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Annika Lundgren


UK. Sehen. Essen und Restaurant. Klasse 6. Describing people. GUY FAWKES. BONFIRE NIGHT - 5th November. Eng realia. William Shakespeare and Renaissance language. Persuasive writing. Indigenous Peoples. Lektionsobservationer. Deutsch. Halloween.

Persuasive writing. Coraline. Coraline. Teman engelska 7-9. Freak - Gender - Body Ideal. The USA. Handledning & Kollegialt lärande. Formativ undervisning/bedömning. Kollegialt lärande. The perks Of being a wallflower. S. Alexis The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian/ Flight. The USA. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. English. - Learn Languages Online - Exercises Listening - Fill in the gaps. Übung zum Hörverstehen Deutsch A1: Essen und Trinken. Grammatik-Praepositionen-Zeitangaben-SV. Free Word Games, Vocabulary Building Exercises, English Language Quizzes.

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Free Word Games, Vocabulary Building Exercises, English Language Quizzes

Create words on the letter wheels Mastermind variation with words. Word Games - Play Word Search, Crossword, Puzzles and Sudoku Games. Übung zum Hörverstehen Deutsch A1: Essen und Trinken. Förmågorna. Flippat. Christian Lundahl Skillnaden mellan summativ och formativ bedömning. Listening. Christmas. English. Jeopardy Rocks - Jeopardy game creator for teachers. Formativ bedömning, kurs betygssättning. Att bedöma läsförståelse. Det finns inga test som kan bedöma läsförståelse utan det är pedagogen som är det bästa bedömningsverktyget (Westlund) Det är genom textsamtalen som man får syn på elevernas kunskapsutveckling (Liberg) Ett medvetet strukturerat arbete med läsförståelsestrategier gör att eleverna får verktyg att ta sig in i texter och förstå det de läser.

Att bedöma läsförståelse

Christian Lundahl 3 Återkoppling som för lärandet framåt. Christian Lundahl 2 Skapa aktiviteter som synliggör lärandet. Christian Lundahl - 1. Tydliggöra mål och

Christian Lundahl Skillnaden mellan summativ och formativ bedömning. Bedömning. Jeopardy Rocks - Jeopardy game creator for teachers. A+ Papers. Extra material. Worksheets. Divergent. FreeMind. Screenshot aus FreeMind Informationen zu FreeMind Projekte jedweder Art sollten gründlich geplant werden.


Eine Möglichkeit, alle Aufgaben beim Hausbau, bei der Durchführung eines Vereinsfestes oder bei der Konzeption einer Marketingstrategie zu erfassen, ist das so genannte „Mindmapping“. Hierbei werden alle zu berücksichtigenden Aspekte und Infos in Form eines Baumdiagramms zueinander in Beziehung gesetzt. Das Gratis-Programm „FreeMind“ hilft Ihnen, solche Mindmaps am Computer zu erstellen. Schritt für Schritt notieren Sie einzelne Vorgänge wie Sie Ihnen durch den Kopf gehen. Einem Knoten weisen Sie bei Bedarf umfangreiche Texte zu, die Sie über einen Texteditor eintippen und mit allen üblichen Schrift- und Absatzformatierungen gestalten. Free Concept Mapping Software - Freeware. Free but easy-to-use concept mapping software helps create professional-looking concept maps immediately.

Free Concept Mapping Software - Freeware

Click Here to Free Download our Concept Mapping Software To be successful, one should know that," The devil is in the details and the death is at the speed. " Sometimes, neglecting one small detail can lead to failure. But you don't need to worry, Edraw can help you focus on details as well as the big picture. It can even increase your productivity and creativity by visually organizing your ideas onto a concept map. Words, grammar,..

5000+ Free PowerPoint Templates, Free PowerPoint Backgrounds. Formativ bedömning. Tyska. Divergent. Book Talk: Divergent by Veronica Roth. Since I began teaching I have dreamed of sharing one of my favorite novels with my students and experiencing that excitement and anticipation that is associated with diving into a new world of characters and places.

Book Talk: Divergent by Veronica Roth

Unfortunately, I was never able to make that happen because of a lack of time, not having the resources, and plenty of other excuses that I made. All that changed, however, when I stumbled across this amazing organization, First Book. First Book is an organization dedicated to providing books to children in need. If you teach in a Title I or low income school, you can sign up on their website to apply for book grants or shop in their marketplace for heavily discounted books for your students.

I have been extremely lucky to have be awarded three separate book grants from First Book. If that was not enough, I was beyond excited to learn that my favorite novel Divergent by Veronica Roth was for sale in the First Book Marketplace. Divergent Unit Materials - Ms. Monahan's English Website. Spring Nature Photo Scavenger Hunt. It’s official: Spring has begun!

Spring Nature Photo Scavenger Hunt

Which means it’s time to kick off the spring nature photo scavenger hunt. Here’s how it works: I’ve come up with 30 things you and your kiddos can “hunt for” outside this spring. Find an item, snap a picture and check the item off your list. Will you be able to find everything before summer gets here? Don’t worry if your little explorer isn’t an aspiring photographer or sometimes needs your help to snap a shot. To help keep you inspired all season long, I’ll be sharing photos we take here every week as part of a new feature I’m calling “Saturday Snapshot.”

Join the fun! Once you and/or your kiddos have taken a photo, there are lots of ways to share: Share your photo on the Go Explore Nature Facebook page. THEMES/ HOLIDAYS. Teaching Material for English (ESL/EFL) Teachers in Sweden. Harrow: a very British school part 2 2013. Harrow: a very British school part 1 2013.

Schools in Britain. Teaching Your Students How to Have a Conversation. I was recently in a third grade classroom and was struck by the presence of rules that were posted for how to have a conversation.

Teaching Your Students How to Have a Conversation

The poster said, "Each person must contribute to the discussion but take turns talking. Ask each other, 'Would you like to add to my idea? ' or 'Can you tell us what you are thinking? ' Ask questions so that you understand each other's ideas. Say, 'Can you tell me more about that? ' Having visited many middle and high schools, I think these same rules could -- and probably should -- be posted there as well.

Engelska. Christmas Around The World Video - Welcome to USA for Kids. Lessons/Planning. Worksheets & Grammar Printables. Writing English. Blogs. Skolutveckling med Digitala verktyg. Christian Lundahl Skillnaden mellan summativ och formativ bedömning. Nyheter - News. Betygskriterier för ämnet engelska. Oral presentation. Melissa: Hi, everyone! Today I would like to talk about how to become the most popular teen in school. Firstly, I think getting good academic results is the first factor to make you become popular since, having a good academic result, your teacher will award you in front of your schoolmates. Then, your schoolmates will know who you are and maybe they would like to get to know you because they want to learn something good from you.

Secondly, I think participating in school clubs and student unions can help to make you become popular, since after participating in these school clubs or student union, people will know who you are and it can help you to make friends all around the school, no matter senior forms or junior forms. In conclusion, I think to become the most popular teen in school we need to have good academic results and also participate in school clubs and student union. Kelvin: Good evening, everyone! But, should the government make it illegal? Pack your bags. Tyska Länktips för 6-9. Engelska (åk 6-9) Around the World in Eight Months. Inkludering och exkludering. Engelska. Formativ bedömning. Bedömning synliggjort för lärare i engelska?