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Above the LHC - Sixty Symbols. 10 Mind-Blowing Theories That Will Change Your Perception of the World. Reality is not as obvious and simple as we like to think. Some of the things that we accept as true at face value are notoriously wrong. Scientists and philosophers have made every effort to change our common perceptions of it. The 10 examples below will show you what I mean. 1. Great glaciation. Great glaciation is the theory of the final state that our universe is heading toward. 2. Solipsism is a philosophical theory, which asserts that nothing exists but the individual’s consciousness.

Don’t you believe me? As a result, which parts of existence can we not doubt? 3. George Berkeley, the father of Idealism, argued that everything exists as an idea in someone’s mind. The idea being that if the stone really only exists in his imagination, he could not have kicked it with his eyes closed. 4.

Everybody has heard of Plato. In addition to this stunning statement, Plato, being a monist, said that everything is made of a single substance. 5. 6. Enternalism is the exact opposite of presentism. Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are. 1344374042001_3971467.png (PNG Image, 420 × 294 pixels) Subjects. Joshua Foer: John Quijada and Ithkuil, the Language He Invented.

Brains trust: Most viewed TED Talks videos. 20 Excellent TED Talks for Anthropologists | 10 Psychological States You've Never Heard Of... and When You Experienced Them. 111 Lessons Life Taught Us. Sometimes thinking about your life and sorting out what you have learned is just as important as tackling a new venture.

That’s what our new sister site, Everyday Life Lessons, is all about. It’s an online community where people share, rank and discuss life’s greatest lessons. The site challenges you to reflect on your past, dig deep within yourself and answer one simple question: What has life taught you? Think about all the things you would love to tell yourself if you could travel back in time to give your younger self some advice about life. Here’s a sample of 111 life lessons that were recently submitted to the site: Spend more time with those who make you smile and less time with those who you feel pressured to impress.Never tell someone their dreams are impossible. Everyday Life Lessons is updated daily. Photo by: Lauren Macdonald Related 7 Important Life Lessons Everyone Learns the Hard Way “People never learn anything by being told, they have to find out for themselves.”

May 11, 2012. TED Surprise Me.