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007. Health. Led. i4life. Cymatics, Cymascope, John Reid, Dr. Hans Jenny, Music,Research, History, Therapy.. Consciousness. On the one hand, one needs to distinguish between Consciousness (the apparently unique quality of humans being aware -- “I think, therefore I am”), a transcendent mind (which has no physical basis and may be construed as the Consciousness vehicle without portfolio -- or physical reality), a mechanistic brain (which depends upon electrochemical interactions), and the body (the physical presence we normally associate with a reality which includes matter -- the latter the “stuff” of the physical universe).


Quantum physics has, for example, demonstrated the links between Consciousness and Physics -- and also shed enormous light on Mind-Body discussions, as well as Mind-Matter interactions. (6/1/05) There is also what might be termed a Christ Consciousness, or the ultimate in Intermingled Realities. The French philosopher Michel Foucalut once claimed, “All modern thought is permeated by the idea of thinking the unthinkable.” Consciousness -- The Mother of All Connections. Project Avalon. Conscious Media Network - CMN TV - Alternative News. David Icke Website. Red Ice Creations - From the Visible to the Obscure. Psychedelic Adventure.

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