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Journalism faces a crisis worldwide – we might be entering a new dark age. Australia’s two largest legacy media organisations recently announced big cuts to their journalistic staff.

Journalism faces a crisis worldwide – we might be entering a new dark age

Many editorial positions, perhaps up to 120, will disappear at Fairfax Media, publisher of The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald, and News Corporation announced the sacking of most of its photographers and editorial production staff. Both announcements were accompanied by corporate spin voicing a continuing commitment to quality journalism. Nobody in the know believes it. This is the latest local lurch in a crisis that is engulfing journalism worldwide.

Now, partly thanks to Donald Trump, many more people are turning their mind to the future of news, including “fake” news and its opposite. How, in the future, are we to know the difference between truth, myth and lies? Almost too late, there is a new concern for the virtues of the traditional newsroom, and what good journalists do. 10 Top Social Media Marketing Trends To Look Out For In 2017 – Medium. Social networks have been with us for just over a decade but it feels like forever.

10 Top Social Media Marketing Trends To Look Out For In 2017 – Medium

When I first signed into Facebook I was amazed by how small the world had become. Friends, acquaintances and old college connections I hadn’t seen in decades and living in faraway places popped up on my screen. Maybe a little older, greyer and with less hair than I remembered. The World's 21 Most Important Social Media Sites and Apps in 2015. The concepts behind “social networking” aren’t anything new – ever since there have been humans, we have been looking for ways to connect, network, and promote with one another – but they’ve taken on an entirely new meaning (and momentum) in the digital age.

The World's 21 Most Important Social Media Sites and Apps in 2015

Where we used to have handshakes, word-of-mouth referrals, and stamped letters, today’s relationships are often begun and developed on LinkedIn, Google +, and Facebook. 5 Things Google Doesn't Want You To Google - Elementary Digital. 14 exciting digital marketing stats from this week. Statistically you are more likely to feel optimistic about life on a Friday afternoon than a Monday morning.

14 exciting digital marketing stats from this week

Some people wrongly believe this has something to do with the timing of the weekend, but that's merely a coincidence. It's actually because Friday afternoon is when the weekly Econsultancy digital marketing stats round-up hits their inbox. How do I learn Social Media? A brand new game. What Is Public? — The Message. Public is not simply defined.

What Is Public? — The Message

Public is not just what can be viewed by others, but a fragile set of social conventions about what behaviors are acceptable and appropriate. There are people determined to profit from expanding and redefining what’s public, working to treat nearly everything we say or do as a public work they can exploit. They may succeed before we even put up a fight. We are all public defenders. Oh, we love “public”. In popular discourse, most debate assumes either you are doing something that is public, or you are not. These two powerful industries are enabled by a third: Policy. Brett Relander sur Twitter : "What Is The Difference between Popularity and Influence in #SocialMedia?

Getting a sharper picture of social media’s influence. Over the past decade, marketers have increasingly turned to social-media networks like Facebook and Twitter to create buzz around their products.

Getting a sharper picture of social media’s influence

But what impact do tweets and other recommendations have on sales, and how can companies get a bigger return on their investments in these important channels? To get a clearer view, we examined the purchase decisions of 20,000 European consumers, across 30 product areas and more than 100 brands, in 2013 and 2014. How to Make Time for Social Media Marketing. With everything else required to keep your business up and running, finding time for social media marketing can be a challenge.

How to Make Time for Social Media Marketing

You know you need to do it, but trying to find the time to fit it into your already packed schedule can feel like an uphill battle. Commit to a specific time each day for social media. Without a solid plan in place to accomplish goals, they often go by the wayside. That is why most people fail at resolutions, such as exercising more. They lack a definitive plan for doing so. 5 effective ways to market to millennials. This article is part of SWOT Team, a series on Mashable that features insights from leaders in marketing, brand-building and public relations.

5 effective ways to market to millennials

As a baby boomer, I've seen media trends come and go, and the millennial generation has presented entirely new challenges to the field of marketing. But, I've spent much of my career figuring out how to sell products to different types of people, and with age comes the knowledge and attitude not to be put off by something new. There is no question that marketing is changing — newspaper advertisements, television commercials and direct mail don't have the influence they once had. Millennials have changed all that, collectively drawing marketers' focus toward online and mobile marketing.

Paradoxically known for both brand loyalty and short attention spans, millennials are truly unique. 1. Image: Mashable, Christopher Mineses According to Pew Research, 85% of those aged 15–35 own smartphones, which they use to stay in touch with friends and family. 2. Seven social media strategy mistakes brands still make. Many brands are still making silly mistakes in their approach to social media, which can damage their reputation and waste their marketing resources.

Seven social media strategy mistakes brands still make

It’s time to tackle some of the business and planning mistakes that happen before a single tweet is tweeted or post is added on Facebook. If you’re looking for tips on the content posted itself, check out my previous content focused blog. Here are seven key mistakes businesses should avoid: 1. The Top 6 Digital Marketing Blogs Every Business Should Bookmark. By Zara Burke on October 31, 2014.

The Top 6 Digital Marketing Blogs Every Business Should Bookmark

26 Content Marketing Experts to Follow in 2015. Content is king, but few are creating “out of this world” content. We’ve scanned through hundreds of content marketing influencers so you can learn from some of the best. Here are 26 of our favorites: 1. Gerry Moran, Global Head of Social Media & Content at Cognizant // @GerryMoran. How to Learn Social Media Marketing: 41 Resources for Beginners. Social media is one of those marketing channels that can be very powerful ... or very boring. You'll either have a lot of success interacting with your customers, or you'll see little results.

Few do social media really well, and those who do see great things come from it. But for everyone who does social media well, there are hundreds of others seemingly spinning their social wheels with no results. For many, social media is simply a place to post links to content they've created in hopes that thousands will see it, click through, and share with their followers. So they have profiles on every network, and every network looks exactly the same; line after line of self-promotion. Kids of the Internet Generation vs. Everybody Else [INFOGRAPHIC] They don’t make them like they used to, right? Kids these days have grown accustomed to many luxuries that just weren’t around a few decades ago, namely new tech gadgets.

Are they better off for it? While kids used to head outdoors when they wanted to play, children today are 6 times more likely to be playing video games than riding bikes! In fact, cycling is down 31% since 1995. WHY Is The Most Important Question in Social Media. The question for most businesses leaders is not “if” they should be using social media. There are far more important questions to both ask and answer. Did you know that on average 98% of the people who “like” a business Facebook page will never visit the actual page again? They may only see it in their newsfeed “if” the brand is lucky and Facebook’s edgerank algorithm determines it is worthy of a view in the newsfeed of their fans. Competing for eyeballs. Debranding: why Coca-Cola's decision to drop its name worked. The success of Coca-Cola's Share a Coke campaign in which the brand name was replaced by 150 of Britain's most popular names has led to a lot of scratching of heads as to what it was about this campaign that meant it worked so well.

Chris Deere, head of brand activation at Coca-Cola Great Britain explains that, beyond the obvious attempt at personalisation, the campaign is about sharing: "We wanted people not just to find bottles with their own names on, but to surprise a friend or someone they love by seeking out a bottle with their name on it," he explains, pointing out, too, that social media is one way that global brands can make local connections. Of course, Coke is fortunate in that, even with the removal of its traditional logo, its script is still iconic, the red and white immediately recognisable, the world over.

Deere admits that the strategy wouldn't have worked with a brand which didn't already have so much equity behind it. How Big Brands Use Social Media. Marketing 101 @ Google U — Life Learning. “I want you to run a direct marketing campaign reaching five million small businesses across emerging markets — you pick the countries. You’ll have a budget of $XM dollars and the campaign needs to have at least a 5x ROI. Six examples of brilliant marketing creative to enjoy with your coffee. Here on the Econsultancy blog, we’re going to start teasing you with details of the week-long siren of excellence and japes that is the Festival of Marketing (8-10th October in London).

One of the many components of the Festival is PUNCH, the event where marketing meets the new creative. 22 Brilliant Social Media Marketing Tips. Academic About pop culture/trends and social issues/civics. Bullish on digital: McKinsey Global Survey results. As businesses continue to embrace digital tools and technologies—especially when engaging with customers—C-level executives in a recent McKinsey survey say they are stepping up their own involvement in shaping and driving digital strategies. This is vital to the success of digital programs, as survey respondents most often cite a lack of senior-management interest as the reason for an initiative’s failure.

Respondents also suggest that organizational alignment is critical to seeing real business impact from digital. In the survey, we asked respondents about five digital-enterprise trends: big data and advanced analytics, digital engagement of customers, digital engagement of employees and external partners, automation, and digital innovation. Richard Branson on Being Social Media Savvy.

Richard Branson Entrepreneur Richard Branson regularly shares his business experience and advice with readers. Ask him a question and your query might be the inspiration for a future column. 7 Steps to Productive Business Use of Social Media. 60+ Fantastic Email Newsletters Everyone Should Know About. Exposure Weekly Selects Incredible photo essays delivered weekly.

Politico Playbook “Veteran journalist Mike Allen combs the Internet, TV and newspapers to cook up a hearty dish of whats happening in politics.” 7 Social Media Marketing Trends Shaping 2013 /// Allegorie Design by Mike Roberts. 22 more reasons why I’ll leave your website in 10 seconds. A few years ago I compiled a list of things that I find abhorrent when using websites. Things that I cannot tolerate for more than a few seconds, and which invariably cause me to press the back button. Small Businesses Need to Rethink Their Social Media Endeavours. There are few brick & mortars that haven’t yet jumped on the social media bandwagon and set up Facebook & Twitter profiles, which have now almost become prerequisite. Norway PM Jens Stoltenberg works as secret taxi driver. 11 August 2013Last updated at 11:34 ET Mr Stoltenberg said it was the first time he had driven for eight years.

20 Social Media Marketing Tips From the Pros. Inbound Marketing with Owned, Earned and Paid Media [Infographic] Surveillance and Sousveillance. Rebecca Solnit · Diary: In the Day of the Postman · LRB 29 August 2013. This Is How Teens Are Using Social Media. Every Second on the Internet. Going to the blogs… 50 Inspiring Quotes from 50 Top Social Media Power Influencers. The Death of Social Media. The Top 15 Social Media Marketing Strategy Mistakes to Avoid. 14 Social Media Marketing Tools Recommended by the Pros. (172) What makes a good social media strategist? How social media is reshaping news. Kids of the Internet Generation vs. Everybody Else [INFOGRAPHIC] History of the Internet. Social media: Why it's the worst phrase in marketing. Mastering digital marketing.

Marketing Is Dead, and Loyalty Killed It. #Socialnomics 2014 by Erik Qualman. The Demographics of Social Media Users  A Glossary of Emerging Terms in the Collaborative Economy. Technology. How To Tackle Digital Citizenship During The First 5 Days Of School. [Slides] The 2014 State of Digital Transformation by Altimeter Group. The Teacher's Guide to Social Media. Business + Innovation. Manuel Castells on Networks. Nonpartisan, non-advocacy public opinion polling and demographic research.

Social Media for Business – Powered by Dell. Closing the Chasm Between Strategy and Execution - Doug Sundheim. Peers: Growing the sharing economy movement. Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project. The cluetrain manifesto - 95 theses. Building up Social Media Marketing Strategy. A History of the Internet and the Digital Future: Johnny Ryan: 9781861897770: Social's Value Measured in Engagement Over Sales. Converged Media with Jeremiah Owyang of Altimeter Group.