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Copyright Resources

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Fair Use Checklist (Univ. of Louisville) Fair Use Evaluator. What this tool can do for you: What this tool cannot do for you:

Fair Use Evaluator

Fair Use Checklist (Columbia Univ.) Teach Act Checklist. Copyright Exceptions for Instructors. The U.S.

Copyright Exceptions for Instructors

Copyright Code provides for the educational use of copyrighted material without the permission of the copyright holder under certain conditions. To find out if your intended use meets the requirements set out in the law, use this free, online tool. [disclaimer] This tool can also help you collect information detailing your educational use and provide you with a summary in PDF format.

[example] This tool is valid for those uses that meet the requirements and which take place within the United States. THIS TOOL IS:Intended as a source of information for educators & others to better understand the educational exemptions available in the U.S. THIS TOOL IS NOT: A source of legal advice. A legal copy is one that was legally obtained (purchased from a reputable vendor, checked out from a library, etc.).

This exemption covers what is normally an exclusive right of the copyright holder - the right to display or perform a copyrighted work. The Educator's Guide to Copyright and Fair Use. A five-part series When it comes to copyright law and the application of fair use exceptions, ignorance is definitely not bliss!

The Educator's Guide to Copyright and Fair Use

Learn how to educate yourselves and your students and avoid making a costly mistake! You really did plan to find time over the summer to familiarize yourself with the latest information on copyright law. You absolutely intended to look up the fair use guidelines for using technology resources. You truly meant to create a classroom copyright policy, locate agencies that grant permissions to use copyrighted materials, write a template for a permission request form, and locate sites to teach students about the value of original work and the societal benefits of obeying copyright laws. What's an educator to do? Click Part 1: Copyrights and Copying Wrongs below to begin. Who Said That? Article by Linda Starr Education World® Copyright © Education World.

Creative Commons. Creative Commons Video. Copyright Clarity (ebook) The Copyright Book (ebook) Copyright Law of the United States. This publication contains the text of title 17 of the United States Code, including all amendments enacted by Congress through June 30, 2016.

Copyright Law of the United States

It includes the Copyright Act of 1976 and all subsequent amendments to copyright law; the Semiconductor Chip Protection Act of 1984, as amended; and the Vessel Hull Design Protection Act, as amended. The Copyright Office is responsible for registering intellectual property claims under all three. The United States copyright law is contained in chapters 1 through 8 and 10 through 12 of title 17 of the United States Code. The Copyright Act of 1976, which provides the basic framework for the current copyright law, was enacted on October 19, 1976, as Pub. L. Chapters 9 and 13 of title 17 contain two types of design protection that are independent of copyright protection. Copyright Timeline: A History of Copyright in the United States.

18th-19th Centuries | 20th-21st Centuries | Bibliography and Resources The history of American copyright law originated with the introduction of the printing press to England in the late fifteenth century.

Copyright Timeline: A History of Copyright in the United States

As the number of presses grew, authorities sought to control the publication of books by granting printers a near monopoly on publishing in England. The Licensing Act of 1662 confirmed that monopoly and established a register of licensed books to be administered by the Stationers' Company, a group of printers with the authority to censor publications. Copyright (USG) Stanford University Copyright and Fair Use Center. Know Your Copyrights (Assoc. of Research Libraries) Copyright (American Library Association) The Digital Age presents new challenges to fundamental copyright doctrines that are legal cornerstones of library services.

Copyright (American Library Association)

Libraries are leaders in trying to maintain a balance of power between copyright holders and users, in keeping with the fundamental principles outlined in the Constitution and carefully crafted over the past 200 years. In this role, we closely follow both federal and state legislation and make our voices heard when our issues are moving. Libraries are perceived as a voice for the public good and our participation is often sought in "friend of the court" briefs in important intellectual property cases. Fair Use, Free Speech & Intellectual Property - Center for Media and Social Impact. Public Domain Day (Duke Univ. School of Law) Public Domain Day: January 1, 2017 Public Domain Day is January 1st of every year.

Public Domain Day (Duke Univ. School of Law)

If you live in Canada, January 1st 2017 would be the day when the works of Evelyn Waugh, C.S. Forester, and André Breton enter the public domain. Canadians can revisit Brideshead Revisited by staging their own dramatizations, or add the full works of Forester and Breton to online archives, without asking permission or violating the law. In Europe, the works of Gertrude Stein, H.G.