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How IBM’s Michelle Zhou figured out my personality from 200 tweets (interview) How can big data and smart analytics tools ignite growth for your company? Find out at DataBeat, May 19-20 in San Francisco, from top data scientists, analysts, investors, and entrepreneurs. Register now and save $200! Michelle Zhou gave me a shock recently when she showed me a graph of my personality, based on a sampling of my tweets.

The IBM researcher can make an educated guess about anyone’s personality based on looking at 200 tweets by that person. The research at IBM’s Almaden Research Center in San Jose, Calif., came from a new Accelerated Discovery Lab aimed at gaining insights from big data. Zhou can do this personality analysis in a disciplined and automated fashion, measuring 52 different personality traits for each subject. This “psycholinguistic” analysis could prove useful for companies that want to understand their customers in a more intimate way. We talked those over in a full conversation with Zhou.

VentureBeat: How did you get started with this in the first place? Ruse of War: 6 Sneaky But Brilliant Strategies. War can be tricky—especially when done correctly. It's called Ruse of War, the act of clever tactic or deception on the battlefield. Think Trojan Horse, but less ridiculous. (“After a 10-year siege, the Greeks have given up and disappeared and look—they felt so bad they totally left us a present!”) Here are six commanders who were dealt bad hands, but bluffed and ended up flush. Some of the more ancient accounts are, of course, tough to verify. But even if time has padded these stories into legends, it doesn’t make the tactical strategies any less astounding. 1.

Around 500 years BC, Darius the Great was sweeping through Asia and Africa, conquering everything. One morning the Babylonians rose to see the high ranking Persian at their gates, soaked in his own blood, whipped, with his ears and nose hacked off. And … they totally bought it. 2. In the 3rd century, China was a mess. He opened all the gates of his city. 3. Militia men of the American Revolution weren’t trained soldiers. 5. 6. Bill Weinman · Ten Reasons Gay Marriage Is Un-American. 319734_10150835738651213_1588852144_n-1.jpg (JPEG Image, 380 × 382 pixels) 9 Places You Never Want To Go On A Vacation.

Alnwick Poison Garden, England. 57 Tips For Writers, From Writers. The entire writing process is fraught with perils. Many writers would argue that the hardest part of writing is beginning. When asked what was the most frightening thing he had ever encountered, novelist Ernest Hemingway said, “A blank sheet of paper.” Other writers believe that ideas are easy, it’s in the execution of those ideas that the hard work really begins.

You have to show up every day and slowly give shape to your ideas, trying to find just the right words, searching for the right turn of phrase, until it all morphs into something real. Then comes the wait to discover how your writing will be received. So just how do you go about facing an empty page, coaxing your ideas into the world of form, and steering the end result toward shore? Tips For Writers From Stephen King “If you want to be a writer,” says Stephen King , “you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.”

King, who has written over 50 books, emphasizes that writers have to be well-read. 1. 2. 3. JOHN GREEN: Make gifts for people. John and his brother, Hank, are the Vlogbrothers. They helped pioneer video blogging when they communicated only through YouTube videos for a year. They’ve since produced a wide variety of video series and have attracted a devoted army of fans known as the Nerdfighters. I discovered John Green when a reader sent me the link to the awesome Crash Course World History series, which Green hosts and co-writes. The series tells the entire history of civilisation in over forty, very entertaining 10-minute videos. I was totally addicted to it and I highly recommend it. There have since been a Literature series and Green is currently updating a series on American History.

This quote is taken from a 2009 Vlogbrothers video. RELATED COMICS: Advice for Beginners by Ira Glass. . – Green’s official website. – DFTBA! Elevator.jpg (JPEG Image, 543 × 467 pixels) WhatTheFont! Humans may be able to upload their brains to computers by 2045. Humans may be able to upload their brains to computers by as early as 2045, some futurists believe. This notion formed the basis for the Global Future 2045 International Congress, a futuristic conference held in New York, last week. The conference, which is the brainchild of Russian multimillionaire Dmitry Itskov, featured Ray Kurzweil – an inventor, futurist and now director of engineering at Google - who predicted that by 2045, technology will have surpassed human brainpower to create a kind of superintelligence an event known as the singularity.

Other scientists have said that robots will overtake humans by 2100, 'LiveScience' reported. According to Moore's law, computing power doubles approximately every two years. Several technologies are undergoing similar exponential advances, from genetic sequencing to 3D printing, Kurzweil told conference attendees. ... contd. Please read our terms of use before posting comments. Quotes and stuff... (2) 3234 5964 657 107 271 724 1142 2020 2230 891 497 1817 317 3224 1809 5968 2492 3804 2448 2019 740 1150 1663 91 619 1679 696 3215 429 1179 1197 2365 1843 155 392 270 231 3000 1210 936 1160 1275 1852 344 381 348 826 2717 3904 3102 512 2937 1621 190 1139 586 725 1336 373 3778 745 2159 687 1627 848 644 1274 602 236 1010 3489 3930 672 1129 1001 1418 1404 1480 685 532 4630 352 643 1358 1606 2398 254 416 3253 1452 1500 3112 4114 421. A little inspiration goes a long way. Plot Scenario Generator.

Abandoned Suitcases Reveal Private Lives of Insane Asylum Patients. If you were committed to a psychiatric institution, unsure if you’d ever return to the life you knew before, what would you take with you? That sobering question hovers like an apparition over each of the Willard Asylum suitcases. From the 1910s through the 1960s, many patients at the Willard Asylum for the Chronic Insane left suitcases behind when they passed away, with nobody to claim them. Upon the center’s closure in 1995, employees found hundreds of these time capsules stored in a locked attic. Working with the New York State Museum, former Willard staffers were able to preserve the hidden cache of luggage as part of the museum’s permanent collection.

“There were many patients in these asylums who were probably not unlike friends you and I have now.” Photographer Jon Crispin has long been drawn to the ghostly remains of abandoned psychiatric institutions. Crispin’s photographs restore a bit of dignity to the individuals who spent their lives within Willard’s walls. Freda’s suitcase. 5-pearlsofwisdom. Overthinking-It-Female-Character-Flowchart.png (PNG Image, 2147 × 1926 pixels) How to make a mini bow and arrows set. It's so fluffy! SCORE 162 Stop it! SCORE 1279 If the disney princesses had instagram... The only person you are destined to become... Things that I love. That's a strange way to make friends.

Sock kitty! Introducing, Nap Time! The Egg by Andy Weir. Kurt Vonnegut at the Blackboard. Voices in Time I want to share with you something I’ve learned. I’ll draw it on the blackboard behind me so you can follow more easily [draws a vertical line on the blackboard]. This is the G-I axis: good fortune-ill fortune. Death and terrible poverty, sickness down here—great prosperity, wonderful health up there. This is the B-E axis. Now let me give you a marketing tip. Another is called “Boy Meets Girl,” but this needn’t be about a boy meeting a girl [begins drawing line B]. Now, I don’t mean to intimidate you, but after being a chemist as an undergraduate at Cornell, after the war I went to the University of Chicago and studied anthropology, and eventually I took a masters degree in that field.

One of the most popular stories ever told starts down here [begins line C below B-E axis]. There’s to be a party at the palace. And when she shows up she’s the belle of the ball [draws line upward]. Now there’s a Franz Kafka story [begins line D toward bottom of G-I axis]. Shakespeare Insults: A collection of quotes for you blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless things! Shakespeare's Insults You can tell by the hundreds of imaginative biting quips in Shakespeare's plays that the man adored a good insult. The following is small collection of the very best of Shakespeare's jabs and affronts. You are not worth another word, else I'd call you knave.All's Well that Ends Well (2.3.262) I do desire we may be better strangers.As You Like It (3.2.248) He is deformed, crooked, old and sere, Ill-faced, worse bodied, shapeless everywhere; Vicious, ungentle, foolish, blunt, unkind; Stigmatical in making, worse in mind.

The Comedy of Errors (4.2.22-5) Thou whoreson, senseless villain! Dissembling harlot, thou art false in all! You abilities are too infant-like for doing much alone. They lie deadly that tell you you have good faces . You wear out a good wholesome forenoon in hearing a cause between an orange wife and a fosset-seller. More of your conversation would infect my brain. For such things as you, I can scarce think there's any, ye're so slight.

Away! Ink - Quotes about writing by writers presented by The Fontayne Group. Writing "I put a piece of paper under my pillow, and when I could not sleep I wrote in the dark. " Henry David Thoreau "Writing is an adventure. " Winston Churchill "Know something, sugar? Stories only happen to people who can tell them. " Allan Gurganus "... only he is an emancipated thinker who is not afraid to write foolish things. " Anton Chekhov "A poet is someone who stands outside in the rain hoping to be struck by lightening. " James Dickey "It took me fifteen years to discover I had no talent for writing, but I couldn't give it up because by that time I was too famous. " "Whether or not you write well, write bravely. " "The first rule, indeed by itself virtually a sufficient condition for good style, is to have something to say.
