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Panetta Discusses First Week as Defense Secretary. By Jim Garamone American Forces Press Service KABUL, Afghanistan, July 9, 2011 – At the end of his first week as defense secretary, Leon E.

Panetta Discusses First Week as Defense Secretary

Panetta boarded an E-4B airborne command post aircraft for the trip here. While refueling, the plane hit some air pockets. Wikileaks. Lancer Publishers Online Bookshop. China’s rise to global economic and strategic eminence, with the potential for achieving pre-eminence in the greater-Asian region, is one of the defining characteristics of the post-Cold War period.

Lancer Publishers Online Bookshop

The next decade may witness China`s assertion of military or strategic pressure on Japan, the Korean Peninsula, India, the South China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, Central Asia, or even on behalf of future allies in Africa and Latin America. While conflict is not a foregone conclusion, as indicated by China`s increasing participation in many benign international organizations, it is a fact that China`s leadership will pursue its interests as it sees them, which may not always coincide with those of the United States, its friends, and allies. Global capitalism and 21st century fascism. Story highlights The crisis of global capitalism is unprecedented, given its magnitude, its global reach, the extent of ecological degradation and social deterioration, and the scale of the means of violence.

Global capitalism and 21st century fascism

We truly face a crisis of humanity. The stakes have never been higher; our very survival is at risk. We have entered into a period of great upheavals and uncertainties, of momentous changes, fraught with dangers - if also opportunities.

US Hegemony

Israel-Palestine. Military Technology.