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Global Reporting Initiative

Global Reporting Initiative

Sustainability Report Writing Services Report writing is a multi-disciplinary challenge requiring insight, honesty, sound judgment and a persistent ethical awareness – especially within the context of corporate sustainability reporting. Rooted in the need for increased corporate environmental accountability, sustainability reporting has in recent years gained in impetus and priority on the corporate agenda. Acumen's sustainability report writing capabilities addresses the need for such reporting in an effective and efficient manner. As professional sustainability reporting specialists, we can help your organisation communicate its sustainability efforts in an honest, critical manner. In doing so, sustainability serves as an organisational benchmark, celebrating successes and highlighting remaining challenges.

Species 2000 - About Species 2000 A brief description of the Species 2000 programme Species 2000 is a "federation" of database organisations working closely with users, taxonomists and sponsoring agencies. Memorandum and Articles of Association of Species 2000, 11 December 1997Register of the Members The goal of the Species 2000 project is to create a validated checklist of all the world's species (plants, animals, fungi and microbes). This is being achieved by bringing together an array of global species databases covering each of the major groups of organisms.

Sustainable Development Author and Page information by Anup ShahThis Page Last Updated Sunday, April 08, 2012 This part of the web site attempts to introduce the issue of development and sustainable development. Sustainable Development is often an over-used word, but goes to the heart of tackling a number of inter-related global issues such as poverty, inequality, hunger and environmental degradation. In theory, development that is sustainable and not damaging to the planet is very possible. Of course though, in reality there are a lot of politics and challenges involved as highlighted throughout this site.

Tips on How to Write the Perfect Sustainability Reports Writing sustainability reports is more or less like weddings or marriages as it is a very big and bold step that you have to take. The only difference however is that unlike in a wedding, you have to do it all over again the next year, and the next one, and the next one. Whether you are just getting started with writing your report, are half way done, or are already done with writing, the following are some helpful tips that will enhance your relationship with your target audience. - Considering the diverse audience that you will be targeting, it is always good to combine both old (print) and new (web). You can use an interactive cyberspace format to create an all-inclusive sustainability report and print just a short summary of the same. Thanks to technology, there are numerous sustainability software out there that can help you in creating the report’s internet format.

Tree of Life Web Project The Tree of Life Web Project (ToL) is a collaborative effort of biologists and nature enthusiasts from around the world. On more than 10,000 World Wide Web pages, the project provides information about biodiversity, the characteristics of different groups of organisms, and their evolutionary history (phylogeny). Each page contains information about a particular group, e.g., salamanders, segmented worms, phlox flowers, tyrannosaurs, euglenids, Heliconius butterflies, club fungi, or the vampire squid. ToL pages are linked one to another hierarchically, in the form of the evolutionary tree of life. Starting with the root of all Life on Earth and moving out along diverging branches to individual species, the structure of the ToL project thus illustrates the genetic connections between all living things.

The Irish seaweed industry Applied research on seaweed in Ireland is carried out by the Irish Seaweed Research Group at NUI Galway. Contact should be made this group for information on applied aspects of seaweed research in Ireland. Contact information for seaweed harvesting, aquaculture, and foreshore licensing are given at the bottom of this page. Fact sheets for Irish macroalgae Edwards, M., Hanniffy, D., Heesch, S., Hernández-Kantún, J., Moniz, M., Queguineur, B., Ratcliff, J., Soler-Vila, A., & Wan, A. (2012). Macroalgae Fact-sheets. Four Reasons NGOs and Non-Profits Should Publish Sustainability Reports « Back to Home Page Last week I earned my certification in the Global Reporting Initiative the most recognized standard for sustainability reporting. (Ed. note: through ISOS and Triple Pundit)

LBAP Partnerships - Biodiversity Scotland Local Biodiversity Action Plan Partnerships were set up in the UK as part of Britain's response to ratifying the Convention on Biological Diversity following the Rio Earth Summit in 1992. Each partnership is made up of a number of organisations, from one (or more) local authority area with a balance of national agencies and organisations and more local biodiversity expertise. Local authorities normally play host to a biodiversity officer for the partnership other than in the Loch Lomond & Trossachs and Cairngorms National Parks which have their own distinct plans and biodiversity officers. The partnerships deliver a wide range of biodiversity conservation, communication and education work in their local areas.

Should Nonprofits Publish a Sustainability Report? Last August I wrote a piece on why nonprofits (used interchangeably here with NGOs) should publish sustainability reports, similar to those produced by most large corporations. I had just returned from my GRI certification course and was disappointed to learn that very few nonprofits embraced the standards. Despite the availability of NGO specific sector supplements to help guide the process and despite the increased public expectation for reporting and full disclosure, NGOs overall remain slow to the uptake. There is reason to believe that the tide may be turning. Recently, Fulbright Academy joined an elite group of NGOs publishing sustainability reports, with GRI standards being the most widely used. Perhaps it is time to revisit some of the benefits for nonprofit sustainability reporting.

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