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Games. Listening. News. Grammar. Countries. Music. Vocabulary. Dictionary. Films. British council, BBC. UR. Tools. Writing. Speaking. Magic. Engelska (åk 6-9) Apprendre l'anglais autrement. English as a Second Language free materials for teaching and study. 10 Websites for English Language Students. A few years ago I wrote a blog post about 10 Websites for English Language Teachers.

10 Websites for English Language Students

At the time it seemed to be quite popular with readers but it suddenly dawned that I did not write about any websites which would be best suited for learners of English. So read on to find out the 10 websites which I recommend for learners of English. 1. ESOL Courses This wonderful self-study website, ESOL Courses, is great for students as all lessons are available online, there is no registration so lessons are free and they cover a range of areas as well as levels. 2.

I have been using the BBC Learning English website since I first started English language teaching in South Korea. 3. This website, Five Minute English, was one that I came across by accident and it contains quite a number of lessons which focus on listening, grammar, vocabulary as well as a range of other skills. 4. 5. 6. 7.

English at Home is a great website for students as there is a focus on spoken English, vocabulary and grammar. 8. Kimstudies - Home. Discovery Education Virtual Field Trips. School Start 7-9 ⋆ Check also New Teacher Introductions in Teach by Calendar August 19th Warm-up Welcome to a New School Year (4:27) Video clip with powerful messages to live up toBack to School Expectations Vs.

School Start 7-9 ⋆

Reality! (4:54) A funny vlog by a high-schooler to show what to expect of the school yearEMINEM GOES BACK TO HIGH SCHOOL (6:06) Eminem tells about his years at schoolKid President’s Pep Talk (3:54) Motivational video for students and teachers alike Songs The Most Wonderful Time of the Year Parody of the Christmas songBack to School Welcome and Motivation Song. Getting to Know Web of Names Learn the names while tossing a boll of thread. Self-Esteem Switch Sides if… A game to show we are both alike and different, similar to the one in “Freedom Writers’ Diary”3 Question Activities to Connect with Students; for pairs, groups and whole-class discussions.This is Me A song to start telling about yourself (yr 7)This is Me 7-8 A worksheet to fill in and talk about.What I am! 10 lifesaving websites for ESL teachers.

Lisa has asked me for some recommendations regarding useful sites for EFL teachers and I’m happy to make a little compilation of the places I visit most often to find ideas, inspirations, betimes lesson plans if I feel exceptionally lazy (The Liberation of the Garden Gnomes by Peter Vahle is just shiny!)

10 lifesaving websites for ESL teachers

And share them with you. So, here we go – my ten favourite websites: Hope you’ll like my choice and give these sites a go. I must admit, my life as a teacher is WAY easier thanks to those wonderful people contributing there, but I also appreciate their influence when I see my own teaching style spiced up with different inspirations and ideas – I feel motivated to change, experiment, develop, to make my classes as interesting as I can.

Enjoy the recommendations I’ve shared and if you know some interesting sites, please, share them with me as well. Enjoy! Like this: Like Loading... Skolans roligaste arbetsområde för år 9! Yearbook! Vi vill intressera er för ett skolarbete i ämnet engelska som eleverna verkligen kommer att uppskatta.

Skolans roligaste arbetsområde för år 9! Yearbook!

Både för att det är fantastiskt roligt att skapa en Yearbook men framför allt för den fina produkt som slutresultatet ger. Ni kan antingen arbeta fram Yearbooken som ett arbete med en LPP och där man bedöms i en bedömningsmatris. (LPP och bedömningsmatris medföljer startpaketet) Här ställs lite högre krav på elevens insats och även på läraren som får rätta och bedöma varje elevs insats. Vill man endast arbeta fram den på ett mer avslappnat vis utan bedömningskrav så kan ni självklart göra det. (Klicka nedan för fler arbetsmodeller) Vill ni i slutändan inte trycka Yearbooken så finns inget tvång på det heller. ” Hej! Reading Worksheets, Spelling, Grammar, Comprehension, Lesson Plans - The Seven Best Video Website for ELT Students - Kieran Donaghy. As part of the launch of the website I’m organising a prize draw for my new book Film in Action.

The Seven Best Video Website for ELT Students - Kieran Donaghy

Everybody who subscribes to the website in the months of February and March will be entered into the draw. The Internet now offers students the opportunity to improve their lexical, listening and speaking skills through watching short film clips, videos and short films. Here are my seven favourite sites. English Central Possibly the best website for students to improve their vocabulary, listening, speaking and pronunciation.

English Attack A aimed specifically at young students which uses clips from movies and TV series; music videos, themed visual glossaries; learning games and social networking to help language learners improve their English.