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Steps for creating a mindmap. Introduction to Network Visualization with GEPHI. New tutorial available! A completely new version of this tutorial has been published, with 2 complete and complementary datasets to learn and explore many basic and advanced features of Gephi: To the new tutorial Gephi workshop at University of Bern (photo Radu Suciu) Social Network Analysis is a lens, a way of looking at reality. (Claire Lemercier at Swiss Digital Humanities Summer School 2013) Network Analysis appears to be an interesting tool to give the researcher the ability to see its data from a new angle. Because Gephi is an easy access and powerful network analysis tool, here is a tutorial that should allow everyone to make his first experiments.

I propose below, after a short introduction about the basis of SNA and some examples which shows the potential of this tool, a transcript of tutorial given during a workshop of the first Digital Humanities summer school in Switzerland (June 28. 2013), and kept up to date. 1. 2. 3. GephiDataset(edges)Dataset (nodes) 4. Nodes Edges 5. 6. 7. 1. Gephi, an open source graph visualization and manipulation software. Gephi, an open source graph visualization and manipulation software. Knowledge Graphs: The New Type of Document for the 21st Century. Steps for creating a mindmap.