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Documenta Archiv for the Art of the 20th and 21th Centuries - Home. Documenta Archiv will be closed from 18. to 21. of April. Due to unforeseen circumstances the media archive of documenta archive cannot work in the usual way, therefore it will take more time to prepare the high resolution scans of images for our customers we can only deliver these high resolution scans of images that you will find in our database mediencluster-documenta (documenta I-V) We plan to start the usual service at the end of April 2014 and like to thank you in advance for your understanding. Since its inception, the Kassel "documenta” has been the largest and also the most esteemed exhibition of contemporary art in the world. The very extensive volume of material that is regularly generated on the occasion of this exhibition (which now is held every five years) prompted Arnold Bode, the documenta’s founder, to create an archive in 1961 expressly for the documenta exhibition.

THE WARBURG INSTITUTE: Home. Portail général. Research Library Catalog: Basic Search. Archives de la critique d'art - bibliothèque patrimoniale, centre de recherche et de débat sur la critique d'art et l'histoire de l'art contemporain. ENSA de Limoges-Aubusson - Documentation en ligne. Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication 2008.