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Facebook Twitter Learn shorthand writing online. What is shorthand Shorthand is a speed writing system that allows people to take notes very quickly and accurately.

Learn shorthand writing online

It was first developed by Sir Isaac Pitman in 1837 in a style known as Pitman shorthand. Pitman is phonetic and uses symbols to represent the sound that words make. Pressing harder with a pen on certain symbols to create a darker mark also creates different meaning for a word. Pitman shorthand is considered the most difficult form of shorthand and it can take two to three years to learn.

Teeline Shorthand is the quickest form of teeline to learn. The technique uses parts of letters to represent the whole letter or groups of letters. The letter r is represented by a forward leaning line that looks like this /. Now it's possible to put the I of the h and the / of the R together. Why do we need shorthand? The United States House of Representatives ·

The Chaos: Pronounciation Poem. Free Social Teaching and Learning Network focused solely on education. Rulers. CIA FOIA - Overview. The Ten Most Revealing Psych Experiments. Psychology is the study of the human mind and mental processes in relation to human behaviors - human nature.

The Ten Most Revealing Psych Experiments

Due to its subject matter, psychology is not considered a 'hard' science, even though psychologists do experiment and publish their findings in respected journals. Some of the experiments psychologists have conducted over the years reveal things about the way we humans think and behave that we might not want to embrace, but which can at least help keep us humble. That's something. 1. 'Lord of the Flies': Social Identity Theory The Robbers Cave Experiment is a classic social psychology experiment conducted with two groups of 11-year old boys at a state park in Oklahoma, and demonstrates just how easily an exclusive group identity is adopted and how quickly the group can degenerate into prejudice and antagonism toward outsiders.

Researcher Muzafer Sherif actually conducted a series of 3 experiments. Seven Speaking Tips. Aggh. Everyone showed up clothed! Once upon a time, I suffered from glossophobia. This affliction touches billions. It's the fear of public speaking , even to a tiny group. I conquered it by discovering what makes people smile, nod, and listen carefully, because nothing calms you down faster than an interested audience. This is what I've learned. Children plea for them at night, and adults crave them, too. They want to be respected. This principle also underlies another rule of effective speaking: Dress like your audience, but just a little bit better. " {*style:<i>Don't try to impress them. </i>*} If you truly want to help your listeners--by informing or motivating them, or improving their lives--they will care and listen. Chart of Motions. U.S. Supreme Court Oral Argument Recordings, Case Abstracts and More.

Academic lists - Templates. Frequent Citations: What To Read Before Law School. Edit: it occurred to me, after I posted this, that I should have included a warning.

Frequent Citations: What To Read Before Law School

Do as much preparation as you like, and as much as feels good, but do not burn out! Still, enjoy it while you can -- reading about law before you have any pressure on you. And don't worry about trying to memorize or understand it all on the first go-around; the idea is that by familiarizing yourself with some of the basic concepts, it will be easier for you to build a solid foundation during the year. Other skills to practice include drinking large amounts of caffeine and alcohol, but not at the same time; shopping on-line because you'll never get to a store; and finding quiet things to eat in the library. Before all else, a caveat: the following advice may not be helpful for all people at all schools. For what it's worth, I'm a type A with OCD and slacker tendencies* at a national law school.** Rankings, shmankings, but it's way up on the charts however you shuffle the numbers.

Speed Reading. Simply start by clicking on the Play button on the left.

Speed Reading

Reading is that one activity that we do every day but we don't really practice. Most people learn the basics of reading in kindergarten and never graduate to the next levels. You are probably using the same basic rudimental tools and techniques that you learned when you were 6. The average American person reads at an average speed of 180 to 240 words per minute and has done so since he was 16 years old. Does it make sense that we hit our best performance at age 16 and that we don't improve much after that?

Keep in mind less than 10% read at 400 words per minute and less than 1% faster than 600. Have you ever wished you could take one of those costly speed reading courses? The problem with those courses is that you have to keep practicing those techniques until they become second nature. That's the goal of this site. Search lessons by keyword.