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Visa, Startup Create Direct Mail You Won't Throw Away | CMO Strategy - Advertising Age. In March, Visa challenged the startup community to come up with new ways to engage and inspire millennials, encourage affluent consumers to take advantage of Visa Signature credit card rewards, and increase adoption and usage of Visa Checkout, an online-payment platform that is approaching its one-year anniversary. The company selected three winners yesterday -- one for each marketing category -- out of a pool of 396 entries. Fifteen finalists presented their ideas to a panel of judges from Visa's marketing and communications team at the financial firm's innovation center in San Francisco, and three walked out as winners. "My only regret is that I want to do things with all 15 of them," said Shiv Singh, senior VP-global head of digital and marketing transformation at Visa.

"We're going to find ways to do more and more with all of them. " Each of the startups came up with business solutions that go beyond Visa and can help the firm's bank and retail partners as well. New Era of Marketing Requires New Skills. Which Digital Marketing Tactic Has the Biggest Revenue Impact? One-third of marketers say they do not know which digital marketing tactic has the biggest positive impact on revenue, according to a recent report from Webmarketing123. The report was based on data from a survey of 600 marketing professionals (a combination of B2B and B2C) based in the United States. Some 26% of respondents say email is the digital marketing channel with the greatest positive impact on revenue; SEO is second (17%), followed by paid search (15%), social media (5%), and online display advertising (5%). Below, additional key findings from the report.

B2B vs. B2C Email is the most effective tactic for B2B marketers, with 31% saying it has the biggest impact on revenue. Paid search is the most effective digital tactic for B2C marketers, with 24% saying it has the biggest impact on revenue. Social Channels Some 46% of B2B marketers are not sure whether any social channels have generated revenue for their business. Summer Must-Reads: 10 Marketing Books to Throw in Your Beach Bag. There are three things that symbolize summer for me: watermelon, warm nights, and a very full Kindle. And while I’m not opposed to classic beach reads (murder mysteries, romance novels, etc.), I feel twice as proud of myself when I’m enjoying books I can apply back at work — it’s the best of both worlds. So whether you’re up for a summer get-away, or just a relaxing weekend at home, here are my ten picks for books that will help you return to your desk both refreshed and inspired: 1.

The New Rules of Marketing and PR The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use Social Media, Online Video, Mobile Applications, Blogs, News Releases, and Viral Marketing to Reach Buyers Directly – David Meerman Scott (Marketing and Sales Strategist) Want to learn techniques for communicating with potential buyers, increasing your online presence, and driving sales revenue? 2. Highly Recommended: Harnessing the Power of Word of Mouth and Social Media to Build Your Brand and Your Business – Paul M. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Facebook to Marketers, It’s Time for a Click to Action. Editor’s note: Brian Solis is principal at Altimeter Group, a research-based advisory firm, and the author of “The End of Business As Usual.” You can follow him on Twitter @briansolis. You Like me…you really Like me. Wait. Maybe you don’t really Like me after all. According to our Facebook engagement metrics, only 1% of you actually react when we post. This general scenario is more common than you may think. With the updated Ads API, advertisers must now think beyond the “Like.” What does “more informed” actually mean? For brands and agencies, advertising based on keywords is no longer good enough.

Now advertisers can specifically optimize for… 1. This is a click to action… Designing campaigns now require brands and advertisers to think about the “click to action” they want to encourage. It’s more than Likes or forcing people through Like-gated apps or campaigns. 1) Contextually relevant content appears in front of qualified and desirable audiences that… Great Content Marketing Ideas for Using Google Plus.

How to Fix 4 Toxic Marketing Problems With Analytics. Marketing is hard. Daily, marketers have to find new audiences, engage them with creative ideas, test out new concepts, justify their budgets, and defend their efforts from the onslaught of often unhappy sales teams. The beauty of doing marketing today is that tools like Google Analytics, Omniture, or HubSpot's data and insights make marketing easier. Data helps drive sound decisions and even settle arguments. Here's how you can use marketing analytics to solve four of your most irksome marketing challenges! Problem #1: I don't know what will resonate.

Should I resort to scotch-induced content? How do most marketers come up with their content ideas? Fix It : Today's comprehensive online data about keyword traffic ( for the most part ) and website behavior shows marketers what is really driving behavior. Before you create your next ebook, blog post, or even email campaign, be sure to check out your (and your competitors') traffic-driving keywords. Fix It: Whoa... Content Marketing as a “Force Multiplier” The 7 Pillars of the Future of Marketing : Future of Marketing. Being Digital. Deploying Volunteer Marketing Armies with Internal Social Media Brian Solis. InShare306 Guest post by Jay Baer and Amber Naslund, inspired by their new book The NOW Revolution: 7 Shifts to Make Your Business Faster, Smarter, and More Social. To harvest all of the interesting and important happenings around your company, create an internal social media system.

No one person in your company knows everything. Whether you’re a small organization or a multinational corporation, there are successes and failures, special moments, and stories occurring and being created every minute of every day. Powering your external engagement efforts with an internal social media program helps you collect and distribute as much of that information as possible.

This internal news wire enables employees to co-create a living history of the organization, and that helps shape the proactive messaging you’ll distribute across the social web. It also provides the alert and action infrastructure necessary if the company needs to mobilize instantly in an urgent, real-time scenario.

It’s All About Revenue — powered by Eloqua. Reviews Content Rules by Ann Handley and CC Chapman — It's All About Revenue. Content Rules could be dubbed “the encyclopedia of content marketing,” that is, if encyclopedias were (a.) still relevant, and (b.) written by disorientingly upbeat people. Content Rules could be dubbed “the Bible of content marketing,” if only comparing a business book to sacred scripture didn’t counter-intuitively violate the authors’ own guidelines (banned words #18: “offensive phrases”). So instead Content Rules is bucketed alone, which is, frankly, exactly what it deserves. After all, it stands as the single best book on the red-hot topic of content marketing since, well, since content marketing became a topic.

In some ways, I resent this book. But my self-interests aside, this book should be cheered. Content Rules is essentially three books: an actual book, a how-to manual, and a resource center. It’s like opt-in reading. Yet, regardless of the section you find yourself reading, the voice is consistent, the counsel is valuable, and the stories are engaging.

Brian Solis « Defining the convergence of media and influence Brian Solis. Checking-in to the State of Foursquare « Brian Solis Brian Solis. InShare547 Last year at SXSW, Foursquare founder Dennis Crowley joined Frank Eliason (previously @comcastcares), Altimeter Group’s Jeremiah Owyang and me on stage to discuss the shifting landscape of social engagement. While I focused on the sociology of engagement and the impact it is having on culture and society, I also sought to balance the conversation by demonstrating the impact of digital actions and interaction between people and businesses. Whether intentional or not, Crowley and team unlocked the elusive gates that separated the last mile of engagement between local businesses and their customers and prospective patrons.

The rising generation of social consumers embraced geo-location services to share physical experiences, connect with their social graph in the real world and also earn rewards for their check-ins, which is rapidly becoming a powerful form of peer-to-peer endorsements and recommendations. This year, Foursquare received over 380 million check-ins. 1. 1. 1. 1. Behaviorgraphics: Discovering the "Me" in Social Media Brian Solis. InShare958 Social media is a deeply personal ecosystem that I lovingly refer to as the EGOsystem. As such, there is a “me” in social media for a reason. It is quite literally a world in which we are at the center of our online experiences, a place where everything and everyone revolves around us. Placing ourselves in the role of this emerging social consumer for a moment, brands, businesses, and media aren’t sure how to see or reach us directly yet. Sometimes we’re part of demographic studies where we’re grouped by age, income, gender, education, etc..

If ignorance is bliss, awareness is enlightening… Last year, I teamed up with my good friends at the JESS3 creative agency run by Jesse Thomas and Leslie Bradshaw to capture the essence of how and why people were “living in public.” I’m happy to share that Behaviorgraphics is now available as a free high resdownload and also as a 22 x 28 poster.

Click below for various sizes(free): 1. 2. 3. Which one/s are you? 2011 Social Media Marketing Industry Report.


PR. Six Pixels of Separation - Marketing and Communications Blog - By Mitch Joel at Twist Image. Is your head bleeding? Is your heart bleeding? Here's my thought (and, I say this with full disclosure that I am no IT expert and have limited knowledge of the hacking space beyond a personal interest in better understanding technology - peace and love... peace and love...), but the process of text-based passwords needs to be tossed out.

It just has to happen. We're all still trying to understand what the ramifications are of this nefarious Heartbleed bug is, and what it all means. Right now, some of the most frequently and commonly used online tools and sites are asking all of their users to change their passwords because of this bug. Some of these places are uncertain as to whether or not they have been hit, so changing your password before these services update their own systems with a fix would be a big mistake.

Why this is so important to talk about for marketers? The brands that win are the brands that can be trusted. It's like a full time job to manage this stuff, isn't it? The Distraction Of Twitter | Six Pixels of Separation - Marketing and Communications Insights - By Mitch Joel at Twist Image. February 22, 2011 9:04 PM The Distraction Of Twitter It's going to come to a head at some point soon.

We're all going to realize that Twitter is the ultimate distraction. The problem with saying that Twitter is a distraction comes at a cost. Twitter as a distraction engine. Brands that turn to Twitter usually do so to ensure that: If someone is talking about their brands, they can be (somewhat) responsive. Ultimately, Twitter is just a short, fast and easy way to share a message. Why is Twitter such a distraction? The short messages (tweets) happen in bursts.

A distraction is still a distraction. Some will take this Blog post as an indictment on Twitter. 5 New Business Books That You Should Read (But Probably Never Heard Of) It's Not About Content; It's All About Communication. Google is all about content; Facebook is all about communication. - Kailash Ambwani CEO of FaceTime Communications Today I want to share a few articles that I found over last month or so.

All these articles talk about non-intuitive observation. They all point to importance of communication, and how enabling communication is really the key to harness the explosive network effect of social network. Contrary to popular belief, they all talk about content, as we know them, is not the king. Facebook: When Things Are Shared, They Become More Engaging From 60 Minutes Interview With Mark Zukerberg: LESLEY STAHL: Are you trying to turn everything we do on the web into social function? I think we are going to see this huge shift that a lot of industries and products just going to get remade to be social.

When you think about it, it's rather obvious. MySpace: Contents Without Communication Platform In the article, he talks about conventional wisdom of why MySpace suffered decline: David P. The New Rules of Branding Your Business Online.