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Mixkit - Awesome free assets for your next video project. AE ENHANCERS • Index page. Motion graphics eXchange. Using Wiggle to Create Random Movement in Adobe After Effects. Editors sometime cringe at the word expressions, but have no fear. When you understand them they really aren’t scary and can end up saying you a lot of time.

If you’ve ever seen animations where light is flickering or a camera shakes, it’s likely you’ve seen the wiggle expression in action. Wiggle is one of the most popular After Effects expressions, as it is easy to use and visually interesting. Instead of creating a bunch of keyframes to make a layer randomly move, we can do this with a couple of numbers. The Wiggle Expression in After Effects For this example I created the word ‘wiggle’ from text. I want the position of this text to wiggle, so select the text layer and hit P to open the Position Transform properties. Option (Mac) or Alt (PC) click on the stopwatch to create the expression. Type wiggle(2,50). If you want to modify the wiggle simply change the numbers.

Wiggling One Dimension What if you want to wiggle just the x or y position? Controlling the Wiggle Expression. Youtube - Advanced encoding settings. Below are recommended upload encoding settings for your videos on YouTube. Container: MP4 No Edit Lists (or the video might not get processed correctly) moov atom at the front of the file (Fast Start) Audio codec: AAC-LC Channels: Stereo or Stereo + 5.1 Sample rate 96khz or 48khz Video codec: H.264 Progressive scan (no interlacing) High Profile 2 consecutive B frames Closed GOP. Frame rate Content should be encoded and uploaded in the same frame rate it was recorded. Common frame rates include: 24, 25, 30, 48, 50, 60 frames per second (other frame rates are also acceptable). Interlaced content should be deinterlaced before uploading. Bitrate The bitrates below are recommendations for uploads. Recommended video bitrates for SDR uploads To view new 4K uploads in 4K, use a browser or device that supports VP9.

Recommended video bitrates for HDR uploads Recommended audio bitrates for uploads Resolution and aspect ratio The standard aspect ratio for YouTube on a computer is 16:9. Youtube - Upload videos longer than 15 minutes. Resolume Tutorials. Background Inpainting for Videos with Dynamic Objects and a Free-moving Camera. M. Granados1 K. I. Kim1 J. Tompkin1,2,3 J. Kautz2 C. Theobalt1 1MPI Informatik 2UCL 3Intel Visual Computing Institute Abstract We propose a method for removing marked dynamic objects from videos captured with a free-moving camera, so long as the objects occlude parts of the scene with a static background. Paper In Proc. Sequences The video sequences shown in the paper are available in H.264 lossless format: S1: [Input][Mask][Foreground mask][Result] S2: [Input][Mask][Foreground mask][Result] S3: [Input][Mask][Foreground mask][Result] S4: [Input][Mask][Foreground mask][Result] S5: [Input][Mask][Foreground mask][Result] S6: [Input][Mask][Foreground mask][Result] S7: [Input][Mask][Foreground mask][Result]