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Prerequisites — amdgpu graphics and compute stack unknown-build documentation. Downloading the Package Archive¶ The AMDGPU graphics stack is delivered as an archive of native packages.

Prerequisites — amdgpu graphics and compute stack unknown-build documentation

Prior to installation, you must first obtain the archive from your AMD Customer Engagement Representative or from the AMD web site. Download the AMDGPU-Pro tar archive (for example, to ~/Downloads), which contains the installation script.


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"Why is your desktop app not a web app?" While it may seem that everyone and everything is running on the web and mobile phone, what's the place for desktop applications?

"Why is your desktop app not a web app?"

Is there one? How big is it? My hypothesis has been that the place of the desktop is simply becoming more clearly defined, rather than becoming less important. I then asked a number of technical leads of large desktop projects why they weren't creating web applications instead of desktop applications. Their answers can be read below.