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The 23 Genius Ways To Use An Ice Cube Tray. There is so many uses for the ice cube tray, athat you cannot just simply write it down.

The 23 Genius Ways To Use An Ice Cube Tray

You never should use it just for ice, because, you are missing so much chances to make something new, and trilling. Since the summer is slowly coming, there are a lot way you can use ice tray and make the perfect snack maybe, or even a delicious desert. So, if you like some new ideas in your kitchen, you will love these food tips for sure then. Here are some uses for ice cube tray that you might not know. source. Vegies and Salad. Kitchencheatsheet.gif (GIF Image, 900 × 5870 pixels)

Breakfast pizza. My son’s favorite game in the whole world is Let’s Play With The Other Baby!

breakfast pizza

You Know, The One We Keep In The Mirror. We bring him over to this giant mirror in the hallway and he goes berserk, he paws at the “other” baby, kicks his legs, squeals and laughs. It cracks us up too. Babies: they’re so cute when they’re kinda confused! The best new recipes from Smitten Kitchen.