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Maker Camp: for Kids who Explore + Make + Share. Sound Sensor Tutorial - chibitronics. Shooting Projectiles. This tutorial explains how to create the effect of shooting, launching, or throwing an object.

Shooting Projectiles

The code in this article does not simulate velocity or parabolic motion, but to a projectile that, after the initial force, is not acted upon by any traditional force (gravity, wind, etc.), though it may be obstructed by walls or targets. In each example, the projectile shoots when the space key is pressed, but the trigger can be any Boolean Block. Two sprites, no cloning These scripts require two sprites; a player sprite and a projectile sprite.


Dr. E's WeDo Challenges. Chibitronics. Introduction.


DressCode. Computational design is the practice of using programing to create and modify form, structure and ornamentation.


Through computational design it is possible to create unique, beautiful, functional and personal objects and experience a rewarding creative process through programing. Unfortunately, use of programming as a medium for art and design, especially by young people and non-professionals is limited. Many people consider computer programing to be a highly specialized, difficult and inaccessible activity that only has relevance as a career path rather than as a mode of personal expression. By finding ways to connect programing to the production of personally relevant beautiful physical objects, it is possible to expand the number and types of people who are both interested in and empowered to participate in creative programming.

Little Bits Challenge

Easy 3D Printing Creator Apps. Jewelry & Fashion Pendant Creator Easily turn your 2D designs into pendants!

Easy 3D Printing Creator Apps

Customize details, add a bail for chains and print in your favorite material. Custom Ring Design your own custom, 3D printed ring. Cell Cycle. 3D Printing & Design Tutorials. Wedobots: LEGO® WeDo designs for the busy teacher: Cars, Trucks and More. Building Instructions - Early Childhood Robotics Network. Wedobots: LEGO® WeDo designs for the busy teacher: Cars, Trucks and More.

Stefan's Robots. Tech Rocket Sign In: Programming, Game And Graphic Design Courses. » MakerCon ShowcaseMakerCon. Product Tour. Onshape Part Studios You can create and edit component geometry in Onshape Part Studios.

Product Tour

The modeling workflows are very similar to traditional CAD. However, there are new capabilities: Part Studios allow you to build multiple parts together. Parts can share sketches or features and can be used to shape each other using boolean operations.Version control is built into Onshape. On-Demand 3D Printing Service Opens at UPS - Make: On Monday a new cloud-based, on-demand 3D printing company, called CloudDDM (Direct Digital Manufacturing), announced itself and its plan to open a facility in partnership with UPS.

On-Demand 3D Printing Service Opens at UPS - Make:

CloudDDM will allow customers to use a browser-based design program to create parts, prototypes, even complete products that can then be printed in ABS, Polycarbonate (PC), Polycarbonate-ABS (PC-ABS), and ULTEM 1010, with several color options available. They even offer different post-processing services to add various finishes to your prints. I was unable to find anything about print resolution or cost details.

This announcement comes on the heels of UPS announcing last year that it would be offering 3D printing services in some of its retail locations. The CloudDDM facility will be located at UPS’ worldwide hub in Louisville, Kentucky. 2015 April. Computer Science. NOTE as of May 2013: New!

Computer Science

Scratch 2.0 is available in HTML5 format without the need for a download like Scratch 1.4. Just press the create tab. You currently CANNOT use Scratch 2.0 for LEGO WeDo. Please download Scratch 1.4. Enchanting : Enchanting : Enchanting. Enchanting Cards in Multiple Languages Enchanting cards are now available in: Thank you, translators, for your hard work!

Enchanting : Enchanting : Enchanting

Enchanting v0.2 is out! Jul 9, 2014 - Enchanting v0.2.4.3 is out and now includes an updated Spanish translation. Soldering Sunday. What is Soldering?

Soldering Sunday

Sol·der·ing (sä-dər-ing): is a process which two metal surfaces are joined by melting a metal or metal alloy. This is done by heating the two parts to be joined and then melting solder on contact to create a join. There are many ways to solder depending on what you are creating. Here are two common forms of soldering: Soft Soldering: uses solder with lower melting temperature.

Chip & Pixel Power Soldering Instructions. This is a preview lesson.

Chip & Pixel Power Soldering Instructions

Please sign up for the course to access all lessons. Snap! and Scratch 2.0 Finch Resources. The following are resources created by us and others demonstrating how to use Finch in Snap! And Scratch. While most of the resources currently target Snap! , the environments are similar enough that they can be used for Scratch as well. Teacher Contributed Activities. Activity sheets - Mt. Hebron Finch Snap.

PROJECTS. An exploration into the possibilities for individual construction and customization of the most ubiquitous of electronic devices, the cellphone. … more Electronic Popables Electronic Popables is an interactive pop-up book that sparkles, sings, and moves. The book integrates traditional pop-up mechanisms with thin, flexible, paper-based electronics and the result is a book that … more Codeable Objects. Paper circuits w/ copper tape. You can quickly create circuits on paper using copper tape, clear tape, and some simple electronics.

The image above is from a workshop Jie taught at the Exploratorium museum. Components (available from Digi-Key): Other tools & materials: Teachers College Columbia University. Xojo: Downloads. HOW TO: Quick Start, Software. Setup | Materials | Software | Troubleshooting Setup 1) Plug in USB Small side of USB cable plugs into MaKey MaKey, big side plugs into computer. 2) Close Popup Window Your computer may ask you to install drivers or do other setup. You can click cancel or close the window. Professional Development. Overview Our Professional Development helps teachers become agile in using new technologies and techniques to engage students in interactive learning experiences. USE MAKEY MAKEY TO DESIGN A VIDEOGAME CONTROLLER. Hummingbird Robotics Kit. Hummingbird Robotics Kit. The Pixel Academy. I want a Makerspace! More about the Makerspace Partner Program.

Digital Centers Internship Program. Makerspaces are social workspaces where people come together to realize creative projects. Tinkercad. Pop Ups — The Makery. KIDS - The Good School. The Good School is a mobile arts education school that cultivates commercial and traditional art making skills and technological understanding via stop motion animation filmmaking. Our classes range from customized stop motion animation workshops to New Method Master Classes taught by working artist professionals. Makerspaces for NYC Kids: 3D Printing, Arduino and Other Hot Technology Workshops. Recently, all the news about high-stakes testing and changes to the Common Core Standards has made me feel like NYC public schools are moving even further away from arts and creative learning and turning into what my father called "conformity factories.

" Luckily in New York City, innovative, cutting-edge learning is just a subway ride away. BitBots at MOMA – KOKO. Digital Centers Internship Program. Summer Camp. Makerspace Intro Young makers will get this summer off to a fun and creative start with a week of game design, robotics, moviemaking, geocaching, an introduction to the Oculus Rift wearable virtual reality headset, and a paper plane x-prize design competition.

More than 10 projects over five days that will introduce your young engineer to the most fun tech-arts projects in the world. Scratch Video Game Design Programming & 3D Design Camp. Create a Maker Space for Kids : Provide Inspiration. Project Gallery. Travail du bois - Etsy Fournitures créatives. Project-Based Engineering for Kids. Original, reliable, and fun collection of project-based engineering lessons for kids (and everyone!) Excited about making STEM project ideas accessible to everyone? Projects Archive - Make:

Tools & Resources – Page 2 – TeacherGeek. KELVIN® Model House Kits. Wood Crafting & Woodcraft Products. Sears: Online department store featuring appliances, tools, fitness equipment and more. Sears makes it easy for Canadian customers to shop for pickup in the United States.