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RHINO ASSESTS LINK – digital futures. Surface Patterns With The ShopBot Writer for Grasshopper. The file is meant to be used for academic, and other non-profit institutions for non-commercial, non-profit internal research purposes. This file was created (and tested) in Grasshopper version (0.7.0055). Results may vary if using a different version. Grasshopper Shop Bot Writer (369kb - right click and 'Save Link As') Disclaimer: This file is provided by Andrew Payne | Lift Architects and is furnished "as is". Any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. Luz Indirecta Vismat Pack 01. Furniture | Flying Architecture. Render Farm - Online Render Farm Service | Fox Renderfarm. Food4Rhino | The plug-in community service for Rhino. Experimenting Rhino Panelling Tools. MultiSection Pipe 01///////////////////////////////////////

Dec07// Master degree at Politecnico di Torino with a computational design thesis TMD_tsunami memorial design competition, network as design tool::: prof.Roberto Apostolo, prof.Mario Grosso, Arch.Andrea GrazianoJan08// Join at studioGriffa, Turin as project architectFeb08// at DRL TEN exhibition, Architectural Association, London with K_pavilion project ::: visiting Zaha Hadid Architects London, attends co|de lecture: Shajay Booshan, Danilo Arsic Feb08// K_pavilion publicated at DRL TEN book.Mar08// UIA infopoint competition.May08// MCA, Mario Cucinella architects "Una stanza di luce" workshop at Cavallerizza Chiablese, TurinJun08// Workshop “Parametric Architecture” tutors Ludovica Tramontin Asp(e)x and Erich Schoenenberger(Su11 architecture+design, Pratt Insitute, NY, USA)Jul08/// Torino World Design Summer School “Prototyping the city” assistant tutor of EcologicStudio-Architectural Association, NSU-GSAPP-Columbia University and Politecnico di Torino+ Configuration 0 project.

Patternism. Adventures in Parametric Analysis. Grasshopper. Space Symmetry Structure | journeys in the Apeiron. Grasshopper. CURVLABS | BRIAN HARMS. [Ay]Architecture. ModeLab. Grasshopper scripts. ISSUU Following.