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Créer un routeur Wifi avec un Raspberry Pi et RaspAP. I.

Créer un routeur Wifi avec un Raspberry Pi et RaspAP

Présentation Il existe de nombreux routeurs Wifi sur le marché, fournissant un niveau de service plus ou moins élevé et sur lequel vous avez plus ou moins la main. Les "singleboard computers" (comprendre les ordinateurs à carte unique) dont le Raspberry Pi en tête, offre une myriade de possibilités de réalisations aussi bien pour des applications IoT et domotique, que pour des utilisations réseau. Dans ce tutoriel, je vais vous montrer comment réaliser son propre routeur Wifi avec un Raspberry Pi et RaspAP, et le configurer pour avoir un résultat se rapprochant des meilleurs matériels disponibles. Parmi les fonctionnalités offertes par RaspAP, nous pouvons retrouver : Mode Pont (pour "étendre" votre réseau filaire)Intégration OpenVPN et WireguardBloqueur de pubs intégréUtilisation du trafic en temps réelListe des clients connectésHistorique d'usage de la bande passante sur un mois II. Pour réaliser ce tutoriel, j'ai besoin de : III.

On commence donc par le premier : le choix de l'OS. IV. ANDRE-Ani/SRMonitor: Outil simple de monitoring pour serveur web. Comment fabriquer un routeur Tor avec la Raspberry Pi. Si vous êtes un peu familier des questions de vie privée en ligne, vous connaissez probablement le projet Tor qui vise à créer un réseau internet chiffré et anonyme.

Comment fabriquer un routeur Tor avec la Raspberry Pi.

Dans ce tutoriel nous allons voir comment transformer votre Raspberry Pi en un routeur Tor auquel vous connecter en Wi-Fi pour chiffrer tout votre trafic et masquer votre adresse IP. Le matériel nécessaire pour créer votre propre routeur Tor en Wi-Fi. Créer son routeur Tor demande finalement assez peu de matériel. Ainsi, vous aurez seulement besoin de l’équipement ci-dessous : Vous devrez également pouvoir vous connecter à la Raspberry Pi pour taper des commandes, soit avec un clavier/souris, soit en SSH. Sans titre. A Raspberry PI is a wonderful and powerful little computer.

sans titre

You can even run it as a server 24/7 all year round. There is just one snag: sooner or later the SD card gets corrupted during a write operation. MoodleBox. 79+ Awesome Raspberry Pi Projects - Pi My Life up. On this page, you will find plenty of tutorials ranging from simple beginner projects right through to the more advanced projects that require a fair bit more work.

79+ Awesome Raspberry Pi Projects - Pi My Life up

All these projects are a great way to learn more about both the fundamentals of the Raspberry Pi and also how a Linux operating system works. By doing some of these projects, you will even start to learn bash, PHP, Python and lots more programming & scripting languages. You will learn how to install and use some great tools, entertainment software, and much more. A few examples of what you could do include things such as a retro game emulator, network attached storage, cloud server and so much more. If you’re looking for more beginner Raspberry Pi projects then be sure to check out the page on it.


Sonic Pi - The Live Coding Music Synth for Everyone. Bloc-notes de Sylvain. Ça y est ça tourne (enfin ça fait quelques semaines mais écrire est moins drôle que bidouiller alors ça a pris un peu de temps).

Bloc-notes de Sylvain

Et ça répond aux besoins de base. À l'occasion je ferai un billet sur les améliorations qu'il reste à apporter (faire une boite plus jolie, améliorer le temps d'a... Une première version du projet est maintenant opérationnelle et l'heure est venue de faire un premier bilan des coûts. Au total ce jukebox m'a coûté 65€ (tableau détaillé en bas d'article). Raspberry Pi 3, syndrome Bubka - Raspberry_pi:diy [ PIRATEBOX ] Raspberry Pi(rate)Box 1.1.4 is now available for download via BitTorrent!

raspberry_pi:diy [ PIRATEBOX ]

See our easy DIY instructions below for details on how to build your own Pi(rate)Box. And learn more about the PirateBox project here. Responsive design for ease of use with phones and tablets; UPnP Media Server for local streaming of movies and songs; Image and Message Board for 4chan-like functionality; chat room for anonymous communications; browser-based file sharing system! RaspiSMS 2.0, envoyer des SMS par internet avec la Raspberry Pi.

Aujourd’hui, nous allons parler SMS et Raspberry Pi, avec la nouvelle version de RaspiSMS !

RaspiSMS 2.0, envoyer des SMS par internet avec la Raspberry Pi

Que vous souhaitiez valider l’inscription de vos utilisateurs par SMS, envoyer des SMS par internet ou encore contrôler une installation domotique par SMS, RaspiSMS est fait pour vous ! RaspiSMS c’est quoi ? Raspberry Pi Email Server. The RasPi’s small size and low power consumption make it an ideal choice for use as a home email server.

Raspberry Pi Email Server

After trying a couple of different pieces of software, I finally found an excellent combination: Postfix with Dovecot and Squirrelmail, plus Spamasssassin and Sieve for spam filtering. There are many, many tutorials out there for the first trilogy of programs, but since the configuration is slightly different for each distribution I kept coming unstuck when setting mine up on the Pi. Having finally got mine configured properly, I’ve put together a set of 5 tutorials, which will take you from a vanilla Raspbian image to a fully functioning email server in no time. When writing the tutorial I made an effort to explain what each setting does instead of just dumping commands. Sonic Pi. Ubuntu Mate disponible pour la Raspberry Pi ! Vous connaissez sans doute la très célèbre distribution Linux « Ubuntu ».

Ubuntu Mate disponible pour la Raspberry Pi !

Il s’agit d’une distribution dérivée de Debian et orientée grand public, prévue pour une utilisation quotidienne. Facebook.


Screenly Open Source Edition. XBian. Ratbox Piratebox sous Raspberry Pi. Raspyfi. RasPlex. RaspBMC. Raspbian. Raspberry Pi vrac. PwnPi. Pidora : fedora sur Raspberry Pi. Pi MusicBox. OWNCLOUD. OpenSUSE. OpenELEC. Onion PI - Tor. Minecraft Pi. Maynard. FreeBSD ou Net BSD. Fedora. Arkos. Archlinux. Android. 1 – Raspberry Pi TimeLapse. J’ai décidé de réaliser un time-lapse de la construction de ma maison à ossature bois.

1 – Raspberry Pi TimeLapse

Bien qu’il soit possible d’utiliser des caméras de type GoPro ou du matériel plus ou moins professionnel (et plus ou moins chère aussi), j’ai décidé de créer un dispositif de capture d’image à base d’un Raspberry Pi. Pourquoi ? Parce que si on ne se complique pas la vie, c’est tout de suite beaucoup moins drôle Je créé cette page pour expliquer la manière dont je procède en espérant inspirer des projets similaires. J’espère également pouvoir échanger des avis, et obtenir des conseils, donc n’hésitez pas à partager vos connaissances et expériences en commentaire Avant toute chose, il convient de faire un rapide tour d’horizon des choses à savoir sur le TimeLapse.

Voici un exemple de TimeLapse que j’aime beaucoup Raspberry Pi : Portrait du paysage français (màj 20.05.2015) Quand j'ai débuté sur le Pi il y a quelques années, la quasi totalité du contenu que je trouvais sur le net était rédigé en anglais. 10 simple Raspberry Pi projects that will change your life. Imag We hear about it on the internet all the time, a good portion of you are wondering what it is you exactly want to do with your Raspberry Pi.

There’s a lot of potential for many projects with the Pi, but which one is for you? Wonder no more, as we’ve put together a list of the best ten Raspberry Pi projects that can be used in your day to day life. From practical solutions such as a file server, wireless access point or torrent box, to entertainment applications such as a home theatre PC, portable internet radio and a retro games console. All of them can be completed in an afternoon, and could improve your home set-up. 85 Raspberry Pi uses. ArkOS: Building the anti-cloud (on a Raspberry Pi) - open source, Raspberry Pi - Front Page. At the start of this year, analyst firm Gartner predicted that over the next four years a total of US$677 billion would be spent on cloud services. The growth of 'things-as-a-service' is upending enterprise IT and creating entirely new, innovative business models.

At the same time, social networks such as Facebook and Twitter have built massive user bases, and created databases that are home to enormous amounts of information about account holders. Collectively, all of this means that people's data, and the services they use with it, are more likely than ever to be found outside of home PCs and other personal devices, housed in servers that they will probably never likely to see let alone touch. But, when everything is delivered as a service, people's control and even ownership of their data gets hazy to say the least. arkOS is a Linux-based operating system currently in alpha created by Jacob Cook and the CitizenWeb Project. CitizenWeb Project. Be a NOOBS v1.3 beta tester!

Updated to add: We’ve had some issues accepting comments for this post (blame Eben, who, unbeknown to the rest of us, was doing something he thought was clever to the WordPress database). Comments are open again: please pile in! Liz: Here’s a post from Rob Bishop. Read it thoroughly if you’d like to be a NOOBS v1.3 beta tester – and get downloading!

Earlier in the year we released our New Out of Box Software (known as NOOBS), which was designed to make it easier to install operating systems for the Raspberry Pi without having to worry about manually imaging your SD card unless you explicitly wanted to. After a really positive response to this from the community, we’ve been working hard to make NOOBS even more powerful without compromising on its ease of use and intuitive interface. Can the Raspberry Pi mini computer be displayed on a PC monitor? Create a VPN with the Raspberry Pi. One possible scenario for wanting a cheap server that you can leave somewhere is if you have recently moved away from home and would like to be able to easily access all of the devices on the network at home, in a secure manner.

This will enable you to send files directly to computers, diagnose problems and other useful things. Créer une TimeCapsule avec un Raspberry Pi et un disque dur externe - Swiss Raspberry Pi Users Club. Diffuser une webcam à partir du Raspberry Pi (grace à motion) Comme je vous l'avais annoncé dans mon précédent article, mon objectif premier avec le Raspberry Pi était de mettre en place la diffusion d'une webcam pour surveiller mon bébé dans son lit (faire un visiophone du pauvre geek). L'étape la plus longue a été les tests des différentes solutions et le choix du logiciel final.

Une fois le logiciel choisi (motion), sa mise en place a été plutôt simple et rapide. Framboise 314, le Raspberry Pi à la sauce française…. Guide To…Direct Network Connection. Raspberry Pi Remote Connections – Without A Network! No keyboard or screen available for your Raspberry Pi, but you have a laptop? There are often times when a HDMI monitor is not available to use with your Raspberry Pi. In those circumstances it can be very useful to remote connect using a nearby network and a laptop (see the Guide to…Remote Connections). However, sometimes there isn’t a network available either!

So how can we make use of a laptop screen and keyboard when there is no network? Home - RasPlex. How to Build a Raspberry Pi Twitter Bot. Advertisement Twitter is the world biggest repository of short messages from people with nothing to say – and now you too can contribute to that epic project with an automated Twitter bot, powered by your Raspberry Pi.

I’m kidding, of course – some people actually tweet interesting things. I’m not one of them though – I use my mine for shameless product promotion in exchange for free stuff, competition entries, and auto-posting new episodes of our very own Technophilia Podcast. Whatever – my followers love me! How to Clone Your Raspberry Pi SD Card for Super Easy Reinstallations. How to make a DIY home alarm system with a raspberry pi and a webcam. Step #1: Make your webcam stealth I wanted to hide the camera in an inconspicuous place outside my door, so I removed the webcam’s casing. The Logitech C270 is a really good choice for this project as (1) it is 100% compatible with pi, (2) it has a really good 720p HD resolution and (3) it is very very small. How to make a DIY home alarm system with a raspberry pi and a webcam — Medium.

How to Turn a Raspberry Pi into a Low-Power Network Storage Device. Mix together one Raspberry Pi and a sprinkle of cheap external hard drives and you have the recipe for an ultra-low-power and always-on network storage device. Read on as we show you how to set up your own Pi-based NAS. Why Do I Want to Do This? The benefit of having an always-on network storage device is that it’s extremely convenient to have your data (or backup destination) always accessible to the computers both inside and outside your network.

Installer-un-serveur-web-lamp. Que signifie LAMP ? ⇒ Linux Apache Mysql Php. MagPi issue 16: out today! MagPi issue 20 – your free Raspberry Pi magazine, out now. Issue 20, February 2014, of the excellent MagPi Magazine was released this week. I’m completely stealing the editorial by Matt from The MagPi team to introduce this issue (as you may have guessed, Liz is away. And I am not as good as Liz at this. There, I said it :)) Anyway, read The MagPi! It’s jam packed with brilliant stuff as ever: — MagPi issue 25 – out now! For your weekend reading pleasure, here’s issue 25 of the MagPi!

Published just yesterday, the latest issue of everyone’s favourite free, monthly, community-produced Raspberry Pi magazine is as full of fantastic stuff as ever. Click to read The MagPi! The cover story is one that’ll definitely get some attention in our house this weekend: it’s a full Python simulation of the Pocket Enigma Cipher Machine, a cleverly devised toy that demonstrates some of the principles of a real Enigma machine like the one many of you will recognise in the cover photo. Used by the German armed forces during World War II to encipher messages, these used rotating disks to achieve a sophisticated substitution cipher; the Pocket machine, and its Python simulation, use two disks to arrive at a fun, if not exactly unbreakable, cipher.

Music hack of the decade: Panflute Hero! Jhonny Göransson was part of the team that made what’s simply the daftest and most wonderful music hack we’ve seen so far. The moment he tweeted about it last night, we knew we had to show it to you as soon as we could. It’s called Panflute Hero. Noobs, un logiciel pour utiliser sa Raspberry Pi quand on est débutant.

Noobs est un pur produit du vocabulaire geek et un dérivé de l’argot Anglais pour New boy qui a donné Newbie puis Noob par contraction. C’est la remarque habituelle faite en ligne a quelqu’un qui ne connait pas trop son sujet. Note names, MIDI numbers and frequencies. Raspberry Pi. Ouverture du planet dédié au Raspberry Pi. Pi MusicBox. Pi never sounded so good! Planet Libre - Transformer un Raspberry Pi en passerelle vers Hubic d'OVH : Nginx, script Toorop & Cloudfuse. Planet RaspFR. Presents Wolfson Audio Card for Raspb. R-Pi Troubleshooting. Raspberry & razberry. Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi IV Beginners. Raspberry Pi as WSPR transmitter up to 250 MHz. Raspberry Pi Bluetooth Receiver for your Car Stereo.

Raspberry Pi Disk Images. Raspberry Pi Home Server – Raspbian – Installer un proxy avec Squid et accélérer votre navigation. Raspberry Pi OpenCV Pan & Tilt Face Tracker. Raspberry Pi XBMC Solutions Compared: Raspbmc vs OpenELEC vs XBian. Raspberry Pi – Comment mettre à jour le firmware ? Raspberry Pirate Radio. Raspberry-pi. Raspberrypi (Raspberry Pi) RaspFR. RasPyPlayer, a simple media player for the Raspberry Pi ! RasTrack. Screenly - Digital Signage for the Raspberry Pi. Sonic Pi. Test de la caméra Raspberry Pi 5M. The MagPi issue 17, out now. Tudor theatre, 21st century technology. Turn a Raspberry Pi Into an Always-On Usenet Downloading Machine. Une carte son avec chipset Wolfson conçue pour la Raspberry Pi. Une chaine HiFi Spotify à base de Raspberry Pi. Using a Raspberry Pi with Android phones for media streaming with UPnP / DLNA. What is arkOS? Wolfson Audio Card.

Workshops Raspberry Pi et objets connectés - Eventbrite.