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Cho_et_al_2013_twitter_and_teacher_prof_community.pdf. 1:1 Programs: Tablets, Chromebooks, BYOD and more! Jill Brown Bio: An educator passionate about engaging and empowering teachers and students for life-long learning through the affordances of technology and personal connections. Teaching experience with PK-12 students and pre-service, graduate and practicing teachers. Founded non-profit professional organizations locally and nationally. Board member for local and national organizations. Jason Ramsden Bio: Beginning a career in independent schools in 1991, Jason Ramsden brings 24 years of experience to his role as Chief Technology Officer for Ravenscroft School. Related Top News - Five ed-tech stories to watch for 2010. Democratization of design. Tim Brown calls for a democratization of design as a response to increasing complexity – photo credit World Economic Forum We can no longer predict the outcomes of our actions when dealing with complex systems, like cities.

According to Tim Brown, CEO at IDEO, this calls for a democratization of design and we must all participate. By Kasper Worm-Petersen How can we design cities when we cannot predict the outcome of our actions? This was one of the key challenges that were discussed at the High-Level meeting on Design, Innovation, and Urbanization in Tokyo hosted by the Global Agenda Council on Design and Innovation. Tim Brown, CEO at IDEO, was one of the panelists arguing strongly for a more democratized design approach as a response to the challenge; an approach in which design is to be perceived more as a code than as an artefact.

The design of behaviors “What I am arguing is sort of a biological approach, where one builds on the ideas of Charles Darwin. Democratization of design. Ictmagic.wikispaces. So You've Gone 1:1... What's Next? I remember when my husband and I brought home our first child. We had prepared for months… reading books, building furniture, attending child birth classes, buying accessories, talking to friends… our entire lives were dedicated to the arrival of this child (and my husband’s PhD coursework so I guess we weren’t totally myopic). The day came when she entered the world and we were sent home by the hospital staff to begin our lives as a family.

We came home, my husband put the baby (in her car carrier) on the coffee table… and we stared at her…. and we stared at each other… we stared at the cat… and suddenly all the prep was over and we asked “So.Now.What.Do.We.Do?” Brett Clark wrote a fantastic post about prepping a 1:1 program being like prepping for the arrival of a child. And he’s total right. So now that you’ve gone 1:1… what do you do? Hint: If you happen to be in Indianapolis at ICE13 on Friday, October 11th this is our presentation.

The Physical: The Virtual: The Cultural: You're Distracted. This Professor Can Help. - Technology. By Marc Parry Seattle Matthew Ryan Williams for The Chronicle Before each class session, David Levy leads his students in a few minutes of meditation. To complete her homework assignment, Meran Hill needed total concentration. The University of Washington senior shut the blinds in her studio apartment. She turned off the music. Then she plunged into the task: Spend 15 minutes doing e-mail. Soon enough, though, a familiar craving bubbled up.

As Ms. But the assignment had her trapped. The e-mail drill was one of numerous mind-training exercises in a unique class designed to raise students' awareness about how they use their digital tools. Their professor, David M. At its extreme, that debate plays out in the writing of authors whom the critic Adam Gopnik has dubbed the Never-Betters and the Better-Nevers. On college campuses, meanwhile, educators struggle to manage what the Stanford University multitasking researcher Clifford Nass describes as a radical shift in the nature of attention. Mr. Every Tech Commercial. The SAMR Ladder Through the Lens of 21st Century Skills. This summer I have been digging deeper into the SAMR model of tech integration to help educators embrace 1:1 learning and the changes it will bring about. SAMR is a truly useful tool for helping teachers identify their current comfort zone in order to build expertise in designing efficient and effective student learning experiences.

To reach higher levels on the SAMR ladder, teachers can make some planning and instructional shifts. A look at the big picture is helpful when trying to understand how to help students develop important 21st Century Skills at each level. Through the Lens of 21st Century Skills I have created an interactive graphic of the SAMR Ladder to illustrate the big picture. Final Thoughts The learning that occurs as teachers climb up the SAMR ladder is what will eventually lead to successful lesson design. It's not 1989. The excuse "I'm not good with computers" is no longer acceptable. | Workplace Ecard. Teens, Social Media, and Privacy. Overview Teens are sharing more information about themselves on social media sites than they have in the past, but they are also taking a variety of technical and non-technical steps to manage the privacy of that information. Despite taking these privacy-protective actions, teen social media users do not express a high level of concern about third-parties (such as businesses or advertisers) accessing their data; just 9% say they are “very” concerned.

Interactive feature: Sharing Information on Social Media Interactive feature: Teens on Facebook: What They Share with Friends Infographic: Teens, Social Media, and Privacy Infographic: What teens share on social media Infographic: Teens: Median number of Facebook friends Focus group highlights: What teens said about social media, privacy, and online identity Key findings include: Teens are sharing more information about themselves on their social media profiles than they did when we last surveyed in 2006: About the Survey.

The Must-Have EdTech Cheat Sheet. Explania: A Useful Source For Free Educational Videos 2.86K Views 0 Likes Whether or not you prescribe to the idea that there are different types of learners there are some scenarios in which a visual explanation is extremely helpful in understanding the subject matter at hand. SCHOOL CIO: Making 1:1 Work. Subject List of Databases. Welcome to iLibrary, the starting point for information from reference databases made available for public use by paid subscriptions from the Indianapolis-Marion County Public Library and other library funding agents.

Links from this site lead to sources purchased by the library community in electronic form which are comparable to the print subscriptions held within our libraries. In contrast to the Internet, these sources provide searches that are efficient and results that are reliable. Their contents include full-text articles from magazines and newspapers as well as information from standard library reference sources and databases. Access is available from: Users at remote locations who do not have IndyPL cards, but who are Indiana residents, can search some of these resources at the state-sponsored INSPIRE website.

For more information or help in using these sources, please contact a library staff member or Email the IndyPL Webmaster. Portal: Libraries and the Academy - How Do You Kn. Special Reports - eSN Special Report: Education 3.0. Apophenia: Pew on teen social media practices (with interesting. Center for Social Media at American University. Journal of Virtual Worlds Research. Volume 8, Number 2 (2015): Editor in Chief Corner Toward the Futures of Real AND Virtual Worlds Essays Three Real Futures for Virtual Worlds Is a Technological Singularity Near Also for Bots in MMOGs? Conceptualizing Factors of Adoption for Head Mounted Displays: Toward an Integrated Multi-Perspective Framework Being There: Implications of Neuroscience and Meditation for Self-Presence in Virtual Worlds The eSports Trojan Horse: Twitch and Streaming Futures The Metaverse as Mediator between Technology, Trends, and the Digital Transformation of Society and Business Our past issues: All Issues.

Constructivist learning environments ... Cormode. In education | exploring our connective educational landscape. Should High School Students Take College Courses? - LeaderTalk - Top Ten in '10. CENTER FOR THE FUTURE OF TEACHING AND LEARNING. The Status of the Teaching Profession 2011 finds that the state’s historic budget cutbacks present significant challenges to classroom teachers and school site leaders are struggling to find the time, resources and capacity they need to meet the dual challenges of effective school management and ensuring quality instruction for California’s students. The report also provides new information on key issues impacting the teaching workforce, including more than $100 million in cutbacks to teacher professional development, a dramatic decline of more than 50% in the enrollment of prospective teachers in preparation programs, a 40% drop in the production of newly credentialed teachers, and escalating educator retirements.

Amid an increasing state and national focus on teaching quality, the report also examines the capacity of principals to conduct teacher evaluations. Related Top News - Five ed-tech stories to watch for 2010. July 2009 - Social Media: Trends and. Weblogged - New Internet Literacies. U.S. Chamber of Commerce - Leaders and Laggards. Your iBrain: How Technology Changes the Way We Think: Scientific. Cognitive Development. Old Content. "Class, it's time for your test on our study of Africa. Number a paper from 1 to 50. I am projecting a map of Africa on the screen. For number 1, write the name of the country and its capital. Do the same thing for each of the other numbers. That was how my junior high school social studies teacher in Lawrence, Kansas, tested my knowledge of Africa in the early 1960s.

I don't remember learning a lot about the people in these places and how South Africa might differ from Egypt, being at opposite ends of the continent. A few years later, I read some books by Alan Paton, the South African author of Cry, the Beloved Country (Scribners, 1948). Today, if I were teaching that social studies class, I would want to challenge my students to use 21st century thinking techniques and the technology at their fingertips. The Evolving Encyclopedia When I was a student, we used encyclopedias in the library. Some educators prohibit their students from looking at Wikipedia. Global Information Sources.