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Mentor packet. Designing & Teaching Learning Goals & Objectives Reproducibles. Using_Student_Perceptions_Ferguson.pdf. Using_Student_Perceptions_Ferguson.pdf. Hanover-Research-Student-Surveys. A veteran teacher turned coach shadows 2 students for 2 days – a sobering lesson learned. Xavuer University - Jesuit Resource - Teaching to the Mission - 6th Edition. Leading a Department for the First Time: Advice Through Bad Metaphors  You lucky, lucky people.

Leading a Department for the First Time: Advice Through Bad Metaphors 

Stepping up: what makes a great head of department? When I became a head of department I was thrilled. From my early days in teaching I had seen the appeal of being a team leader, able to communicate my enthusiasm for my subject not just to the students I taught but, through the rest of the department, to all those studying the subject across the school. I have to say this seemed far more attractive to me than the responsibilities of senior leaders, some of whom appeared to spend several days investigating who threw the first toilet roll on the school bus. And I did enjoy being a head of department. But I don't remember very much by way of preparation and support in advance of taking up the role; I think the view at that time was that if you had enough about you to get such a post, you had enough about you to work out how to do the job effectively.

On Being a Rookie Chair - Do Your Job Better. By Female Science Professor.

On Being a Rookie Chair - Do Your Job Better

Drew Dudley: Everyday leadership. City_Higher Education Today_ENG.pdf. Building Classroom Community Amongst the Machines. There’s no denying that most of us are engrossed daily with technology.

Building Classroom Community Amongst the Machines

The attachment is evident in just about every public place. Mobile devices, for many of us, have become our closest friend.

Readings for Veteran ILC

Webcasts. Twitter for Teachers. Vol 3 No 2. Professional Growth Reconceptualized: Early Childhood Staff Searching for Meaning. Share Home Journal Contents Issue Contents Volume 3 Number 2 ©The Author(s) 2001 Professional Growth Reconceptualized: Early Childhood Staff Searching for Meaning Alma Fleet & Catherine Patterson Macquarie University This paper challenges traditional perspectives of professional development through a reconceptualization of early childhood professional growth.

Vol 3 No 2. Professional Growth Reconceptualized: Early Childhood Staff Searching for Meaning

A review of the early childhood professional development literature reveals the problematic nature of the linear perspectives and deficit models of staff development prevalent in the early childhood field. In contrast to these models, the paper proposes alternative perspectives that recognize staff as empowered learners who build their working knowledge through spirals of engagement with many aspects of early childhood philosophy and practice over time. Finding Flow. Is technology and the internet reducing pupils' attention spans? A growing number of books, including The Shallows, argue that the internet and digital gadgets are making it harder for us to concentrate.

Is technology and the internet reducing pupils' attention spans?

The Pew Research Centre in America recently surveyed almost 2,500 teachers and found that 77% thought that the internet had a "mostly positive" impact on students' research work, while 87% felt modern technologies were creating an "easily distracted generation with short attention spans". Teens and Technology 2013. 37% of all teens ages 12-17 have smartphones, up from just 23% in 2011 One in four teens are “cell-mostly” internet users – they mostly go online using their phone WASHINGTON (March 13, 2013) — Smartphone adoption among American teens has increased substantially and mobile access to the internet is pervasive.

Teens and Technology 2013

One in four teens are “cell-mostly” internet users, who say they mostly go online using their phone and not using some other device such as a desktop or laptop computer. These are among the new findings from a nationally representative Pew Research Center survey of 802 youth ages 12-17 and their parents that explored technology use. You're Distracted. This Professor Can Help. - Technology. By Marc Parry Seattle Matthew Ryan Williams for The Chronicle Before each class session, David Levy leads his students in a few minutes of meditation.

You're Distracted. This Professor Can Help. - Technology

To complete her homework assignment, Meran Hill needed total concentration. The University of Washington senior shut the blinds in her studio apartment. Then she plunged into the task: Spend 15 minutes doing e-mail. Soon enough, though, a familiar craving bubbled up. Paisley & Floral iPhone 4/4S Cases.

1:1 BYOT Activities

10 ways to change the minds of tech-reluctant staff. We often hear about tech-savvy educators and administrators who have an array of best practices and whose love for technology is evident.

10 ways to change the minds of tech-reluctant staff

Race to Inflate: The Evaluation Conundrum for Teachers of Non-tested Subjects - Charting My Own Course. Web 2.0 Smackdown - Tech Forum, Boston. The Google Apps Blog. Using Photographs to Teach Social Justice: Affirming Our Commonalities and Differences. Printer-friendly version Objectives:

Using Photographs to Teach Social Justice: Affirming Our Commonalities and Differences

12 Reasons Why Teachers Resist Differentiated Instruction. Every ship’s captain knows how to turn a ship around to rescue a “man overboard.”

12 Reasons Why Teachers Resist Differentiated Instruction

The “Williamson Turn” involves turning the helm hard to starboard until the heading of the ship reaches a 60 degree course change and then it’s thrown hard to port to complete a net 180 degree course change with the ship going back in it’s own wake. Compensation is made for each ship’s propulsion characteristics, the winds, and tides at that point on the sea. Nowadays that maneuver can be computer-assisted. In a recent tragedy, a ship failed to rescue a “man overboard” in time because it took the ship so long to reverse course.

Education faces a similar crisis today. The National Academy for Academic Leadership: Curriculum review. A quality educational program must be consistent with its institution's mission, have clearly defined outcomes it intends to produce, use the best combination of learning experiences to help each learner achieve these results, include an assessment process that shows whether the results are being achieved, and use the findings of assessment to improve program effectiveness. An approach to continuous program improvement that asks the right questions can provide academic administrators, faculty members, and others with the information they need to develop an appropriate, effective, and efficient academic program. The focus here is on undergraduate programs, but identical principles apply to curricula at the graduate level as well.

Listed below are a number of key questions to ask when reviewing curricula. Replace "Completion" With "Creation" Vol 9, No 1 (2007) Vol 12, No 2 (2010) Electronic Magazine of Multicultural Education. Electronic Magazine of Multicultural Education Fall 2006 (Vol. 8, No. 2) Theme: Multicultural Education in Higher Education Guest Editor: Melanie E. L. Multicultural Education Links. NSTA Learning Center. Details Description Multicultural science education has long been of interest to the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA).

As a result, The Science Teacher has devoted one issue each publishing year to multicultural science education. This article examines the issue of multicultural science education as reflected in the published articles of The Science Teacher over the past decade. Culturally Responsive Teaching of Mathematics: Three Models from Linked Studies—JRME Article. The Seven Characteristics of a Good Leader. Updated 01/2014.