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To This Day Project - Shane Koyczan. Shane Koyczan: "To This Day" ... for the bullied and beautiful. Calm sea reference for CG dynamic simulation. Friday lunch. KN1GHT - Last Moon (Official Music Video) Advanced Computer Graphics (CSCI 4530/6530) - Spring 2013. A Gentle Introduction to Programming Using Python | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. 65daysofstatic - PRISMS (Official Video) Working with Noise. Working with NoisePublished: Sept 24, 2013 for Houdini 12.5 An introductory workshop on using noise to artistically direct your scene. While the course starts at an introductory level later topics will need an intermediate knowledge of Houdini. Topics covered include what is the difference between random and noise functions.

Creating a drunken walk algorithm. Contiguous and non-contiguous noise, the different types of noise functions in Houdini, and how to shape noise. We will then discuss a workflow to displace geometry in VOPSOPs using noise functions in Houdini. The scene files for this lesson are available using the button at the top right just under the embedded video.

Instructor | Ari Danesh Ari Danesh is a Visual FX artist and Interactive Designer with 12 years experience teaching at the University level. Box: Robotically-Manipulated Rectangles Become Projection-Mapped 3D Illusions. Big robots, subtle effects. That’s the result in “Box,” a mesmerizing set of etudes on three-dimensional projection-mapped illusions. Spun and levitated on two robots – the type you’d normally see in auto manufacturing and the like – rectangular projection surfaces transform into three-dimensional spaces for a wide range of effects. Each basic element of technique here is familiar, but as we reach an apex of neo-baroque digital experimentation, those techniques fuse into magical illusions, each more dazzling than the last. It’s filmmaking, but everything is captured in-camera.

(It should still be reasonably impressive in person, though the parallax effects require a single vantage point of the camera lens.) San Francisco’s Bot & Dolly is a multi-disciplinary production house that straddles the boundaries between filmmaking, “automation,” and design. Here’s how they describe the project: “Box” explores the synthesis of real and digital space through projection-mapping on moving surfaces. BOX DEMO - .work | GMUNK. Info: While collaborating with the geniuses at Bot & Dolly in beautiful San Francisco, Munkowitz was tasked to Design Direct a truly unique piece called BOX.. The piece was originally supposed to function as a Technology Demo, but Munkowitz and the team quickly realized it's visual potential and transformed it into a Design and Performance Piece… The resulting short film is a one-of-a-kind visual and technological achievement due to the very special combination of talent and gear behind the doors of the B&D facility...

The piece was essentially grounded on the principles of Stage Magic, invoking five of the basic categorizations of Illusionary.. These Categories greatly informed the conceptual and aesthetic foundation and were fused with a graphic design aesthetic heavy in Minimalistic Form and Illuminated Geometry.. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. -Arthur C. Clarke BOX Credit List. The $200K lesson I learned from getting shot. A few weeks ago, I wrote an essay for this website about the time two young black men shot me in Washington, D.C. The purpose of the article was to bring a new and personal perspective to an ongoing debate about racial profiling that had grown particularly pitched at the time. This article is a preface to that story, which I hope will serve a similar purpose, but with respect to a completely different debate.

Right now, a number of conservative groups, with financial backing from well-heeled fellow travelers like Charles and David Koch, are engaged in a campaign to convince young, uninsured people not to enroll in Obamacare — to remain uninsured rather than enter and strengthen the state-based health insurance markets the Affordable Care Act is building. Young people are typically healthy. Adults will make their own decisions. If you read my original article, you already know I was shot three times in the early morning hours of July 2, 2008. Back in 2008, I was pretty new to journalism. Rue89. 74% des Français déclarent réprouver les stéréotypes sexistes, mais plus de deux sur trois sont incapables de les identifier. « Les stéréotypes sont aujourd’hui banalisés et même intériorisés [...], il faut tomber dans la caricature pour que cela interpelle spécifiquement », rappelait en mars l’étude menée par Mediaprism et le Laboratoire de l’égalité.

Chaque jour apportant son lot de contrariétés féministes, d’articles, notes de blogs dénonçant ces stéréotypes, tempêtant, sans que cela ne change grand-chose, j’ai pris à la lettre les recommandations de Mediaprism et je suis allée chercher les dix meilleures productions de ces dernières années qui inversent les rôles. « Defined Lines » La parodie antisexiste de « Blurred Lines » « Blurred Lines », le clip de Robin Thicke, n’en finit pas de faire parler de lui.

Le clip de Robin Thicke « Blurred Lines » « Defined Lines », parodie de « Blurred Lines » Pin-up au masculin Des hommes dans des poses acrobatiques « La série “Men-ups !” Le Pariteur. The future of filmmaking. 27 Signs You're In A Serious Relationship With Hot Sauce.