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Greatist. 5 Ways to Increase Your Studying Productivity. The convenience of online education allows students to take courses and earn a degree on their own time.

5 Ways to Increase Your Studying Productivity

While this flexible schedule is ideal for those who balance work, family and socializing with their studies, it may be tricky to maximize studying time. Körpersprache: Was sie verrät und wie Sie Eindruck machen - Motivating Employees: Little Ways to Make Their Day. Smiles are nice.

Motivating Employees: Little Ways to Make Their Day

Cards are nice. Gifts are nice. All the "standards" are nice--and all, at least in part, are somewhat expected. If you really want to make someone's day, do the unexpected. It's not hard. How to Be More Charismatic: 10 Tips. Some people instantly make us feel important.

How to Be More Charismatic: 10 Tips

Some people instantly make us feel special. Gesundheitsförderliche Mitarbeiterführung - Gestaltung von Maßnahmen der Betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung für Führungskräfte von Doris Holzträger als eBook bei ciando. Mit der Kraft des Willens mehr erreichen - hofmannalbrecht - Gmail. Innovationen: Wissensarbeit effektiv und effizient steuern. Das Steuern von Wissensarbeitern setzt ein anderes Verständnis von Führung voraus als das von Mitarbeitern in nichtwissensintensiven Bereichen.

Innovationen: Wissensarbeit effektiv und effizient steuern

Kritische Personalgespräche. Menschen reden nicht gerne über negative oder konfliktträchtige Themen.

Kritische Personalgespräche

Deshalb gibt es Mitarbeitergespräche oder Personalgespräche, die Führungskräfte gerne (ver-)meiden würden. Das sind Gespräche, in denen es nicht um aufgabenorientierte Themen geht. Einem kritischen Personalgespräch geht ein bestimmter Anlass voraus, die Situation ist für Führungskraft und Mitarbeiter eher unangenehm, mit dem Thema des Mitarbeitergesprächs sind starke Emotionen verbunden, die Reaktion des Mitarbeiters ist für die betroffene Führungskraft unkalkulierbar, oder sie muss ein Tabuthema ansprechen. Das sind dann die Gespräche, die – wenn es eben sein muss – „durchgezogen werden“, statt sich ausreichend auf die jeweilige Situation vorzubereiten. Oder Gespräche, die lange vor sich hergeschoben werden.

Ganzheitliches Selbstmanagement - Download - E-Book. Write Press Releases That Actually Get Noticed. What one tip do you have for writing press releases that actually get noticed?

Write Press Releases That Actually Get Noticed

The Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) is an invite-only organization comprised of the world's most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, the YEC recently launched #StartupLab, a free virtual mentorship program that helps millions of entrepreneurs start and grow businesses via live video chats, an expert content library and email lessons.

Email your questions about best practices for starting up and/or managing a small business to The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Pitchers. Last night saw me at the TechCrunch Pitch!

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Pitchers

Event and in a camera happy mood (see Techcrunch pitch photos on Flickr), you’ll find some videos on techcrunch moblog (I Qik’ed Mike Butcher’s intro here). The pitches were of a high standard, and I’ll be checking out a some of the companies. Mike gave the companies a specific list of questions to work to. Why Don't You See What You Can Do in an Hour? Mind Map Viewer. Define Your Personal Core Values: 5 Steps.

Most concede the power of core values in business.

Define Your Personal Core Values: 5 Steps

Jim Collins made a great case in Built to Last. But it's difficult to accurately create or accept core values for your company if your own personal core values are unclear. Many claim to understand their own values, but I maintain you don't really know them until you have: Articulated them clearly in writing.Tested them through daily decision-making. Much like company core values, your personal core values are there to guide behavior and choice. Although your personal core values may not exactly match anyone else's, they still help you determine your surrounding culture.

Simply put, I use my personal core values as decision guidelines that keep me true to myself, and out of trouble. Truth. 20 Ways to Better Organize Your Classroom - InformED. Transformation Begins With Reflection: How Was Your Year? The end of the school year can bring up a lot of feelings for a lot of people working in schools.

Transformation Begins With Reflection: How Was Your Year?

Sharpen Images In Photoshop With The High Pass Filter. Written by Steve Patterson.

Sharpen Images In Photoshop With The High Pass Filter

In this Photoshop tutorial, we're going to learn how to easily sharpen an image using Photoshop's High Pass filter. While debates continue over which of Photoshop's two main sharpening filters is better, "Unsharp Mask" or the new (as of CS2) "Smart Sharpen", one method of sharpening images remains not only highly effective but also much easier to use than either of those sharpening filters, and that's by using Photoshop's High Pass filter. The reason the High Pass filter technique works so well at sharpening images is because any areas in the image which are not an edge are left untouched. The only areas that have sharpening applied to them are the edges, which is exactly what you want, and also what all of those confusing options in the "Unsharp Mask" and "Smart Sharpen" filters are trying to help you achieve. Why do Muslims keep having to explain themselves? - Comment - Voices. I have written extensively about the Rochdale and Oxford gangs and their sick values, but it’s clearly never enough.

Image: Mit Selbstmarketing die Karriere pushen. Ein weiterer Aspekt ist das Trainieren der eigenen Menschenkenntnis. Ziel ist, ein Gefühl dafür zu entwickeln, worauf die Kunden Wert legen und welche Bedürfnisse und Erwartungen sie haben. Learning to learn: the heart of reading. I was always a bookworm. In fifth grade, I was one of the only students in my class to finish every last book on the Battle of the Books competition list. Fast forward a few years and here I am: one of those people who can’t stand the thought of reading on an electronic device simply because of the pure joy that comes from opening up a new book and turning each page as more new information is absorbed. A few weeks ago, I walked into Books, Inc., a local bookstore in the San Francisco Marina. Procrastinate? Dr. Sharon Melnick - Take Action. Faced With Overload, a Need to Find Focus.

We are thrilled to introduce a new weekend column to DealBook called Life@Work by Tony Schwartz. Tony is one of the world’s top thought leaders on the workplace and getting the most out of people. He is a productivity maven and advises many of the Fortune 500 on how to build the right culture as the founder of the Energy Project. Earlier his year, he wrote a popular article for The New York Times’s Week in Review, “Relax!