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1000 pioneers of a new world. The 25 Best Inventions of 2014. Stanford Social Innovation Review: Informing and Inspiring Leaders of Social Change. Changemakers. Imagination For People | Identify and support imaginative social projects. 10 Of The Year's Best Designs For Social Good. Les Entrepreneurs Sociaux du réseau Ashoka : les Fellows. MakeSense. The Open Book of Social Innovation by Renjie Butalid. Dmitry Itskov sera immortel : 10 projets fous de milliardaires pour changer le monde. MakeSense. The Companies. These 11 companies have generated tens of millions of dollars in revenue, are already impacting millions of individuals directly with their technologies, and have achieved operational scale in over 30 countries. The group is comprised of teams coming from 10 countries and 5 continents. Their expertise ranges from astrophysicists, to artificial intelligence, to biological, mechanical, software, medical and electrical engineers, to graphic designers, industrial designers, scientists, doctors, and operational masterminds.

What unites them is a shared belief that their technology will help define progress in our time and a common eagerness to experiment in what it takes to scale globally. 1 Agua IncProviding clean water to 300,000 people w/out chemicals or energy (just plants). 2 Damascus FortuneNanotechnology that transforms carbon emissions into material for spaceships. 3 InnozMost used mobile-app in India. Reporters d'Espoirs. Sparknews | share solutions. Usbek & Rica | Explore le futur. SoonSoonSoon - Prenez un temps d'avance. UP Magazine - UP' Magazine. Les dix innovations les plus prometteuses du monde en 2015 - L'Express L'Entreprise. Le média de toutes les solidarités. We Demain, une revue pour changer d'époque. Crowdfunding the commons. Les dix innovations les plus prometteuses du monde en 2015 - L'Express L'Entreprise. Accueil - Wave, Un projet imaginé et produit par BNP Paribas. Ils changent le monde : 100 jeunes qui font parler d'eux.