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Texticules et autres délits d'opinion. Henry Darger. By Stephen Prokopoff Henry Darger was one of those people hardly anyone notices, who, seemingly, move through life as shadows. Born in 1892, possibly in Brazil or in Germany by his various accounts and perhaps bearing the surname, Dargarius, young Henry lived with his father- "a tailor and a kind and easygoing man" in Chicago until 1900. In that year the elder and crippled Darger had to be taken to live in a Catholic Mission and his son was placed in a Catholic boys' home. Darger Sr. died in 1905 and his son was institutionalized as feeble-minded, apparently on the basis of a doctor's diagnosis that "Little Henry's heart is not in the right place.

" A series of escapes ended successfully in 1908. The 16-year-old Darger found menial employment in a Catholic hospital and in this fashion continued to support himself for the following 50 years. The story recounts the wars between the nations on an enormous and unnamed planet, of which Earth is a moon. Open Micro. D I S C O G L O S S E. Arts Bruts et Assimilés. Musée de la Création Franche - Bègles (Art brut et apparentés)