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Polydome - High Performance Sustainable Polyculture Agriculture. EfficiencyIt is estimated that by using Polydome, even cities as densely populated as New York City could provide the majority of their own food supply using available roof space. A less dense city like Rotterdam could provide an estimated 80% of its food needs using only 3% of its surface area. How does Polydome work? Productive ecosystemsThough it uses advanced greenhouse technology, Polydome’s true inventiveness lies in a non-technological strategy: it maximizes food production and variety by operating more like a self-maintaining ecosystem than an industrial farm. Symbiotic systemsWhile greenhouses generally produce only one kind of crop, Polydome is a polyculture system with many crops and livestock growing at once.

Plants, crops, animals, and insects are strategically interwoven to connect waste, water, and energy flows and capture the benefts of varied space and light conditions. Environmental BenefitsDepending on the mix of crops and animals, Polydome. Accessories :: Double Spring Automatic Vent Opener - Sproutwell Australia Polycarbonate Greenhouses. Digital And Electric Power Showers | Eco Showers And Bathroom | Contact Us - Quench Showers. Free Permaculture Design Course - Regenerative Leadership Institute. Photovoltaic Cell | Solar PV | Oxford PV. Wick Gardening - Child's Play Permaculture. Open Food Network. SOL Laptop | Laptops. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) have been using hexayurts for disaster housing for many years.

W.Afate 3D printer. Some say the printer 3D will have the same impact as the steam engine. A young Togolese man is about to write one of the most beautiful and promising pages of this new technological revolution. Be the heart of this outbreak by giving a hand to an innovation "Made in Africa ! ". Ecology. Technological Democracy. Solidarity. - Develop e-wasting and contribute to the cleaning of the IT waste reception center which as in Agbogbloshie in Ghana, are as big as some districts. - Put technology into needy hands and give Africa the opportunity to not only be a spectator but to play the first role in a more virtuous industrial revolution. - Favour the diversion and the reuse of used machinery to avoid that it becomes scrap and give it a second life to generate a new economic contribution to African households, schools and cyber-cafes.

These are some of the challenges Afate has recently embraced by getting in the manufacturing of the first homemade 3D printer, openSource and hors famille RepRap. 1. 2. Global Reporting Initiative. BRCK: Your backup generator to the Internet. OSU's New Microbial Fuel Cell Can Generate 10-50 Times More Power From Wastewater. A team of engineers from Oregon State University has developed a breakthrough microbial fuel cell that is capable of generating 10 to 50 times more electricity from waste than other MFCs. The team hopes that their innovation will enable waste treatment plants to not only power themselves, but also sell excess electricity back to the grid. The team, led by Hong Liu an associate professor in the OSU Department of Biological and Ecological Engineering, believes their fuel cell could change the way that wastewater is treated all over the world.

Currently most plants use the “activated sludge” process that has been in use for almost a century, but the new fuel cells would produce significant amounts of electricity while effectively cleaning the wastewater. “If this technology works on a commercial-scale the way we believe it will, the treatment of wastewater could be a huge energy producer, not a huge energy cost,” said Hong Liu. . + Oregon State University Via Extreme Tech. Official BioLite Site | Home of the CampStove - BioLite Stove.

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