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CMS 2020

34 Headless CMS That Should Be On Your Radar. By 2022, our homes and offices will host over 40 million IoT devices.

34 Headless CMS That Should Be On Your Radar

That includes everything from the smart speakers on our kitchen countertops, to the AI-enabled devices on our wrists, to the screen-touting kiosks at the local mall. Neil Patel, the Founder of KISSmetrics, recently noted that the internet is on a path to becoming “ever-present”, meaning that, for those living in developed cities at least, the internet, and all of its content, will constantly play a role in society and home life via a multitude of devices, screens, speakers, and touchpoints. For brands looking to gain and retain consumer attention, such an environment poses a challenge, and an opportunity. The primary question brands will be asking themselves is; how can we get our content in front of the right audience, at the right time, and through the right device, when there are so many variables at play? What Is Headless and Decoupled Content Management? The Growing Need for Headless Content Management in 2019 1.

Cloud server - Elasticità, Affidabilità ed Efficienza. Effettuando lo Snapshot potrai avere un’immagine precisa del tuo Cloud server.

Cloud server - Elasticità, Affidabilità ed Efficienza

Ciò permetterà, in caso di ripristino del Server, di recuperare tutte le configurazioni di sistema e di ripristinare quindi il Cloud server come al momento della creazione dello Snapshot. Web Designer. Apparent Reality - Rendering and Animation. Le 13 regole magiche per creare un sito di successo. 8 anni fa scrissi l'articolo "Svelate le 12 regole per creare un sito vincente".

Le 13 regole magiche per creare un sito di successo

L'articolo, che trovate qui, è stato letto da oltre 300.000 persone ed è stato anche utilizzato come dispensa ufficiale per un'università italiana e copiato da decine di siti. Basta usare copyscape per scoprire quali. Ho deciso di riassumere e rendere più leggibili le regole (che molti hanno definito magiche) su questa pagina. In 8 anni i motori sono cambiati, queste regole sono sempre valide. Oggi come allora. WordPress: temi responsive con Foundation. Il Responsive Web Design è una tecnica che si sta diffondendo con rapidità e sta diventando uno standard sempre più affermato nel mondo degli sviluppatori.

WordPress: temi responsive con Foundation

Consiste nel rendere un sito Web reattivo, cioè in grado di restituire un layout appropriato e ottimizzato per il dispositivo che vi accede. In questo articolo scopriremo come realizzare un tema per WordPress completamente responsive, grazie a Foundation, il front-end framework di Zurb giunto alla sua quarta release. UXPA: Usability Resources: What is User Centered Design. User-centered design (UCD) is an approach to design that grounds the process in information about the people who will use the product.

UXPA: Usability Resources: What is User Centered Design

UCD processes focus on users through the planning, design and development of a product. An International Standard There is an international standard that is the basis for many UCD methodologies. Francesco Terzini - BTO Educational - User Experience Design - 31 m... Il Master - Master UX. Reports & Projects Overview. All fields are mandatory Forgot your password?

Reports & Projects Overview

Don't have an account? Sign up here. All fields are mandatory Invalid email address. Tour of HitTail's Benefits (and Features) SEO Tools - Search Engine Optimization, Google Optimization. How to Design a Search Engine Friendly Website. Mockups. Take a second. Let it sink in. The first impression might be disorienting. There are very few interface elements on the screen.

Start exploring however, and you'll find out that Mockups is filled with powerful yet only-visible-when-you-need-them features. Getting your ideas out should be effortless. Our sweet spot: the ideation phase Mockups really shines during the early stages of designing a new interface. Mockups is zenware, meaning that it will help you get "in the zone", and stay there.

Mockups offers the same speed and rough feel as sketching with pencil, with the advantage of the digital medium: drag & drop to resize and rearrange elements, make changes without starting over, and your work is clear enough that you'll make sense of them later. See what you can build with Mockups Download the samples above, or find more on Mockups To Go, our community-contributed stencils site. Designed for collaboration Your whole team can come together around the right design using Mockups. Responsive Web Design: la Guida – Guida Progettazione siti web - Design, Web Design. Dall'analisi dei requisiti fino allo sviluppo e alla promozione: fase per fase, una guida alla gestione dei progetti per siti web low budget Introduzione al web project management 1.

Guida Progettazione siti web - Design, Web Design

62 steps to the definitive link building campaign. Successful search engine optimization (SEO) requires inbound links from quality relevant websites.

62 steps to the definitive link building campaign

Using extracts from their book "The Definitive Guide to Link Building (2013 edition)", Ken McGaffin and Mark Nunney here outline the definitive steps in a successful, long term link building campaign ... Search on Google with one of your most popular keywords and you'll likely find millions of results. How does Google decide who comes first? And how can you persuade Google to give you a higher ranking in the results? Search Google with office furniture, for example (see image below), and there 120 million sites in the results.