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Harper’s Fabric & Quilt Co meet & greet. Last Friday, one of our local specialty fabric shops, Harper’s Quilt & Co hosted a little Designer Meet & Greet for us to introduce our debut fabric collection, Cream & Sugar.

Harper’s Fabric & Quilt Co meet & greet

Those of you that have been following along on our crazy journey are probably well-aware of this and how thrilled we were to finally get to see our fabric designs in person! Handmade Now. 角掛政志:粉引面取ポット・猪口・カップ: うつわsousou. Peggy wong . on bluepoolroad. Pugly Pixel Blog. Overcast and cloudy, or rather, "Mostly Cloudy," is the forecast that I pray for as I squint into my iPhone weather app at 5:30 every morning.

Pugly Pixel Blog

But, just my luck, I usually get "Sunny" or "Partly Cloudy", which usually turns out to be "Mostly Sunny". Oh, but not so today, my friends. Today I got "Rain" --- glorious afternoon rain! Ok, ok, the perfect day would have been a day without precipitation, but I'll take what I can get. Oh Happy Day! CREATIVE JOBS HIRING! I have so many friends with jobs and great opportunities opening up and i wanted to share with you the details in case you are on the lookout for work. you can always click that link up top in my navigation bar that says “jobs” to check the job listings on a regular basis. see if there is a position you might be the perfect fit for!


(i’ll be adding even more soon!) See the list below for job listings near you! Keep in mind it is always best to send all appropriate links & materials when submitting for the positions. we can’t wait to hear from you. Diseñadores gráficos contra clientes, el manual ilustrado. Formación. 40+ Creative Business Card Designs that will Inspire You. Are you at a point where you are having difficulty coming up with your next business card design?

40+ Creative Business Card Designs that will Inspire You

Sometimes all you need is a little boost of inspiration to get your creative juices flowing. In our previous article about business cards titled: Creative Business Cards: Uses of various shapes and materials, we spoke about the nontraditional shapes and materials that business cards use these days. In this collection of business cards, you will find aspects of creativity and visual design. Happy Mundane. Delphine Diaw Diallo.

Les sculptures capillaire de Tresse Agoche photographiées par Delphine Diaw Diallo. Apollo - DESIGN. Popular. You should follow Designspiration on Twitter and Facebook for site news. — Shelby Designspiration Search Color Mediumsmalllarge Discover.


Homesickdesign. Home - Kinfolk Magazine. Gunter Gallery - Gunter Gallery. It's Nice That : Home. Happy CLAD Manasi. Daily high quality inspiration. My Modern Metropolis. Presentation Training.

Check out our services below to see how.

Presentation Training

Presentation Training There’s a movie where an old has-been sports star comes across a young up-and-comer with big talent and a bigger chip on his shoulder. “Coach”, as we’ll call him, breaks the kid down into a million bits of emotional garbage and then reassembles an athletic masterpiece for all to behold. Trophies are won. We really liked that movie, so we try to talk as much about your childhood fears as possible when we offer training for your upcoming presentation.

The reason, of course, is that we spend so much time in our own shoes that we forget other people don’t know how many times those shoes were taken from us in gym class and thrown into toilets. In reality, we tend to keep our thoughts about your childhood in our heads. Simple Design - Full Service Marketing Communications Agency. MADinSpain 2011 : Puño. Erretres. Regalos Kawaii, Papelería de Diseño, Diseño Japonés, Diseño Coreano, Objetos Originales - LazyCat. Remodelista: Sourcebook for Considered Living. Blog Agencia Social Media y Marketing Online Madrid Barcelona Valencia. Campaña Social Media: consigue que tus videos sean más virales Cada vez más empresas confían en el vídeo a la hora de hacer una campaña Social Media y es que este contenido es uno de los que más viralidad puede alcanzar.

Blog Agencia Social Media y Marketing Online Madrid Barcelona Valencia

Sin embargo, conseguir que un vídeo sea viral no siempre es fácil y no existe una fórmula magistral que nos vaya a permitir hacer que nuestro vídeo sea muy reproducido, no obstante, hay algunos aspectos que no debemos perder de vista y que pueden ayudar a la difusión del vídeo. Definir la viralidad Como es lógico, la marca quiere que su campaña Social Media llegue al mayor número posible de clientes potenciales, pero esto no significa que millones de personas tengan que ver el vídeo.

Debemos partir de la base que la viralidad no va a ser la misma para una multinacional que lanza su producto a todo el mundo, que para un pequeño restaurante. Adams carvalho. Manifiesto Futura on Behance. David Smith – Traditional Ornamental Glass Artist. En la estantería, curación de contenido, Portadas de discos, arte, ilustraciones, fotografía, esculturas, oficios. This isn't happiness.: Archive.

Análisis de casos: Marketing, Publicidad, Diseño - Luis Maram. 40fakes. Mr.Oso™ - Bocata. Kaizen journey: Links, Books and Blogs. Revista de Diseño, Comunicación y Moda. August Empress - A Designer's Life {Inspiration + Design + Resources} Services. Las cosas que le gustan a mr wonderful. MABONAORIGAMI. #nelsonmandela #madiba #billfold #origami by #kyokoKimura.


Yellowtrace blog » A COMMON BLOG. Anthropologie display designers {colour hero} Is there a blog somewhere devoted to Anthropologie windows and displays?

anthropologie display designers {colour hero}

If not, there should be! The creativity, attention to detail and sheer awesomeness of Anthropologie store displays never ceases to amaze me. It is refreshing and inspiring to see a company make design and craftsmanship by hand a priority. Yep, “Antropologie window designer” is definitely one of my dream jobs. I particularly love the focus on using recycled items. (most photographs via anthropologie+you as well as lauren love, square one studio, katy elliott, chloé douglas, the design process, playstudio1801, platinum blonde life, mimi and caca, dustysusan, mday212, mjc, the design process & chloé douglas) B L O O D A N D C H A M P A G N E . C O M: Cari Mateo: Fait Main.

Gardening. Cool DIY Tile Design: Make-it-Yourself Modular Decor Kits. Somewhere between a do-it-yourself textile kit and a make-your-own craft set, these small tiles can be assembled into anything from modest wall art and modular play forts to suspended light and sound barriers.

Cool DIY Tile Design: Make-it-Yourself Modular Decor Kits

There is only one piece in this simple puzzle from Kvadrat: a single module that can be attached to infinite partners of the same shape, size and properties to create an ever-extending functional home furnishing or simply expressive artwork. It is, in fact, this strange ‘in-between’ status of these tile modules that makes them so fascinating – they are not made to do something specific, but are also not without useful DIY project possibilities. Some pictures show people interacting with schematic projects or creating something playful and fun without instructions or a plan.

Other promotional photos show these off as art, hanging colorfully in blank white modern backdrops (spaces like museum rooms) or spread out on the floor and yet clearly made not to be stepped on. The Hidden-Behind-Books Home Office. Most recent projects on the Behance Network. I AM PELLE – THE BLOG. B-Reel or not to be?!? Somebody cool me down because this is going is going to be hot. September 1st I am going to join the B-Reel team In New York City as Creative Director.

I am really looking forward to this. Escrito en la pared: Nuevo en la red: Observatorio callejero. [Nuevo en la red para mí. City. {BLACK. WHITE. YELLOW.}: Isak Mugs with Wood Lids.