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Free Online Classes. 12 Dozen Places To Educate Yourself Online For Free. Open Learning Initiative. Foro MBA. Fecha actual 08 Abr 2014, 00:07 General Para hablar de cualquier otro tema, presentación de nuevos usuarios, etc. 103 Temas 651 Mensajes Último mensaje por kurdo31 29 Mar 2014, 17:43 Idiomas Estrategias para aprender idiomas y para preparar los tests exigidos por las universidades: TOEFL, IELTS, First, Advanced, Proficiency, ... 75 Temas 541 Mensajes Último mensaje por rid 07 Abr 2014, 15:35 GMAT, GRE, SAT y otros tests de admisión Los test de admisión exigidos por las universidades o escuelas de negocios. 87 Temas 624 Mensajes Último mensaje por WeTTe 04 Abr 2014, 14:30 Problemas de tests de admisión Practica resolviendo problemas de GMAT, GRE, y otros tests 218 Temas 790 Mensajes Último mensaje por wisehacks 07 Abr 2014, 23:00 Mercado de Club-MBA Compra y vende libros y material de estudio de segunda mano. 25 Temas 59 Mensajes Último mensaje por hankbukowski 07 Mar 2014, 14:32 Noticias - Normas - Sugerencias - Ayuda Noticias sobre la comunidad.

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Free Online Course Materials. The Cartoon Introduction to Economics, Volume 2 : Macroeconomics - SnagBag of Opinions. To-Do Lists Don't Work - Daniel Markovitz. By Daniel Markovitz | 2:11 PM January 24, 2012 Stop making to-do lists.

To-Do Lists Don't Work - Daniel Markovitz

They’re simply setting you up for failure and frustration. Consider the to-do lists you’re currently managing: how many items have been languishing since Michelle Bachman was leading the field for the Republican nomination? How often do you scan your list just so that you can pick off the ones you can finish in two minutes? How many items aren’t really to-dos at all, but rather serious projects that require significant planning? There are five fundamental problems with to-do lists that render them ineffective. The paradox of choice. Heterogeneous complexity. Heterogeneous priority. The alternative to the feckless to-do list is what I call “living in your calendar.” It’s an eye-opening exercise: you’ll probably find that it’s tough — if not impossible — to find a place for everything. Putting your work in the calendar enables you to better determine whether or not you can (or should) say yes to a new project.

Explaining exponential growth. Learning on Speed - Joshua Gans. By Joshua Gans | 4:07 PM January 24, 2012 Apple recently got lots of press for its move into textbook publishing, but its move was secondary to another announcement made a few weeks earlier.

Learning on Speed - Joshua Gans

On January 3, Khan Academy announced that Vi Hart would be moving to Mountain View and joining its team. The Khan Academy, founded by Salman Khan (a former hedge fund manager), is a not-for-profit, online venture that is currently revolutionizing K-12 education. If you want to know how, here is the obligatory TED video. With over 4 million unique users each month, the Khan Academy is attracting high-profile attention, including funding from the Gates Foundation. Vi Hart is lesser known but her engaging videos explaining mathematics have been viewed millions of times. The fact that these two are getting together demonstrates something important regarding online education. CAPACITACION CONTINUA. ¿Por qué le resultaron interesantes nuestros cursos?


Porque abordaron temáticas relacionadas con su interés profesional y/o laboralPor el prestigio institucional de la CACPor la experiencia y formación profesional de los profesoresPorque la CAC permitió que los cursos online sean de calidad y accesibles donde quiera que esté Ver resultados Porque abordaron temáticas relacionadas con su interés profesional y/o laboral (48%)Por el prestigio institucional de la CAC (9%)Por la experiencia y formación profesional de los profesores (3%)Porque la CAC permitió que los cursos online sean de calidad y accesibles donde quiera que esté (39%) Course Catalog. Udacity - 21st Century University. Khan Academy.