq Footprint: January 1,840 Dead February 1,700 Dead ~ Hellfire Missile Supplied Drones! In 1913 the Federal Reserve Bank was born, with Paul Warburg its first Governor. The Rothschild crime family, self-described Jews (they are really teutonic zionists), controlled most of the “free” world before the USA became a superpower, and the Rothschild crime family corrupted our banks and government as our USA rose in power.

We The People are our last chance, now, while we still have Internet freedom, to take our country back by nonviolent means. There’s going to be a crisis which will come along on the 21st, 22nd of January which we don’t even know about right now!” Vi. The Jewish Oligarchy: Running and Ruining America. [box type="note" size="large" style="rounded" border="full"]Author’s Note: I am a True Semite, No Jewish American Is.

This is a lengthy article but provides a glaring window into how and why the Jewish American Oligarchy enslaves a Superpower to do Israel’s bidding[/box] “The Modern Age is the Jewish Age, and the twentieth century, in particular, is the Jewish Century.” - Yuri Slezkine, in his book “The Jewish Century”, Prof. of History U.C. Berkeley “I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. … Corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.” - Abraham Lincoln, November 21, 1864; in Letter to Col. How can Israel so forcefully dominate the world’s sole superpower?

Simple: - Fred P. Rep. Benjamin H. Freedman ― Seven U.S. Presidents, Jewish Pawns. Rothschild Fortune Risked Collapse Without Middle East Controls Under Zionist Supervision The Rothschild dynasty's fortune and Great Britain's authority would diminish in the Far East if Great Britain no longer controlled the Suez Canal. Looking ahead, the Rothschilds planned their future without the Suez Canal. The First World War ended in l9l8 and the Rothschilds had their plan ready. Their plan was very simple. Under the October 1916 London Agreement, Great Britain planned to turn over Palestine to the Zionists after the war. The eastern European Talmudists had no money.

The Rothschilds planned to construct a canal in Palestine from Ashkelon on the Mediterranean to Aqaba on the Gulf of Aqaba. The canal would be on British territory in perpetuity enjoying the advantages of defense by Great Britain if needed and international recognition as a member of the British Empire. During that period the British Empire fell apart. Great Britain was certain to defeat Germany. The Onslaught Of Jewish Organizations. There are now over 600 Jewish organizations in Amerika whose influence via billions of dollars has turned the former Republic into a Jewish oligarchy ruling over some 300 million Gentile Amerikans.

To name only a few out of the hundreds of Jewry’s influence-peddling organizations in Amerika we have: Money, BIG MONEY, is what these Jewish organizations are all about. Case in point: Last winter, the head of the American Jewish Congress, Jack Rosen, hosted a fund raiser for Obama, at his posh home in Manhattan’s Upper East Side. With huge donations forthcoming from his back pocket, Rosen reminded Obama with these words to the Jewish fat cats in attendance: “America has never been as supportive to the state of Israel than since Obama took office.” A GLANCE AT THE “MISSIONS” of some of these organizations evince both their political and cultural agendas foisted upon Amerikan life as well as the extent of their activities. Now let’s connect the dots to see the Jewish network in criminal action: We Jews: Presidential Jewish Firsts.

From colonial times, We Jews have played a vital, if sometimes unsung role in the lives and administrations of our Chiefs. Many actively supported the Revolutionary War and settled new territories during America's westward expansion. In the more recent past, Jews such as Henry Kissinger, Elliott Abrams, and Ari Fleischer have become household names. Just recently Jacob Lew, an Orthodox Jew, was appointed White House chief of staff. Jacob Lew, an Orthodox Jew, was just appointed White House chief of staff.

Various Presidents helped move us forward in their administrations which benefited both our country, and countless others. Here is a sampling of … Famous Presidential-Jewish Firsts *George Washington (1789-97): First to visit a synagogue, Touro, in Newport. *Thomas Jefferson (1801-09): First to propose religious freedom for Jews in his 1779 Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom in Virginia (adopted in 1785). *Rutherford B. Franklin D. Harry S. Dwight D. John F. Lyndon B. George H.W. Ukrainian Archive. Before Crimea Was Russian, It Was a Potential Jewish Homeland. “On the way to Sevastopol, not too far from Simferopol,” begins what is probably the most famous Yiddish song from the Soviet Union, “Hey Dzhankoye.”

The song, named after a collective farm near the Crimean town of Dzhankoy, celebrates the alleged victories of the Soviet collectivization drive of the 1920s and 1930s, which, according to the song, magically transformed Jewish merchants into farmers. “Who says that Jews can only trade?” Asks the final verse of the song, “Just take a look at Dzhan.” Now, as the new government in Kiev struggles to find its footing after the ouster of Ukraine’s pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych, Russian troops are occupying the Crimea in the name of protecting ethnic Russians and, as Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov suggested at the United Nations, combating anti-Semitic ultra-nationalists—an ironic twist, less than a century after the Kremlin contemplated the peninsula as the site of a potential Jewish homeland. Russia's Vladimir Putin Defends Ukraine's Jews, Slams Ukraine's Jewish Oligarchs. Yesterday morning, Vladimir Putin, president of the Russian Federation, gave his first post-Crimea invasion press conference.

What rapidly became apparent, as he slouched in a gilded hall studded with Russian flags, was that the combination of Putin’s surreal interpretation of events with his lavishly baroque epistemology has given form to some bizarrely contradictory dualities in his worldview. He railed against a politicized judiciary selectively prosecuting the enemies of the chief executive, overlooking that it’s exactly what the Russian Judiciary does routinely; he argued the change of government in Kiev was an armed coup, but the one in Crimea was entirely legitimate.

The usage of force by Ukrainians is unjustified, but completely justified from the Russian side. Kolomoyskyi is not unique, but he is a figure of collosal wealth and importance in Ukraine’s industrial behemoth of Dnepropetrovsk. Russian mafia jewish. Jewish capital is good for Russia, Jewish politics less so Israel News.

The Future is Calling. The Men Who Built America Part 1. Men who built america. Fourth Reich of the Rich by Des Griffin. LaRouche's connection to German Holocaust Denier. Fourth Reich of the Rich: Des Griffin: Blueprint for World Domination. Des Griffin's Fourth Reich of the Rich (1976) Books that you must read in order to understand what is happening in the world.. The truth behind The Odessa File and Nazis on the run. Oligarchs. Vladimir Potanin jews. The Power Elite – Who Rules America: Power Elite Analysis and American History by Charles A. Burris.

The Racist Roots of Progressivism by Charles A. Burris. Charles Burris – Attack the System: Who Are the Power Elite? James Burnham and the managerial revolution. Distributive justice. Distributive justice. Libertarian paternalism. The Case Against Libertarian Paternalism. Liberal Fascism. Mathusim poplulation. Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism. ELITES. Oligarchy. Presidents, Oligarchs and Bureaucrats by Susan Stewart, Margarete Klein, Andrea Schmitz and Hans-Henning Schröder. Bernie Sanders: they are "Hell bent on destroying the middle class and creating an Oligarchy"

Harvard yale oligarchy. Harvard yale oligarchy. Bureaucratic Oligarchy. Ingsoc oligarchies. Iron law of oligarchy. Elysium (film)