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Výzva na obrátenie – Lurdy. Top 10 Significant Numbers in Biblical Numerology. Religion Biblia Sacra – the Holy Bible – is the most widely read book in the world. It is a source of inspiration to many and – more curiously – a source of divination and secret codes. This list looks at ten significant numbers in the Bible – numbers that pop up time and again. Many people take this with a grain of salt but many others consider it to be very important and believe that the study of these numbers can unlock knowledge of the future. 10 Awesome Biblical Miracles. Religion The Bible is full of tales of amazing miracles – both the old and the new testaments have them. Most Westerners are familiar with these miracles – whether they have had a religious upbringing or not. This list looks at ten of the more amazing miracles described in the Bible. Jesus Exorcises Legion Remember The Exorcist?

Top 15 Quotes of Thomas Aquinas. Religion Recently we have had some interesting discussions between atheists and religious people on some of our lists. This has inspired me to write a series of lists on topics relating to both sides of the story. 10 Biblical Facts That Everyone Gets Wrong. Religion I love religious lists – especially those involving facts or debunkings. In memory of the very popular list on factlets people get wrong I have put this one together inspired by the same excellent source. Top 10 Failures of Modern Science. Technology There is no doubt that science and technology have improved the quality of modern life. Innovations like the personal computer, advances in HIV treatment and digital photography have become so accepted that it is difficult to imagine human existence without them. However, science is not infallible; sometimes things go wrong.

10 Recent Space Discoveries. Space The better technology gets, the more opportunity we have to learn more about our universe. In recent times, the heavens have opened up to us in ways we used to only imagine. Here is a list of some of the recent space discoveries, in no particular order. Enjoy! New Moons Orbiting Pluto Pluto now has four known moons. Giant Magnetic Space Bubbles Nasa’s two Voyager probes have found magnetic bubbles in the region of the solar system known as the Heliosheath, 9 billion miles away from Earth. In 2007, the Galaxy Evolution Explorer, or GALEX scanned Mira A, an older red giant star, as part of an ongoing surgery to scan the entire sky in ultraviolet light. Top 10 Unusual Patron Saints. Religion A saint is a person who has been canonized (declared a saint) by the Church.

Top 10 Truly Badass Saints. Religion We all think of Saints as quiet and holy people – but history is full of some pretty amazing and curious people who came to be canonized. This list looks at ten of the toughest saints to have walked the earth – men and women who not only lived holy lives, but kicked some serious butt at the same time. Top 10 Astonishing Miracles. Religion [WARNING: some images may disturb] Whether you believe in miracles or not, there is an enormous amount of documentation for seemingly inexplicable events over the centuries that many people believe to be the work of God Himself. In this list I have tried to pick the ten most interesting of these cases. This list is partly in response to the numerous people who have emailed me complaining of an atheistic bias on the site. Hopefully this will finally prove, once and for all, that we will write and publish lists on any topic and that we are open-minded enough not to exclude certain points of view.

Top 10 Bizarre Miracles. Religion Miraculous events are inexplicable by their very nature, but some reported miracles are more bizarre than others.

Top 10 Bizarre Miracles

Top 10 Bizarre Biblical Tales. Religion.

Top 10 Bizarre Biblical Tales

Top 10 Incorrupt Corpses. Religion Throughout the years the Roman Catholic Church has found the bodies of some of their saints to be incorrupt. When this happens, the body is often put on display (quite often they are put inside a Church altar with a glass front). 10 People Who Give Christianity a Bad Name. Religion Christianity has been around for two thousand years and, for the most part, it has preached a good message by which to live.

But unfortunately, as with all organized bodies, many people claiming to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ have shown themselves to behave quite opposite to the message it espouses. This list looks at 10 of the worst. He is the founder of the Unification Church, which has become worldwide since its origin in 1954. Historické víťazstvá Panny Márie. Ruzenec. Christina the astonishing - Hľadať v Google. Inštitút Nepoškvrneného Srdca Panny Márie. Guadalupe, Mexiko. Domov. Sv. Rúženec - silnejší ako atómová bomba. História ružencových bratstiev. Korene vzniku ružencových bratstiev siahajú hlboko do minulosti, prakticky už do prvej polovice 13. storočia, keď podľa legendy modlitbu posvätného ruženca prijal od Panny Márie sv.

História ružencových bratstiev

9 spôsobov modlitby sv. Dominika. Ruzenec. Prísľub Panny Márie pre tých, čo sa budú modliť ruženec. Pane Ježišu Kriste, Synu Boží, zmiluj sa nado mnou hriešnym. Toto sú slová Ježišovej (Isusovej) modlitby, jedného z klenotov našej východnej duchovnosti.

Pane Ježišu Kriste, Synu Boží, zmiluj sa nado mnou hriešnym.

Tri dni temnoty. Marie-Julie Jahenny, stigmatička a možno najväčšia mystička v dejinách cirkvi sa narodila 12. februára 1850 v Blain, Francúzsko.

Tri dni temnoty

Vendée. Duchovná abeceda kresťana. Univerzitné pastoračné centrum sv. Jozefa Freinademetza - MODLITBA (br. Ján Otruba OFM Cap, p. Rudolf Bartal, OCD) Koniec sveta - obnova sveta 2012 ??? Pax et Bonum - Pokoj a Dobro. Caritas-in-veritate. Tajomné-mesto-Božie.


Hudba. Glossolalia. Icon depicting apostles & the Theotokos filled with the Holy Spirit (notice fire symbol above their heads.)


Glossolalia, often understood among Protestant Christians as speaking in tongues, is the fluid vocalizing of speech-like syllables that lack any readily comprehended meaning, in some cases as part of religious practice.[1] Some consider it as a part of a sacred language. It is a common practice amongst Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity. Glossolalia also sometimes refers to xenoglossy, the putative speaking of a natural language previously unknown to the speaker.

Etymology[edit] "Glossolalia" is constructed from the Greek word γλωσσολαλία, itself a compound of the words γλῶσσα (glossa), meaning "tongue" or "language"[2] and λαλέω (laleō), "to speak, talk, chat, prattle, or to make a sound".[3] The Greek expression (in various forms) appears in the New Testament in the books of Acts and First Corinthians. Linguistics[edit] In 1972, William J. Glossolalia in Christianity[edit] Catholic Spiritual Gifts. ZOSLANE DUCHA SVÄTÉHO. Kresťanský blog. O. Marián Kuffa - 10 Božích prikázaní. Exorcista (Mexiko) – Reportáž a fotografie.