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Guerilla Open Access Manifesto. Manifeste de la guérilla pour le libre accès, par Aaron Swartz #pdftribute. Aaron Swartz: howtoget. Talk, as prepared, for the Tathva 2007 computer conference at NIT Calicut. (Additional notes.) Translations: 日本語 The American writer Kurt Vonnegut used to always title his talks "How to Get a Job Like Mine" and then proceed to talk about whatever he felt like. I'm in a bit of the opposite situation. I was told I could talk about whatever I felt like and I decided that, instead of pontificating for a while about the future of the Internet or the power of mass collaboration, the most interesting thing I could talk about was probably "How to Get a Job Like Mine".

So how did I get a job like mine? But, on the other hand, when I started I was a very young kid stuck in a small town in the middle of the country. Step 1: Learn The first thing I did, which presumably all of you have already got covered, was to learn about computers, the Internet, and Internet culture. Step 2: Try The first site I built was called The second site I built was called Step 3: Gab Step 4: Build. En hommage à Aaron Swartz. Une vague d’émotion sans précédente s’est emparée du Web (que j’ai l’habitude de lire) après la récente tragique disparition d’Aaron Swartz à l’âge de 26 ans. Il faut dire qu’il en avait fait des choses en une pourtant si courte période ! Nous avons décidé de lui rendre hommage en traduisant collectivement l’un des articles de son blog où il évoque son parcours et ses nombreux projets. Cet article a été initialement écrit en 2007.

Aaron avait alors à peine 20 ans… Comment dégoter un boulot comme le mien How to Get a Job Like Mine Aaron Swartz - 18 août 2008 - Blog personnel(Traduction : ga3lig, clementd, Amic, tth, bld, KoS, Havok Novak, a_r_n_a_u_d_b, jpcw + anonymous) L’écrivain américain Kurt Vonnegut avait l’habitude de toujours nommer ses interventions « Comment obtenir un travail comme le mien » pour parler ensuite de ce que bon lui semblait. Comment ai-je réussi à dégotter ce job ? Étape 1 : apprendre Étape 2 : expérimenter Le premier site que j’ai réalisé s’appelait What Happens in _The Dark Knight_ Spoilers, obviously. As we’ve discussed, in Batman Begins 1960s-style full employment and antipoverty programs lead to skyrocketing crime while in The Dark Knight Rises 1980s-style tough-on-crime policies and neoliberal economics lead to a revolt of the economic underclass. The films are mirror images, one about the failure of liberal policies; the other about the failure of conservative policies.

In this sense, The Dark Knight is truly the final film in this nihilistic trilogy, documenting the hopelessness of anything outside that usual left-right struggle. From the start, the city is torn about how to handle the Batman, who has inspired a wave of second-rate imitators. Dent is doing his own part to lock up the criminals, working inside the system. Dent decides the only way to win is to go big — really big. Just as Dent is frustrated with the justice system, the Joker is frustrated with the criminals. Batman eventually tries to track down the Joker by threatening the gangster Maroni. If I get hit by a truck... ...please read this web page digital signature for this page There's an old joke among programmers about who will maintain the code when its author gets hit by a truck. This page is here so that if for some reason I'm no longer able to keep my web services running, people will know what to do. I designate Sean B. Palmer as my virtual executor to organize such things.

(And if you delete anything, Sean, I will haunt you from the grave!) I ask that the contents of all my hard drives be made publicly available from Sean (or someone he designates) should become the new curator/webmaster. Source Code Copyright for my GPLed source code should revert to the Free Software Foundation. Websites Please keep the websites operational where possible, with content written by me kept untouched where appropriate.

Grave I'd like to rest someplace that won't kill me. For other stuff, email Sean. If something does happen to me, please update the footer of this page with a link. F2C2012: Aaron Swartz keynote - "How we stopped SOPA" Aaron Swartz - The Network Transformation.